Denied Major Combat Rework Idea

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Jimothy Leaderson

MRP War Veteran
Dec 11, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Makes a multitude of changes to guns in MRP, to stop the arguments over issues with guns. Open a dialogue on it I'll list how, and make it more tactical.;

Generally, this idea could be enacted in a few ways:

1: Be more open about guns to the community, so people don't go 'oh NWO gun OP!!'. This can be done by making a weapons spreadsheet (I believe a staff based one exists, so could be used with some edits blocked out to avoid people buying perma weapons that can be considered the most 'optimal'.

Hold discussions between regiments, and open a town hall to take in community suggestions to build on my proposed ideas and see if anyone has any new ones.

2: Fix combat disparities, readd the perma weapon cooldown HOWEVER make it so it will only scale to a maximum of 120 seconds rather than the old 5 minutes. This was what I believe was originally suggested regarding perma weapon cooldowns, but instead was made 0. I understand why, to make it so more people want to buy but MRP is around 70-80% combat based, if not completely. It just doesn't function like SCP is, where weapons simply aren't as vital to the gameplay loop.

Alongside this, make all combat jumping (even once) against the rules and make it so you can only crouch once each firefight. People jumping once because they got 'spooked' are in my opinion not being very reasonable. It's much easier to have no jumping allowed and staff can go on a sit by sit basis as guidelines allow them to issue verbal warnings if a player is apologetic and did genuinely not intend to jump in the firefight. I use the one jump rule myself but would prefer not to, to help MRP's combat move to a more realistic and enjoyable aspect.

3: In terms of the actual changes, I have my own proposal.

Decrease Hipfire spread, by a quarter of what it is now should be okay? (Feel free to correct me any of the Content Team who work with the weapons). This means it's not impractical to hipfire, but using a scope is much more preferable.

Increase the time to kill, which will drag out combat and make it more tactical. This will move MRP from a Call of Duty style game to more Squad style, and can be bolstered by new initiatives to promote RP and teaching leadership in regiments to teach their own members how to fight effectively. I believe new players will enjoy getting at least some form of a chance to win the firefight or compete in it rather than getting 2 tapped by an MSBS out of nowhere by Xx_SweatyPlayer_xX (Some bullshit idk) and spending the war going 2-17 probably makes it less enjoyable. This would be done with some slight damage reductions so that all guns only kill in preferably 3+ hits minimum, and for SMGs/ARs there will also be noticeable reductions in the RPM and major ones to recoil, so rather than death in 1-3 seconds you will get time to reach for cover and prepare for a proper fight. To compliment this, I believe sniper magazines should be halved and recoil upped significantly to make it genuinely feel like you are using a sniper rifle, not just a one shot low fire rate DMR.

And look at regimental weapons, ask them if they've got any issues alongside this so such as the Scorpion which I believe still wasn't replaced for JAF? Despite a change vote a while back. Look at the AK-12 in terms of 1stAL and ensure that all guns are tracked and balanced properly in these changes. Make any necessary changes to the jugg, flamer & autorifleman jobs to accompany this as they will have greater HP.

Oh also, give NATO & NWO Infantry jobs smoke grenades so they can enjoy being tactical.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
It's similar in the fact its a weapon suggestion but the previous one was almost a year ago for laser weapons.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- May support player retention, give them a greater chance in fighting so they will want to stay.
- Tactics become more important, they may be useful rather than just run in and hope you win. Regiments MAY provide more training on this. (RP!!!)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Everyone fucking hates it
- VGuns may be unable to support such changes in style and might instead just make combat really fucking boring.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Might not need accepting, I just want to see what people think due to the amount of complaints around.
Upvote 1
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Active member
Dec 4, 2022
+/- Support

Some will take this as a cope suggestion, however I do strongly believe that the weapon hip fire has always been over excessive within the servers weapon combat. As well as this I do believe there is reasonings for these "Spreadsheets" to be released however I do also think this could have an impact on the players base and in terms of picking which faction to join, it would become more of a "which one would I prefer" than a "Which one has the better guns in accordance to the spreadsheet". The reason for the specific statistics being hidden is to waver individuals which I think is generally a good idea.

drako dormus

Game Master
Game Master
Oct 1, 2021
as a old ag player i completly agree that the jumping rule should go away also that the weapons are just in generaly not fun to play with

Brian Bell

MRP War Veteran
May 14, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi Jimothy, Your suggestion has been denied. The weapon stats are kept private due to features such as hit boxes and hit registration causing confusion and often leading to "bug reports" on weapon issues which dont exist. As for Perma weapon cooldowns, due to this being a donator feature. Providing a nerf to it is a devaluation on their donation and cannot be done lightly. The imbalance created is negligable at best as they would have access to the same guns by simply changing regiment. As for the weapon and combat changes, as these changes are very recent people are still dealing with the "growing pains" and struggling to fight how they're used to. These features wont be considered until we have at least seen slightly longer term impact of the current changes. Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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