Mc Flurry's 3rd Demotion appeal

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Nov 4, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina
Name: Mc Flurry
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20608093
Previous Rank: Game Master
Who demoted you?: Michiel and Alexandria
Date of demotion?: 20th of September
What is the case against you?: Missue of Equipment
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
What is your side of the story?: My side of the story was, Sombody got kidnapped and he was in jails. I heard from a Admin, A Head Mod that i could Mortar the enemy base for the rescue mission they heard it from a Super admin ( Currently left) so i thought it was true so i did it. When the mortar landed i killed 3 people and i already had a gut feeling that i shouldt have done that then Michiel dragged me in a Channel with him and Alexandria and they told me that it was not allowed and that i would be a ban and i already had a severe infraction and i would get a another cause i got banned and then i got removed from GM and got a 6 day ban. I spoke the the Super Admin at that time and he told be it was a miss comunication and i made a ban appeal and the ban got removed fully and got my ranks back but didt get my GM back.

Why should you return / what will you change?: I want to return cause i want to make events again and help the GM team and ill try to read the rules more
Demotion Appeal Denied

Hi @McFlurry ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a GM Demotion Appeal.

Unfortunately we have decided to deny your appeal. We believe that you are currently unfit to rejoin the GM team at this time. You may get into contact with me on discord if you wish to elaborate on this further. Please do not let this discourage you in the future.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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