Make things like "Meowing" woofing random uwu stuff FAILRP

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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: make a rule suggestion things like making animal noises such as meoiwing FAILRP same things for animal noises such as barking


this is also common ingame interogtions and i feel it doesnt make much sense in Serious RP to get interogated by a meowing goc or mtf also constant meowing in ocomms and i believe it goes to borderline erp

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): I personally feel quite disturbed anytime at this behavior as its borderline furry like and i genuinely think this has very little negatives this shouldnt be something IC : i cant be the only one who thinks this is weird as it makes no sense IC also comms being usually filled with people meowing or barking

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: people cant express themselves???

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: i feel the server stands to gain from this suggestion being captured and constantly having to deal with people making animal noises or brainwashing you to constantly meow also random e-11 or random foundation personal running around meowing or barking is very not at all making sense there is also ocomms when people do this such as uwuing and i genuinely thinks this would do something positive
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Cope, Seethe, Mald, Skill Issue, L suggestion, Encroaching my rights, Closer to failRP than ERP, etc.
Plus you're a huge minge, and generally a bad person.
Follow up, this doesn't need a staff ruling, people have freedom of speech for a reason and is why you're allowed to insult people(without hurling racial slurs). So unless you wanna give up calling people names too, I don't see a proper reason as to why this needs to be enforced in specific. There are plenty of unrealistic, wacky things people can say and do ICly and OOCly.

TL;DR If someone can't meow or make ooga booga noises at ISD, they shouldn't be allowed to swear and/or insult others. Which is why I don't think this needs to be a staff-based ruling.
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Well-known Member
Jul 20, 2022
Don't make it ERP but FailRP it's just annoying and uncomfortable at this point

Although I must agree, meowing is not really RP, this shouldnt be punished by staff, simply go to said higherup and get it dealth with IC for unprofessionalism.

Before anyone says, if a Site Manager calls CI on the phone, you can contact the site and say "Why is someone meowing from this phone line?" Due to people not knowing who is on the phone.

Alternively, you can clip it and send it to SA/SC to get it handled OOC, but shouldnt be handled by staff warns.
Aug 20, 2021

As sure, this is supposed to be a Serious RP server, but you cannot expect the same argument be used "In reality" or "This is supposed to be SeriousRP". I get your point, it ruins immersion but on the terms of this being a game, you cant expect people to be RPing like its real life.

Although sure, meowing is a weird thing to do, but people should have fun.

It definitely shouldnt be listed as ERP, as ERP - Erotic Roleplay means sexualised and etc stuff, meowing doesnt fall under it atleast in my book. Meowing falls under FailRP, as this is supposed to be Serious/Semi-Serious.

Jan 27, 2022
Going to weigh in here, it is failrp to brainwash someone into something that isnt really logical i.e. dressing them up as maids or injecting them with estrogen then proclaiming they are "femboys", that is already in the realms of FailRP, however simply "barking" or "meowing" in voice chat, that is more of an IC issue with professionalism, if a Site Manager for example in the clip you have provided is meowing down the phone, then it should be expected that a report made to the Site Director or Site Command if it is not dealt with in regards to professionalism, but this really doesnt need a staff ruling on someone going "meow"

TL: DR its failrp to start turning people into femboys with brainwashing etc, but it is an IC issue if they are acting unprofessional.
I wonder who did the femboy brainwashing machine… (@Big Dave look at this shit)
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It’s just fucking annoying.
Yeah we can’t always expect to people to act like it’s real life and take everything extremely serious all the time.

But walking around listening to people meowing and saying those kinds of shit is just annoying and takes the whole concept of “we can’t always be serious and take this so serious” to far.

Some things can be considered bearable and something that we don’t mind putting up with in RP but this is just to far
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