Denied Map Specific Vehicles/Uniforms

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds new vehicle skins, and new uniforms, depending on the current map, to better fit the thematic

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't believe so? But it was a thing before from what I've seen

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Better camouflage
+ Looks better depending on maps
- Makes more sense than a Beige or Green Vehicle in the wrong place

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- More work making skins (if needed)
- More load on the server

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I've seen a clip ( ) where UAN had a Beige Boxer in Afghan, this would be much better than a green boxer in Afghan? Cause wtf? U gone bring a forest camo vehicle to a desert area? Also same applies for Uniforms, I've seen before ISAF having 2 models, when we had PMC (Full Beige, and Beige + Black), and now JAF has Beige and Black Models, this could go for all regiments, both NWO and NATO (Tho NWO would be harder, since most of them are black camouflage), and would make RP better personally, and look better too, same goes for why did Blackfoot Skin get removed from NWO (Atleast from what I seen before it was black and red, like most NWO Vehicles), now it's same as NATO iirc? While having this variation might be a bit more server intensive on performance, it would give more life to the server
Forest VS Desert Humvee
Desert VS Forest Boxer

BTR80 Forest VS Desert

T14 with Desert Camo VS Forest Camo

Yes while this skins don't look the same across all, having different camos for different maps would be much nicer, than a Black and Red T14 all the time, and a Green Boxer all the time too
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The arma 2 vehicles only have skin. Someone would have to retexture and do skins about 12+ new vehicle skins and i dont even want to talk about the waste of time it would be for pm but that would also be a crazy amount of skin redo especially for nwo side
Yes I do understand having to make a skin for every singel vehicle and etc can be a pain, but this is something that can be worked on on the long run, doesn't need be insta, but just variety, same goes for Playermodes (tho this is gone be harder I think)

Deleted member 1078

If you want a player model change to bring it to reg command smh.
model changes are up to RC vechiles are for the dev team which i don't realy see why we should do it but that is just me.
I don't mean change the models to new ones, and remove current ones, but having variations, for players to choose, so if we in Afghan they can use a more desert model, and in Highlands a more forest/snow model, and yes the whole suggestion is not game changing as much, and not that important, but adds variation, and I think it would also be better than just a plain green boxer all the time, or a black one, sadly as I noticed, some vehicles, like the Boxer, their Texture is a mess, so not that easy to create a texture, like Frogman said, however it is possible, and I'll be willing to try find the best way to make it, but idk about other vehicles


Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022
Suggestion Denied
Hello @MLGMagicHoodini, Your suggestion has been denied as doing this would take up a lot of time and it would take up space on the server
which would only be used half the time.
Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion

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