Accepted Make Terror Faction peacetime only

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.

James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a rule that says nobody can play on Crimson Blade during war.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Crimson Blade can't steal vehicles during war (I explain this more under the last section).
Crimson Blade is now actually a peacetime thing, like we were told.
Crimson Blade won't start capping territories either intentionally or on accident during war (yes, this happened).

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Terror faction might dislike the change.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The main reason I'm suggesting this is that I think it is completely unfair and stupid that Crimson Blade can break into the garage and steal vehicles during war. We aren't going to have someone stationed in base during war, and that means we basically have no way of seeing or preventing them from breaking into the garage and stealing the vehicles. You can call this a skill issue or whatever, but it really isn't. Nobody wants to be told to stay in base during war, that's not what they play this game for.

From what I can see, the Crimson Blade was supposed to be a peacetime thing. I was told that, and so were others. So, why are people on Crimson Blade during war? When they try to do RP (as in, kidnap people and strap them with suicide vests, steal vehicles, etc. etc.) during war I'm really starting to question what is going on.
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Jack G

MRP War Criminal
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Welding,

Your suggestion has been accepted. Although we won't be completely disallowing it, we will be making it so Leader+ (Myself and Chad) are the only one's that can authorize any type of activities. Furthermore, we will not be allowing roleplay as such like this (stealing stuff during wars), it will be more orientated towards Roleplay (events and stuff). I've spoken to the individual which did this.

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