Denied Lower damage grenades do to tanks

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Lower the amount of damage grenades do to tanks.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not sure

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes tanks more useful when pushing tight fobs as grenades to over 1000 damage.
More realism as grenades are not gonna do that much damage

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People complain about not being able to kill tanks, but every regiment gets C4, AT4 and access to KWK.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Please make tanks more useable they are already washed
Upvote -3
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Anakin Skywalker

MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Feb 7, 2021

They do around 300-400ish dmg if they did 1k you wouldnt survive any encounter with a max mastery player ive went through and from what i have seen it would take around probably 30 grenades to kill a tank used it on the t14 with 8 nades did not do anything (went from 12k to only 11784) tried on NATO vehicles aswell got the same result the only thing i have seen is that the NATO HQ takes 2k dmg on first nade then all other nades do 100-400dmg same with the USSR HQ (my 30 nades thing is most likely wrong is probably more or less im just giving a very rough guess as im not going to sit and nade a vehicle when ive just woken up im not down for nading a vehicle 30 times)

Edit: so from further testing the 2k dmg is RNG sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt sometimes all nades only do 100-400dmg sometimes the first nade does the 2k and then all others just do 100-400 (only happens on the HQ'S)
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They do around 300-400ish dmg if they did 1k you wouldnt survive any encounter with a max mastery player ive went through and from what i have seen it would take around probably 30 grenades to kill a tank used it on the t14 with 8 nades did not do anything (went from 12k to only 11784) tried on NATO vehicles aswell got the same result the only thing i have seen is that the NATO HQ takes 2k dmg on first nade then all other nades do 100-400dmg same with the USSR HQ (my 30 nades thing is most likely wrong is probably more or less im just giving a very rough guess as im not going to sit and nade a vehicle when ive just woken up im not down for nading a vehicle 30 times)

Edit: so from further testing the 2k dmg is RNG sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt sometimes all nades only do 100-400dmg sometimes the first nade does the 2k and then all others just do 100-400 (only happens on the HQ'S)
They do 1k if they land under tanks and around 500 if its in the proximity. As someone who's been Col in both a tank reg and an inf reg i think the damage needs to be only around 200ish however i think to compensate for this the AT4 damage needs to be buffed by 1.5x to 2x so more people would actually want to play anti armor jobs.
They do 1k if they land under tanks and around 500 if its in the proximity. As someone who's been Col in both a tank reg and an inf reg i think the damage needs to be only around 200ish however i think to compensate for this the AT4 damage needs to be buffed by 1.5x to 2x so more people would actually want to play anti armor jobs.
Also depends on the type of amror the vehicle has, something like a boxer or HQ takes more damage from explosives compared to MBTs.
Jul 10, 2021

My process of thinking is like this:
MBTs should NEVER be incapacitated by grenades, or even threatened by them. I'd cap the dmg they can do at like 200 per nade.
Anything with medium armour (HQs, Boxers etc) should take considerably more, but still not be reliably killable if they're moving. Cap at like 500dmg.
Anything other than that, be that Humvees or trucks should take a good amount of damage from nades but obviously compensating for their already low health point, this should be 500 too.
[I realistically have no clue what the dmg figures are or how they work, I'm going off the numbers Nirvan posted stating that currently they do around 500 to MBTs and 1000 if they go under the tracks].

Process is due to:
-MBTs should be only threatened by other MBTs, CAS, AT and KwKs. Infantry should realistically get stomped by MBTs.
-IFVs should be a severe threat to infantry but still killable with battle-tactics and coordinated fire.
-Light vehicles should be seriously threatened by infantry and should be easily killable with a good rambo-esque technique of using nades well.

Anyone who disagrees with this idea please tell why.
They do 1k if they land under tanks and around 500 if its in the proximity. As someone who's been Col in both a tank reg and an inf reg i think the damage needs to be only around 200ish however i think to compensate for this the AT4 damage needs to be buffed by 1.5x to 2x so more people would actually want to play anti armor jobs.

Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi Bobby,
Your suggestion has been denied. This isn't possible with the way the grenade is actually configured, it's a set amount of damage to ALL vehicles not just Tanks so therefore you would rely too heavily on AT4's which would then mean we'd have to end up handing out more AT4s to cater for killing simple vehicles even like humvies. When Kermit finishes his update for tanks, this will be MUCH more easy to configure and work out as we can have individual damage amplifiers. Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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