Major to Sergeant Major demotion appeal

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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2024
Name: Zigler
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:154280332
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: i spoke with Steven Connor on TS
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Steven Connor, RMP TS
Rank demoted from: Major
Who demoted you?: Steven Connor
Date of demotion?: 14 07 2024
What is the case against you?: inappriopriate behaviour
Is this true?: yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: 2 years ago something ish
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: non
What is your side of the story?:
At the beginning, I want to apologize if I offended anyone. I didn't mean any harm with what I said to anyone in TS. I was intoxicated (tbh I know that it is not an excuse, but I just wanted to mention it). The reason for what I said was that I got annoyed and nervous and just wanted to vent. Not going to lie, I barely remember what I exactly said since I wasn’t shown a clip of me saying the entire thing, just that an SL member told me in short what was wrong.

I understand that the SL decision was rightful, but at the same time, it was my first offense like that. I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Granted, it was bad, but I'll be completely honest: the alcohol scrambled my words (I meant to say "different" not "wrong"), which I'm not very proud of. It was a misunderstanding and a poor choice of words while I was under the influence. Additionally, I recognize that what I do outside of our roleplay should remain outside of roleplay. In my defense, I would add my willingness to improve and the fact that this was a first-time accident (like I said above). I sincerely request that you consider another talk (including me in a meeting, perchance) or at least consider a "slap on the wrist" this time instead.

I'm not going to make this appeal longer and longer. Again, I am sorry for any words I said.

I hope you will look into it.

- Zigler
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi @Zigler ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a roleplay demotion appeal.

I have chosen to deny this appeal due to the things you said. You have been warned before about coming on after drinking. You were a MAJ, I expected more from you. I think you got off verry lucky to get demoted and not banned.

As this was a Level 2 appeal, you may escalate to a Level 3 appeal if you feel there was bias in my decision-making.

Regards, 'James'.​
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