Denied Make snipers worth it again

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MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
it removes the combat score barrier to use sniper in ISAF/IVG and SAS/STS

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not a clue if it has the difference is I am correct.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes snipers worth using.
Makes job more accessible for people that struggle to kill things.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People will cry even though we have flying death machines that take about 8 stingers to kill.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As a sniper you kill one person then play Japan WW2rp and get nuked by the flying death machines. Along with this it makes snipers better than DMR's again cause as of right now the DMR's are more overpowered than Snipers no combat score high damage and no marker. Some people may complain and say that snipers kill infantry easily then I say use smoke grenades or just hit shots
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It might be okay IF it's returned to 1 slot per each regiment. Prior to the update there were 2 ISAF/IVG sniper slots, 1 SAS/STS and 2 HC ones. 5 snipers on the server was way too much, 3 might be alright. Thing is though it also can depend on the map for how annoying they are and specific map but I'm not totally against it.

Also snipers should be mastery 20 to ensure that there aren't always loads, but CS sniper should be increased to 600-700 combat score per use and mastery 15 if this is done (again just my opinion)


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022

It might be okay IF it's returned to 1 slot per each regiment. Prior to the update there were 2 ISAF/IVG sniper slots, 1 SAS/STS and 2 HC ones. 5 snipers on the server was way too much, 3 might be alright. Thing is though it also can depend on the map for how annoying they are and specific map but I'm not totally against it.

Also snipers should be mastery 20 to ensure that there aren't always loads, but CS sniper should be increased to 600-700 combat score per use and mastery 15 if this is done (again just my opinion)
Yeah not 2 slots but 1 slot again and 20 mastery


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
snipers are stronger then dmr's they oneshot everwhere while we have to hit a head hit box that half of the time doesnt exist

this will actualy be a bad ballance for normal infantry becaus we cant deal with snipers (exept if you got snipers or ceramics which dont work half of the time)

Heli's are the direct counter against snipers
DMR has the fire rate of an assault rifle and does 80 damage with no marker can also use a suppressor and put any scope you want on it so can use it at any range DMR's are far superior
Apr 2, 2022
Honestly, medic job is way better than sniper in 8/10 situations

You cannot heal yourself and you get pinged for every kill, If I play an entire war on medic and an entire war on sniper I will end up with better k/d as medic and will also have enough combat score for a jugg, meanwhile if I just play sniper I will end up with no combat score and worse k/d

I would prefer if they just removed the ping and kept the combat score requirement

I also defo agree that autosnipers are better, no combat score and no ping
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DMR has the fire rate of an assault rifle and does 80 damage with no marker can also use a suppressor and put any scope you want on it so can use it at any range DMR's are far superior
we cant put a supressor on sks , also not that high fire rate exept when you butterfly click, with 20 damadge you can still take out the dmr or hide while you get insta death with sniper.

the dmr spread is also bigger then the sniper rifle


Active member
Jul 12, 2023
-support, snipers are one shot, flying death machines dont target snipers unless there is literally noone else, if you are getting nuked, build flaks and sams or help you’re air with stingers of your own instead of just taking it


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
After 4 years of MRP's existence, after dozens of changes to sniper gameplay. Yet people want things reverted and complain shortly after the change. ?????
I literally do not complain about snipers the counter to a sniper is hit your shots use a DMR use a sniper smoke get your helli to nuke them or dont run out in the open snipers are simply not that good

Deleted member 1078

- Support

Honestly this is a scrub take but I cba to deal with snipers so I'd prefer they were kept trash, no other reason rlly. AR beam based combat is preferable imo


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
From reading over the replies and having heard from others that have not replied (not from just SAS) I have heard is DMR's are far better than snipers which they should not be. DMR's are better than snipers due to :
Being able to put whatever sight you want on it meaning at close range you have a guaranteed two hit weapon
It has a decently high fire rate
It has a high damage output which it should do as it is a DMR the damage output being around 80-90 per shot in the body
There is no marker when a DMR kills someone which mark camping with a DMR far more viable than with a sniper and a quite easy
What comes with the high fire rate and high damage with little spread means that it is very easy to kill people really fast which means no tracers
In there kit they also get smoke grenades which makes them probably better in a 1v1 against a sniper if the person with the DRM can hit there shots

Along with this I have also heard people's opinion on snipers and why they are to over powered:
They one shot (fair enough I get that one shot weapon is annoying but like half the guns feel like a one shot)
The spread on a DMR is more than a sniper????? (I don't understand this one a sniper has no spread it shoots once every 4 seconds give or take)
Having a one shot weapon entices them to head glitch (I don't understand this either personally I want to head glitch more without a sniper as my gun takes like 3 shots to kill)

Now this is just what I have heard from my time playing I do not know if you lot think I mean go back to the way it was before because I do not I mean give SAS 1 sniper give ISAF 1 sniper and HC 1 sniper that makes 3 snipers which personally I do not think is that many. For the combat score sniper personally I do not see any point in it as it would add up to make 5 snipers which is annoying I would just remove that completely or make the combat score sniper 750 combat score to use.

