Denied make certain hacks silent add a large deployable shield to the dispenser and smoke grenades

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Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
makes hacking certain areas like in d block vents etc quieter but harder because otherwise they become impossible due to constant enemys coming
adds a deployable shield to dispenser thats big to use when hacking in certain areas so people arent sitting ducks
adds a smoke grenade to the dispenser that lasts a long time like 3 minutes or make flares coverage larger

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
makes hacking possible in areas where otherwise it wouldnt be but extremely difficult
gives hackers something to actually use as cover so hiding isnt impossible
makes d class actually able to get past the bottleneck of d block entrance by adding smoke grenades so 20 mtf and gensec cant just constantly spray them down

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
could be overpowered
will make gensec and mtf mad because they might not actually always win which will make them even more toxic during riots bottlenecking everyone
if silent hacks arent hard enough they could be a problem like they need to be near impossible

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
i believe it would make things more interesting instead of the d block experience just being getting shot from catwalk while trying to hack and then even if you do 20 guards just camp the front door so you will always die but i expect heavy down voting because mtf and gensec dont like to give d class any chance to actually escape at all so lets enjoy watching mtf and gensec mains down vote this suggestion out of existence lol


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
im ready for the beautiful - support comments from foundation mains give me all you got
from a CI and (former) d-class main this is literally a skill issue (although i admit sometimes it's actually impossible to get out of d-block, especially when there aren't any breaches; wait for a good chance to escape before trying)
here's some good ways to hack d-block vents or airlock easier, i'd know because i've done all of these before:
  1. get better at hacking
  2. see number 1
  3. coordinate with other d-class who shoot anybody at catwalk
  4. pass the keycard around and give multiple d-class hacking tools so you have multiple chances
  5. pass the keycard around to get more flares if you need more coverage (but you spawn with two flares worth of ammo anyway so it's not a problem)
  6. seriously, see number 1 (you can do an airlock door fault in 10 seconds with a little luck and practice, level 4 hack in vents is harder but doable as well, hop on CI recruit if you want to practice hacks)
  7. be a brute so you can take more damage before dying
  8. be a scout so you can quickly run away/ use an SCP#500 pill if they start shooting at you
  9. have people shield you with their bodies so you have more time before they start shooting you (good if there are brutes that want to help you)
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Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
from a CI and (former) d-class main this is literally a skill issue
here's some good ways to hack d-block vents or airlock easier, i'd know because i've done all of these before:
  1. get better at hacking
  2. see number 1
  3. coordinate with other d-class who shoot anybody at catwalk
  4. pass the keycard around and give multiple d-class hacking tools so you have multiple chances
  5. pass the keycard around to get more flares if you need more coverage (but you spawn with two flares worth of ammo anyway so it's not a problem)
  6. seriously, see number 1 (you can do an airlock door fault in 10 seconds with a little luck and practice, level 4 hack in vents is harder but doable as well, hop on CI recruit if you want to practice hacks)
you know people dont have to tell you the truth of where their real elegances lie everything you say about d class being your old main could just be a lie and still its always a bottleneck at the entrance smoke grenades are greatly needed as theirs no other way for d class to get past 20 guards camping the door and coming back 30 seconds after they die


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023

ci main does a -support!!!
what exactly proves your elegance to ci and d class when you - support giving them a chance lmao just blatant lies from a fool thinking pretending will work your elegance lies else where obviously


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
all an mtf main has to do is lie and say they like ci and d class more but your actual view and actions prove that not to be the case which is hilarious trying to blatantly lie to my face while trying to keep them as weak as possible some double agent type stuff lol
everything you say about d class being your old main could just be a lie
bro... i also got clips if you don't believe me
pictured here: grape gang all disguised as O5 members (except me :c) in floor 3 @Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov MY GUYS @Kw1ll @Requis
pictured here: disguised bill in an Nu-7 meeting
pictured here: disguised bill throwing a nade at researchers and MTF trying to kill D-class disguising in 914
pictured here: bill getting revenge
pictured here: bill seconds before disaster

why would I lie to you?
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its always a bottleneck at the entrance smoke grenades are greatly needed as theirs no other way for d class to get past 20 guards camping the door and coming back 30 seconds after they die
get out sneakily? that's what i'd sometimes do- get a level 2 from the scrap trader (or hack it open, but if you have a hacking tool you probably have a level 3 card) and leave d-block without being seen by gensec


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
bro... i also got clips if you don't believe me
pictured here: grape gang all disguised as O5 members (except me :c) in floor 3 @Troy 'Grapes' Ivanov MY GUYS @Kw1ll @Requis
View attachment 6174
pictured here: disguised bill in an Nu-7 meeting
View attachment 6176
pictured here: disguised bill throwing a nade at researchers and MTF trying to kill D-class disguising in 914
View attachment 6177
pictured here: bill getting revenge
View attachment 6178
pictured here: bill seconds before disaster
View attachment 6179

why would I lie to you?
it doesn't matter if you were at one point your obviously a traitor and seek to weaken the cause your existence here trying to supress d class and keep them weak disgusts me


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
get out sneakily? that's what i'd sometimes do- get a level 2 from the scrap trader (or hack it open, but if you have a hacking tool you probably have a level 3 card) and leave d-block without being seen by gensec
d class need to have fun winning once in a while as well


Well-known Member
Jul 20, 2022
it doesn't matter if you were at one point your obviously a traitor and seek to weaken the cause your existence here trying to supress d class and keep them weak disgusts me
maybe because they're literal death row inmates that are bound to die within 30days? :skull:
- Support
the d class suggestions i made could of been good if balanced correctly bro

Just a note; It is in your best interest to do solo-suggestions then lop in suggestions. And also; it is the suggestors job to balance the suggestions they propose.

-Support for this.

Making quieter Hacking defeats the purpose of the loud sound as it is a risk/reward. And making a D-Block specific area is kinda wacky.

The Shield isn't needed; as many classes already get Deployable shields, and the foundation allowing D-Class personnel to have shields.

And the smokes is just; Weird. There is no need for smokes. You already have Flare-Guns, and smokes are primarily based in Specialized roles.
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