Accepted Lower the vehicle damage of the ISAF/IVG 'Milkor MK1'

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will lower the overall damage the Milkor MK1 does to vehicles, as it stands it does extremely high damage to vehicles. (around 3 shots can destroy a BTR, one mag can destroy a K-16/17), I have attached a clip of such damage.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I'm unsure, though I've not seen it recently suggested.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Balance ISAF/IVG versus vehicles, mostly IFVs and some MBTs.
Improve the gameplay loop of 17thAR and 1stAL, allowing them to use their main items more without being instantly destroyed.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Unsure, this could involve some development time though it'd just be modifying the damage values.
ISAF/IVG will have their Grenadier job nerfed by this change, making it more anti-infantry than anti-vehicle (Though they have jobs for Anti-Armour anyways.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this change will overall improve the 17thAR and 1stALs performance in-game, allowing them to bring more IFVs out and would encourage ISAF/IVG to use their Anti-Armour jobs more than the Grenadier job against armour.
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Bro it is hard to kill vehicles with a grenadier
heavy armor vehicles is take 50 damage per shot
Light armor vehicles like the boxer and the BTR-90 takes at least 500 damage per shot it takes 10 shots from a Grenadier to kill a one BTR
Same shit goes to 4 shots of an AT4 to destroy one BTR

I don't see you make a suggestion to debuff the AT4 since it's very op to kill NWO vehicles

don't get pissed off after being killed with it Once only
Feb 27, 2023
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