Mc Flurry's Demotion Appeal

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Nov 4, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina
Name: Mc Flurry

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20608093

Previous Rank: Game Master

Who demoted you?:

Date of demotion?:

What is the case against you?: I got removed from GM cause i got banned

Is this true?: Yes

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

What is your side of the story?: There was a hostage situation between NATO and NWO i decided to mortar their Prison cause i got told by a HMOD and a SMOD it was allowed cause they heard it from a Super admin so i did it and killed 4 people including the 2 hostages so i got dragged into the channel with Michiel and Alexandria saying i would get banned for 5 days for Missue of Equipment and cause of that ban i got removed of GM i headed over to make a ban appeal it got accepted and the ban got removed cause of miscommunication so i find it a false demotion cause of the ban being removed cause of miscommunication.

Why should you return / what will you change?: I want to return to make event and helping people/Trail gamemasters, i will change my manner and i will double check if somthing is allowed or not.

Kind Regards
-Mc Flurry
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