Lisbon's Moderator Application

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MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): NotTuga

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): after it reset back in early 2022, it is now 7 weeks, 1 day and 19 hours

Age: 19 years young

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: GMT+

NATO name (regiment and rank): SAS SGM [Lisbon]

NWO name (regiment and rank): STS PVT ' Aspen'

Civilian name: Akuna

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109323295

Discord ID: not_tuga

Do you have a mic?: Yes I do

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
many of them are old but the recent ones the FailRP ones i honestly dont remember, the Headglitch was based off a clip that you could barely see if its a SAS but cause i was throwing grenades and it hit the same person the damage logs lined up. you can even see in the clip my nades was landing beside the person when the headglitch was happening.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
Yes i have quite a bit of experience on here MRP but aswell on DarkRP but mostly testing addons and bugs on DarkRP. On here i've been Staff Twice i think did quite good in both times. One of the times i had a little accident which got me kicked off the staff team and i have reflected of it and when it happened i understood why it was a problem.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes I do have experience, i may be quite goofy, i mean thats what games are for, but from Joining the Special forces Regiments for most of my Time in CN for example, SAS, AG and STS has given me more experience to hone my experience in serious roleplay and be strict within a regiment. So i have been in 17th and got to LT, i have been in SAS and got to CPT, I have been in high command, also have been in STS and got to Major and now i am back on SAS and already SGM.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I can be mostly on Everyday hitting around 3 or more hours a day.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
Like i have always said to people I would love to assist other people if they are in a sticky situation or someone broke the rules, aswell with roleplay once i get to Smod or higher i maybe be able to help with different things maybe aswel; help Gamemasters with their events to improve the roleplay on the server.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I'd gladly contribute in every way possible. I'm highly energetic and ambitious. This brings me immense enjoyment and keeps me in high spirits to be able to help people. I maintain a respectful demeanor towards others, assisting new players and ensuring rule-breakers are addressed appropriately. While I don't consider myself unique, I believe everyone possesses their distinct qualities. Nevertheless, I'm committed to lending a helping hand wherever needed.


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 24, 2020

I am writing to express my opposition to NotTuga's mod application for the Garry's Mod Military Roleplay server. While I understand the importance of adding dedicated moderators to our team, I have reservations about NotTuga's suitability for this role.

In my interactions with NotTuga, I have observed behaviors and attitudes that raise concerns about their ability to fulfill the responsibilities of a moderator effectively. Specifically, I have noticed instances where NotTuga's judgment seemed questionable, and their actions appeared to disrupt rather than enhance the server environment.

Furthermore, I believe there are other candidates within our community who may be better suited for the role of a moderator. These individuals have demonstrated consistent maturity, fairness, and a genuine commitment to upholding the rules and values of our server.

While I appreciate NotTuga's contributions to our community, I believe that appointing them as a moderator could potentially undermine the positive atmosphere we strive to maintain. Therefore, I respectfully urge you to reconsider their application and explore alternative candidates who may better align with the needs and values of our server.

Thank you for considering my perspective on this matter.

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I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my opposition to NotTuga's mod application for the Garry's Mod Military Roleplay server.While I appreciate NotTuga's presence in our community and their contributions, I have reservations regarding their suitability for a moderator role.

Throughout my interactions with NotTuga, I have observed instances where their behavior and decision-making raised concerns about their ability to impartially enforce server rules and maintain a positive environment.Specifically, there have been occasions where NotTuga's actions seemed inconsistent or lacked transparency, which could potentially lead to misunderstandings or conflicts among players.

Additionally, I have noticed instances where their approach to resolving disputes appeared to favor certain individuals or groups over others, which goes against the principles of fairness and equality that we aim to uphold on our server.In light of these concerns, I believe it is important to carefully evaluate NotTuga's readiness for a moderator position and consider alternative candidates who may better align with the values and expectations of our community. Selecting moderators who demonstrate a strong commitment to fairness, transparency, and accountability is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our server and ensuring a positive experience for all players.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that you will carefully consider the feedback provided by members of our community when making decisions regarding moderator appointments.Thank you for your time and understanding.



Verily, in perusing the application tendered by the individual known as nottuga for the exalted station of moderator within our esteemed Garry's Mod server, I am compelled to proffer forthright apprehensions of a weighty nature.Methinks the historical comportment of nottuga doth unveil a dismaying dearth of patience and sagacity—essential virtues requisite for the judicious oversight demanded in our noble gaming environs.

Alas, the role demands a steady hand and sound judgment, attributes seemingly absent from the applicant's displayed demeanor. Furthermore, the august office of Garry's Mod server moderator necessitates the exercise of diplomacy and even-handedness in the resolution of disputes and the maintenance of decorum. Regrettably, nottuga's antecedent interactions betray a penchant for strife rather than conciliation—a lamentable trait for one aspiring to moderatorial eminence.

In summation, based upon these sober reflections, it is my considered opinion that nottuga may lack the requisite temperance and prudence to discharge the duties attendant upon a Garry's Mod server moderator with due efficacy.

It behooves us to proceed with circumspection in appointing stewards to positions of influence within our cherished virtual realm.

I remain, with all due sincerity,

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