Major Krage NHC Application Volume 3

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Dec 19, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83557826
Discord name: Krage#2779
For how long have you played on MRP: Since it was in beta testing as a Super Admin on another part of the network, being a CO for ~3-4 months
Age: 20s
In what country are you located?: Scotland
Time zone: GMT +0
NATO name (regiment and rank): MP Major Krage
USSR name (regiment and rank): AG SGT Ryan
Civilian name: Sir Peter Pan
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- No - &
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- Yes, excluding my MP Major experience, I have been known to play Arma 3, a more realistic and immersive military simulator where I have lead regiments in whitelisted, serious roleplay servers with high popularity.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- Firstly, I am experienced, I have been a CO for over 4 months in MP and a good part of that spent as an SCO/Major, I have in-depth knowledge of the regiments and NATO, part of my time in MP was spent liaising with other regiments such as ISAF and 17th to help improve relations between the regiments.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:
- AG SGT and MP Major, no donator ranks.

List your strengths and weaknesses:
- I am able to quickly adapt to operational changes and situations with and work with limited resources, I am able to remain collected, I am also persistent and determined, dedicated to achieving the best.

However, one of the main weaknesses and a major drawback in my last attempt to join NHC is the concern over my activity, due to my current situation of training to change career, managing a large contract at work, and spending time with my family I can give the appearance of inactivity at times, despite this, I still persist on putting time and effort into MRP and my regiment, recently my calendar has freed up significantly and will continue to do so even more in the coming weeks, despite not being able to have an in-game presence every day of the week I still contribute in other ways as shown recently I have helped facilitate major changes and improvements in MP regiment from creating and expanding the documentation and standard operating procedures and creating a new, automated roster from scratch helping the regiment significantly.

NB: I have been a little less active in the past few days so you may not have seen me on as much due to a large incident at my work and spending time with family/friends.

MP Maj. Krage
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Hey there,

While I don't know how active you are, as I've mentioned in a prior ap, you have the maturity and professionalism needed to do the job properly. I have not seen you lead a war at least from what I remember so that may need to be a thing done before you proceed as well. The only real issue right now is MP just lost another CO and losing you might cause a huge pile up of work on the few COs left.

Other then that, this application has a +Support from me.
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Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021

Have not really interacted with you on MRP but you were a good guy on CC
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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021
I dont see you on 2 often but you seems nice and that is also good.
and another point is that MP has been losing alot of members to NHC lately and franky I dont think MP is in a stage where more CO,S should leave the reg

But good luck!
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+Very mature.
+Very professional.
+Dedicated to MP and has put a lot of hours into the regiment and its documents.

/ I haven't seen you lead to many wars, however this isn't a huge issue as that's what the NHC trial is for.

- MP is in a delicate place in terms of its COs, this is my only issue with you becoming HC.
- Your activity has dropped a lot recently, whether there's a reason behind this or not, it's vital that you pick the activity back up.

Overall Krage, I think you could be a solid member of NHC after the right guidance and motivation. Best of luck with your application.

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MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021

- Decent guy
- Been on the server for a long time
- Has made an amazing roster which both ISAF and MP now use
- Reliable, as in when you want something to get done, it get's done

Overall, good luck and wish you all the best!
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Dec 25, 2020
hello Krage, I hope you have a nice day mate.
so, as an mp, you are doing a fucking good job, you are good in comms, good in combats, and as far as I've heard from other MP's, you are a good guy. but, just like other people who said they are not sure about your abilities to lead the war, I'm not saying you are bad at it tho. and just like kiwi said, you will be tested in the NHC trial, so it's not a huge deal.
another important thing is your activity, your activity is good, but not great. I feel like if someone wants to be an NHC, he has to be very active, except the times that they are in LOA, that's why imma leave it -support.
don't be sad tho, I don't think they would give a shit about a CSM's opinion, but if they actually do, and if I see you more online in the game, I will change it to +support ASAP, so yeah.
have a great dinner, or launch, or whatever.
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Dec 19, 2020
MP has been losing alot of members to NHC lately and franky I dont think MP is in a stage where more CO,S should leave the reg

But good luck!

