Listen to the players and actually play the game

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Sep 7, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
-Reduce MRP staff requirements, they have the same requirements as SCP staff on a server which has almost triple the amount of active players.

-Play the game, get SL to try and come on more consistently as well as the developers to see what the issues are.

-Get a better balance as staff, at the moment staff have a very weird balance for when they will actively get involved in stuff on Discord and in game. Majority of the time you won't get involved unless somebody calls a sit/complains even if you see it happening which is ridiculous. You demoted Aleem from HM to SM for making a rude comment and gave him a major infraction but did absolutely nothing to help Harry when he was being harassed daily about Vietnam.

-Put a forum up once a month or something that players can comment on about issues they're having on the server that they might not feel is worth coming to the forums about.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
-No idea.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-More people will play daily because it will look like staff cares.

-More content can be added as SL will see the issues in game first hand.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Can't see any.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I have played this server for almost 3 years and it has gone to shit. SL don't care anymore, the players don't care because SL don't care and then staff don't care because nobody else does. People have told you what they want but it gets denied because SCP is now the priority, MRP is now the test server for SCP because its dying. Out of the 6 SL members in MRP I only see Chillet and Steven Connor on consistently the rest of you don't even come on anymore then say you're out of ideas for the game because you don't play. Actually come on the game and play it so you can get why any of the things being suggested are up here, stop just denying things without seeing where people are coming from. Or unban/blacklist old SL who actually care about the server to fix it for you.
Upvote 5
Sep 7, 2022
Have you contacted Network Leadership with your concerns directly? Its clear there is some unrest on MRP but you should read the comment Yeke put on the other suggestion not so long ago. Just reach out directly to NL and I am sure they'll look into it for you.
As far as I am aware the majority of what I have listed has been brought up to NL and SL by other people and nothing has been done or they have been denied. I do believe that some NL, SL and devs care however at them moment it's not enough for the server.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hello @BenShapiro

Thankyou for taking the time to make a suggestion, however this isnt something that really falls under this catagory, however I will reply here as it is already here.

-Reduce MRP staff requirements, they have the same requirements as SCP staff on a server which has almost triple the amount of active players.

MRP do not currently have to meet requirements listed in the staff handbook fully, however should make an attempt, which has been communicated to SSL after discussion (i.e. going on AOD and completing the AOD time and taking sits) they should aim to reach them, but we are aware it is not possible and wont penalise someone unless they clearly don't bother trying

-Play the game, get SL to try and come on more consistently as well as the developers to see what the issues are.

SL should be active, however there are a few LOAs right now which make it harder, and as a result we can refuse LOAs which gives the option for immediate resignation as per staff handbook, but doing so puts us in the same situation and we end up with no staff, this should be a temporary solution and our newest CS have been on MRP to learn the server.

-Get a better balance as staff, at the moment staff have a very weird balance for when they will actively get involved in stuff on Discord and in game. Majority of the time you won't get involved unless somebody calls a sit/complains even if you see it happening which is ridiculous. You demoted Aleem from HM to SM for making a rude comment and gave him a major infraction but did absolutely nothing to help Harry when he was being harassed daily about Vietnam.

Staff I agree should treat all situations as they would do with anyone else, and ensure bad actors are penalised, and with that I will ensure staff are more vigilant regarding this behaviour.

-Put a forum up once a month or something that players can comment on about issues they're having on the server that they might not feel is worth coming to the forums about.

This, we can look into, however, player issues massivley seem to vary for MRP which has stagnated our ability to change things, where either votes or concerns when looked into actually swing the opposite way to the vocal persons as not everyone is vocal about issues, however as rightly said in the comments MRP does have a feedback section where players can go and I would hope SSL read these as often as they can.

Out of the 6 SL members in MRP I only see Chillet and Steven Connor on consistently the rest of you don't even come on anymore then say you're out of ideas for the game because you don't play.
I will review activity times after this if this is the case.

Or unban/blacklist old SL who actually care about the server to fix it for you.
Unfortunately, this will resolve nothing and will not happen, there is a reason they are banned / blacklisted and allowing them back would be a risk to the service rather than a positive.

SL don't care anymore, the players don't care because SL don't care and then staff don't care because nobody else does.

I have seen both sides of the coin regarding this matter and its an issue with perspective, players want to return to the old service, when certain actions were allowed, however SL do not want this and nor do NL, and as a result this has lead to contention on the matter.

Furthermore the actions of some players really doesn't help the playerbase, when staff try to help at the request or be active, and then have players telling staff to "fuck off", over time the constant whittling down will reduce the staff's enjoyment and care for the server, but they stay here because they do care and want things to work.

However I appreciate at some times this can feel like they do not want anything to do with the service.

People have told you what they want but it gets denied because SCP is now the priority, MRP is now the test server for SCP because its dying

This is not the case just because SCP is the priority, we have never denied anything for this, nor is MRP just a test server, we have dev servers for tests for a reason, however yes it is true SCP is a priority as it is the service that does bring in the income which keeps MRP and other services afloat, and that is not something we can sit and pretend isnt the case, but as it stands, we care about MRP, but we at the same time, there are other issues that are not for public forum.

You may reach out to me if you have any further concerns.

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