[Mapper Application] Douglas

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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 7, 2023
Canada, ey?
In-game name on all servers you play: Douglas

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:152637942

Age: 19

For how long have you played on our servers?: Been playing since June 2023.

What country are you from?: Canada 🇨🇦

Time Zone: MST

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

Is this your first application for Mapper? If not, link previous ones: First application.

Have you received any bans?: Never received any bans or warnings.

How confident are you with Hammer (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): I would rate myself around a 7 in terms of my skills. I plan to keep working in Hammer++ to slowly increase my knowledge in map optimization, more cinematic lighting, and advanced logic.

Do you have previous experience as a Mapper for GMod?: I’ve done some small projects for myself and a few friends. This is the first time I am doing a huge map development.

What source games have you mapped for and used the content of?: Majority of the time it has been Garry’s Mod, I also spent a small amount of time doing counter strike.

How many hours can you commit to Mapping per week?: I can contribute around 10-12 hours a week towards map development.

Why do you want to be a Mapper? What can you help us with?: I am currently a Head-Moderator for Civil Networks which could change based on the outcome of this application. Around a month ago I left E-11 MAJ and am now looking for a new area to be involved in since I have less activity responsibilities now. I have wanted to do map development for the server ever since the medbay update, and now I feel is a good time to apply. I feel that I can bring many new ideas and designs to Civil Networks, along with revamping any outdated areas (see list below). Along with new developments, I would also like to optimize the map further and ensure all space is being used effectively.

Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for?: SCP-RP.

Have you made & edited any map before? if so attach some images showcasing your map & edit: Below I am developing several new ideas that could be implemented into the server. Although these concepts could be denied, I feel it gave myself a huge challenge in creating new ideas and try to show my skills. Please forgive some of the photos as I am still working on and switching between all the ideas, they show what it looked like from when I first started to the most recent compile.

[Uploaded Images]

1. Foundation Hall (80% Complete)
  • Inspired by the server loading screen, this is an area designed primarily for roleplay scenarios such as ceremonies, MTF meetings, presentations, gamemaster events, etc. This is replacing the small training hall near PW bathrooms to encourage bigger activities from all departments. It has been brightened up to a blue theme. At the entrance of the hall is a check-in desk. There are two entrances, one that would be for everyone, and a backroom specifically for level 4 personnel. The backroom has a little planning office and many switches to control the room. The textures were recreated in photoshop and imported into VTFEdit. I plan to keep expanding this area, and design some models for it to give a full foundation feel (SCP Logos, plants, dark wall texture, fire alarms, red emergency lights, etc.). I also might make it bigger depending on how the final version feels. Implemented into this area is a central focus point and feature of the room that can be opened or closed with a switch, a 12 inch thick glass ceiling that allows players to oversee from the next item on this list.

2. Common Area (30% Complete)
  • The number one thing I felt should be updated is the open area outside medbay. This expands it into more of a gathering area as I always see people talking here, along with a bigger ceiling and second floor. This keeps the normal layout and exact door locations of the entrances and exits for easy implementation (LCZ, PW, EZ, Security sector, D-Block), while moving several department areas to more open places (Medbay, Intero, Techie offices, Electrical Center, bathrooms). I want to add a “Secure. Contain. Protect.” text model to the blank wall in the second photo. I also am thinking of expanding this room further in size to get a more foundation feel. I want to add a SCP Logo Carpet at the center of the glass floor with some benches on the side.

List any ideas of new maps/map edits for CN that you would like to work on: There are a few big ideas I wish to implement into the server, and some small cleanup that I feel would be nice to add. I would also want to redesign all the SCP chambers (including the non-spec and inanimate in HCZ and LCZ), below are some highlighted ones.