- MP is in a delicate place in terms of its COs, this is my only issue with you becoming HC.

MP would crumble/fall apart if you left
/ MP needs stability and the concerns on it lay with you leaving for NHC.

MP is in a very strong position right now, currently, there are 6 SCOs including myself, and some very good prospects for CO, recruitment is good and MP is at the highest number of members in a long time, the workload of COs is also more manageable than what it was, with the new system me and the current COs have introduced it means more duties are delegated to SNCOs/NCOs through squads giving SNCOs some responsibility to prove themselves capable of being a CO as well as relieve pressure from COs, I feel me moving from MP wouldn't have a negative impact, especially with such a capable SCO/General team already in place.

(however activity needs improving)
your activity, your activity is good, but not great. I feel like if someone wants to be an NHC, he has to be very active, except the times that they are in LOA, that's why imma leave it -support
- Your activity has dropped a lot recently, whether there's a reason behind this or not, it's vital that you pick the activity back up.

As I explained in my application, my activity dropped the past week due to the increased workload at work, in which I put a ROA in for a few days. However, although I may have not been in-game as much, I have continued to work on MP documentation, roster, logs, and such extensively, during downtime at work I don't always get the chance to play GMOD but I most often get the time where I work on documents, logs, etc. That being said, I do agree an in-game presence is important, and despite work and family commitments I feel my activity is passable, especially for early wars and FOBs, I tend to get on early and work on FOBs and help in the first/last wars, worked on early FOBs and wars more or less every day with @LuZ.

My activity over the next few days/weeks will slowly improve now that I have more time to commit, although with a full-time job and being responsible for around 50 people at work, my activity can fluctuate dependent on events etc.
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Dec 25, 2020
MP is in a very strong position right now, currently, there are 6 SCOs including myself, and some very good prospects for CO, recruitment is good and MP is at the highest number of members in a long time, the workload of COs is also more manageable than what it was, with the new system me and the current COs have introduced it means more duties are delegated to SNCOs/NCOs through squads giving SNCOs some responsibility to prove themselves capable of being a CO as well as relieve pressure from COs, I feel me moving from MP wouldn't have a negative impact, especially with such a capable SCO/General team already in place.

As I explained in my application, my activity dropped the past week due to the increased workload at work, in which I put a ROA in for a few days. However, although I may have not been in-game as much, I have continued to work on MP documentation, roster, logs, and such extensively, during downtime at work I don't always get the chance to play GMOD but I most often get the time where I work on documents, logs, etc. That being said, I do agree an in-game presence is important, and despite work and family commitments I feel my activity is passable, especially for early wars and FOBs, I tend to get on early and work on FOBs and help in the first/last wars, worked on early FOBs and wars more or less every day with @LuZ.

My activity over the next few days/weeks will slowly improve now that I have more time to commit, although with a full-time job and being responsible for around 50 people at work, my activity can fluctuate dependent on events etc.
I'm not sure if it's ok to make another reply on this app, but I'm going to change my verdict to +support, saw you a bit more active, and after explaining that you have a job, i just didn't want to be the bitchy guy.
also, I don't think anything will happened to MP if you join NHC, but, I always loved this sentence: "just in case"
I don't know if you gonna like the thing I'm going to say, but being honest is important, I suggest you not leave the MP right now, just wait for someone else to be major in MP, and then I'm sure you will be good to go, just in case.
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Dec 22, 2020

Thankyou for taking the time to apply for NHC Krage, but we feel you are not the right candidate to bring into the High Command Team, We have been watching you to judge you over the past 2 weeks and we haven't been able to due to you not being on, we appreciate you may have had work and are/or may be on ROA but we can only judge on what we see, Best of luck with whatever you decide to do on NATO and the server

You can Re-Apply in 2weeks

Grms Crossen & the NHC Senior Leadership Team
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