luaes' MRP Moderator Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): minecraftredstonepro1

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 01w 2d 01h 38m

Age: I am currently 15 years old, however, I turn 16 later this month.

In what country are you located?: I am from Scotland.

Time zone: My time zone is BST

NATO name (regiment and rank): I do not play NATO anymore however I used to play it in Late 2020 into early 2021 where I got to the rank of PSC in JAF.

USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA 1SGT luaes [ORB]

Civilian name: luaes.

Steam ID: My steam ID is STEAM_0:1:176269831

Do you have a mic?: Yes I have a mic and I use it frequently.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes, this is the first application I have made.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- No I do have any kick, bans or warnings so far on the civil gamers network throughout my time playing on this server, and I am hoping to keep it this way for the foreseeable future.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Yes I have a lot of experience being a staff member in different communities. For example, on another GMOD Military RP server, I was staff for over a year where I worked my way up to the rank of Senior Moderator, which is also rank equivalent to senior moderator on civil gamers. On this server, for the year or so I was staff before the server shut down, I learned a lot from being a staff member and gained a lot of experience from the mass amount of sits I took and as well as this, I took on many responsibilities and was trusted with many staffing powers such as training trial moderators as well as a lot of punishment permissions that I was able to use to choose the right punishment depending on the situation. Also on this server, I worked alongside and as staff and helped a few members which play on civil gamers MRP or did, e.g, Jack G Gaming, Ozzy, Tom, Eisenhower and others.

I was also an admin on a Minecraft server where I took on the responsibility of dealing with any forums reports or problems, dealt with staff applications, interviews and training and was active in-game to take care of any issues and spectate people to make sure they were following server rules.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes I also have a lot of experience with serious roleplay. For example, on the same GMOD Military RP server mentioned above, I reached the rank of Lt Gen, which is different in rank equivalence to this server, but it was a regimental rank and had the responsibility of a Colonel/Lt Colonel in a reconnaissance style regiment which was merged into special forces where I learned a lot about leading and taking responsibility for a regiment as well as working in a team and communicating with people. Also in this server, I was a part of the Air Force where I reached an officer rank and partook in many different responsibilities from para drops, CAS, Dogfighting and Scouting missions.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- As of currently, I can only be on around 1-2 hours on a weekday however I can play more on weekends, the reason for this is that I have exams coming up so I am dedicating a lot of my time to studying for these however once they are finished I am able to dedicate more time to the server.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- I would like to become a moderator for this server as I have had a very enjoyable time playing on this server and I have wished to become staff on it for a while now. I also wish to be able to help others to enjoy the server as much as i have as I really enjoy helping people, and staff members on this server have contributed to my enjoyment of the server and I wish to pay it forward.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
- I think I would be a great addition to the staff team as I can bring a lot of my past experience of moderating other MRP servers to the team. On top of this, I am very mature, approachable and friendly which are all good characteristics of a good staff member, as well as this, I am also non-bias and impartial which means I am able to listen to both sides of an argument before coming to a conclusion and not pick sides even if I know one of the people, which is needed when dealing with staff sits. On top of this, I am very determined and can do almost any task put in front of me which is in line with my permissions by using my past experience being staff on MRP servers. And finally, I enjoy trying to help and communicate with others and as well as this, I am very trustworthy and have a great sense of humour and can have a laugh with people however I can also be serious whenever I need to.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
Me and luaes used to staff the same server. He taught me what to do and helped me become a competent staff member he has experience and is a great staff. I know for a fact he would be a great staff member.

+super nice
-could use more detail

Ill give you a +support luaes because i remember you mentoring me on the server we shall not speak of. You were one of the main staff members in my eyes, constantly playing and always helping out.


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
=Haven't had enough interactions with you to form a verdict.
=Okay application.


MRP War Veteran
Feb 26, 2021

You were a great staff member on our old community, always demonstrating maturity and competence as staff. However my only concern is that you may still not be well-known enough among players in this community.

Best of luck Lewis!
Feb 21, 2022

Hello Luaes, I don't have many interactions with you but I'm gonna leave my verdict with positive support. Your application is very well written and It's very pleasing to see that you have a lot of experience as a Staff and serious Roleplayer.

I wish you the best of luck with your application!


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
-/+ Neutral

Not much interaction in-game


Hey, I can't give a verdict due to lack of interaction, good luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
May 28, 2021

I don't have any interactions with you therefore i cannot form a accurate verdict.

Good luck.
Mar 14, 2022
  • You are Scottish.
  • I like the length of your application, I don't think it's too long or short and conveys the main points needed.

  • You are a wee bit young which presents questions on your maturity.
  • I don't know how active you are.
  • I don't know you personally.

  • I will stay NEUTRAL on this due to the fact I don't know you enough to give a realistic verdict.
Hello All,

I would just like to start off by saying thank you all for viewing my application and replying with your verdicts, as I am aware and I know I haven't had a lot of interactions with many of the staff members on the server, one reason for this would be because I am a USSR main which means I don't interact with NATO as much as I would USSR, unless it is during war, however, if any of you would like to jump into a teamspeak call to get to know me or ask me any questions you may have, for example, my rule knowledge, feel free to poke me on teamspeak, I am usually in Shock comms and my name is the same as my in-game name (luaes)

You are a wee bit young which presents questions on your maturity.
As Caleb has said, my age may present a few questions and questionable reactions towards my maturity which I understand as many young people can be quite immature due to many reasons as well as the stereotype that young people are not responsible or mature yet, however, I feel as if I have quite good maturity as I was staff for over a year so I know how staff are supposed to behave and represent themselves, but as well as this, I have been mistaken for being much older than what I am as some people thought I was around 17-18ish which presents a good case for me being quite mature for my age.

Thank you all for your good luck wishes,
- luaes


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2022

No interactions
Unsure about rule knowledge and maturity

Goodluck tho my man
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