1. Deep Research
  • This is a huge idea I have had for a LONG time and it would need approval depending on if it would affect server performance. This originally came from hearing players saying, “I miss old heavy containment zone”, “what’s behind that cl5 door?”. I didn’t join the server early enough to experience it, but from the clips I’ve seen, and the stories heard, I can imagine old HCZ was an amazing map with long lasting memories. Anyways. The idea I have is to implement the old HCZ into deep research or at Hell’s Gate and add a torn down/withered/haunted theme to it. This can open opportunities of “cursed” SCP variants and further roleplay opportunities. I was able to import the .bsp into the server’s map file and it fits perfectly. If this was to be accepted and I received permission to edit the map, I would block off specific areas, change the lighting to be red and scary, add ambient sounds, flood half the place, and leave some lore behind. If the old HCZ couldn’t be added, I would create bright white labs for CL5 personnel and a file vault that would be a proper “Deep Research” depending on if it would actually want to exist.

2. SCP-008
  • For the most dangerous SCP on the map, it’s containment chamber could be more secure and dangerous feeling. I would want to create a more biohazard/radioactive feel to the room and expand it. Another option that would have to be approved most likely by Ventz is moving SCP-008 into the “new old HCZ” deep research from above. This could bring more excitement with CI raids and make it a more used area.
3. SCP-096
  • This is a smaller idea that I would want to change. Simply expanding his containment chamber and giving him a bigger area.
4. Server Farm
  • After the floor 3 update, the server room got decreased by a lot. I would like to create from scratch a new data center inspired by a video game server room mission. It can be located on floor 3 or behind the CL5 door in the 049 closet. This would be an area for player vs. player combat trainings or ethical activities. Concept art below I do not own this.

5. HCZ Bulk Network System
  • Another idea that would have to be approved by NL. All the bulkheads that exist around HCZ currently go nowhere. I would want to connect them all together and provide another path for security personnel.
6. 7722 Study
  • I would like him to have a proper church/study. This would be something I do once I understand modeling better and have a very strong grasp of cinematic lighting. Concept art below I do not own this.

7. Surface Update
  • On surface I want to add a spooky forest and sewer system. Just a small addition to give more player vs. player opportunities and roleplay.
8. Chaos Insurgency Base
  • Although they are a small group and with limited resources, I would want to expand there base and add a scavenger/rebellion theme to it. One idea could be that there base is made out of an old mineshaft that they have repurposed into there base, having many connecting tunnels they dig to expand and a cooler feeling.
9. Pool
  • Simply adding a swimming pool near PW with a diving board and overlook area.
10. HCZ Primary
  • I want to create a more red and scp-damaged theme to the area. This is something I plan to do once I am more familiar with texture creation and model making. I also want to add a set of emergency stairs to meet fire safety requirements and provide a secondary option for those who don’t wish to wait for the elevator. At the bottom of the elevator I want to build a huge “tesla gate blast door” and watch towers imbedded in the rock walls with spotlights. I also want to add a designated check-in desk area for researchers to hand their documents for review.
11. Techie Center + Electrical Center
  • On the second floor of the common area, I plan to build a designated area for technicians and engineers, a new technical center. Although they don’t have a fully structured department, I still feel they need something added. This will give them several office rooms and repair workshops. Separated from the techie offices will be a new electrical center. This room has many panels and indicators that could show what the sites current state is.

Thank you for reading my application! If anyone has any feedback, I would love to hear it as I am still going to be working on these projects.


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Jul 18, 2022
Ive seen this mans work and i have a feeling he will bring great development to our community, hes active and loves what he does. I really hope he makes it to the team, he genuinely is amazing at what he does! Rootin for you douglas!! Good luck homie
the work seems good, they seem active, while i haven't had very many interactions with them, i don't recall there being any issues that should reasonably obstruct them from joining the mapping team?

honestly, i guess you're ultimately just at the mercy of judge and fr3ze here. not a position i particularly envy, but given what you've shown so far, i can't particularly imagine they'd be that opposed? unless there's something i'm missing. however if this was rejected, i also wouldn't be surprised, either - and not for anything that, at least from what i can see, would be your fault? again, unless i'm missing something, this is purely a case of disposition. best of luck.
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