Mate Blackwood Demotion Appeal

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Name: Mate Blackwood
Steam ID:
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Moderator
Who demoted you?: I resigned
Date of demotion?: 18/07/2021
What is the case against you?: N/A
Is this true?: N/A
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Warned twice for RDM
What is your side of the story?: I cannot remember the reasons I've been warned for
Why should you return / what will you change?: I've been a long member of the MRP community. I may have taken longs breaks due to personal reasons or just enjoying the server but i feel like that i am ready to come back and stay for much longer this time. My attidute may not be the best for now but i am able to change it over time. I'd love to provide the best experience to new or old players on this server I possibly can.


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+ Nice guy
+ Long time player

- Only recently came back to the server
- Constantly quits / stops playing for months
- Has had incidents of toxicity (when you were last playing before your break)

My attidute may not be the best for now but i am able to change it over time.

Overall I'm going to have to go with a -support just because I feel that the negatives do outweigh the positives. From what I've seen you only came back recently to the server after quitting again when your last staff appeal was denied and I'd like to see you play for a bit longer to prove that you are actually going to be active. As well as this I do feel like you come back and play and then quit after a few weeks to a month or two of playing which although might seem like a lot, becoming a staff member is a long time commitment.
You've mentioned your attitude not being the best for now and that you want to change it over time which is a good thing that you're looking to improve but if you can see yourself that your attitude isn't great perhaps you should focus on it before appealing your staff rank.
From what I've seen since you recently came back
you have been friendly, I'd just like to see you play for a bit longer to prove your commitment.

Personally I think rather than appealing your rank of Senior Moderator you should should start again and re-apply for staff to become a Moderator for a fresh start, especially as there have been a lot of changes recently. (I'm unsure on if you can do this or if it's a requirement for you to appeal - if this is the case then obviously disregard this part).


Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Neutral leaning to +support

-Active IG/TS3
-Unsure on ruleknowledge
-You were a good staff member before
-Had a Few interactions sincd you returned

Best of luck, Mate
Last edited:


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 8, 2021

- Active
- Good rule knowledge
- One of the original OGs so actually has a brain and how the server works etc

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
~ Neutral

~ name is ringing a bell but cant recall many interactions

I wish you best of luck tho!


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021

- Active in-game and Teamspeak
- Mature
- Personally, I have had no problems with you when you were a staff member

Good luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 3, 2021
+Active in game and TeamSpeak
+Was a very good admin when he was
+Good rule knowledge

Best of luck mate!
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