The people saying there is no counter to snipers either do not play or do not play with there team there are quite a few counters to snipers such as:
Shooting them back at the end of the day if you hit a sniper once they are not going to keep peaking you they fall back and heal which gives you time to push up
ceramic plating yes as far as I know only RMP/AOR get it if that is so much of a problem then put it on engineer make the job more used during war the ceramic plating works as long as you don't get shot in the head and as someone said in this thread most player models don't even have a head hitbox anyway so makes you two shots to kill
Throw smokes sniper scopes believe it or not are not thermal they cannot see you through smokes it does not give you ESP
If you know there is a sniper then don't run straight at it flank the sniper we have rally points you can use them to push a sniper and take over its position very quickly and even use it for your own sniper
Use vehicles a sniper cannot shoot you out of a Vodnik or Humvee unless on gun and even then the hit registration and hit box combined unless you are sat still good luck
Bomb them It happens so often already where SWB and JAF just bomb markers even back before it got changed to combat score only when ABT was in the sky and we seen a sniper marker it used to get nuked for and I quote to "piss them off and make sure they don't come back" and it still happens now
Build FOB's tactically use the structures to help you defend or push a sniper I used to do it all the time its really easy to do it also helps win wars if you build FOB's in general so its not as if its something you have to go out of your way to do
Use your Snipers believe it or not this is not just for one side this is for both sides which means both sides will have snipers (just in case any one says oh this just means hope your sniper is better you can help your sniper out so much by using them as a distraction to go and kill the other sniper the same way you use another helicopter as a distraction to stinger or another tank as a distraction to AT4)

I seen someone say there is counters to helicopters which there is such as:
Hide in a building
stinger the helicopter which any good pilot can and usually will dodge about 8 stingers not including any flares that can be used
hope a friendly helicopter kills it
build a radar and sam missile defence which doesn't even shoot half the time
Flak cannon that shoots really slow and you have to hit a lot of shots on a helicopter to kill it at most it annoys the pilots that is about it
Hope it hits a tree

I could have missed some counters as it is quite early in the morning and I am struggling to think of more but from this you can clearly see that snipers do have more counters to them and if you shoot a sniper he cannot just run round in a circle and dodge all the bullets (unless the person shooting is a literal Ai) I just do not see how anyone can say that snipers are over powered and have no counter compared to the flying death machine that even when you put it on fire it still might not even die.

My suggestion is not to go back to the old ways of 5 snipers each side not including combat score but to go to the 1 sniper per regiment and remove combat score sniper or make it 750 which makes it more balanced and means that the regiment with snipers can actually use it without it just being completely worthless and only used because they might get 2 kills before being killed. If you still think snipers would be over powered after reading this then you have lost your mind or simply do not care as you regiment doesn't get snipers
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+ Support.

To all of the arguments against sniper rifles. You are wrong.

-300 combat score for a job that gives 50 per kill 25 per assist
-Leaves a bright red marker on your location after killing someone
-Hit or misswhen it comes to hitreg while using a sniper

It's true, it one shots but as Hoxton said i myself could literally play on my CO or medic job and game all day without using a single sniper get 2 juggernauts but i prefer to have a little bit of fun. Snipers are not that hard to counter it purely feels like a brain difference when people do not use the utility provided to them like yesterday NWO allowing me to snipe them from radar at bunker entrance without using a single smoke grenades to assist their push.
About the DMR Topic
-DMRs have a faster fire rate, 2 hit knock 1 headshot instakill
-100 CS for kill, 50 for assist on Marksman job
-useable CQC with a variety of scopes + hipfire
- 1 No combat score job 2, 300 combat score job for AOR/RMP
On the topic of ceramic plating, AOR/RMP should get the Ceramic drop on a job that is used by them unlike the Enforcment job which no living human uses. (KBAR for the win) Instead of having it on eforcement put it on engineer or different jobs so that they'll actually be used.

Snipers are really not a deciding thing for the wars, It's mainly Air superiority because if one side gets it they can snowball out of control and crush the enemy's push and armoured regiment making it near impossible for the opposing side to win the war. The only thing snipers do is give people cancer which is the only reason they do not want snipers to be 1 slot free job.

Just add Ceramic platings onto an actually used AOR/RMP job.

@drako dormus

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