What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Merges the DEA jobs seen below into the MTF Nu-7 regiment and removes any left over

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
- This has not been suggested before
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Will fully resolve the overlap of duties between the DEA and MTF Nu-7
- Will recover the counter-intelligence and Code-1 response RP that Nu-7 had to sacrifice in order for the DEA to exist
- Will create a much more cohesive surface operations unit
- Will unify in-game and teamspeak communications between the two branches of surface operations, giving SOPs the coordination they need to effectively counter GOIs
- Will minimise the potential participants in the hostage negotiations chain of command, saving response time during hostage situations while the Foundation establishes who will be taking priorty in talks
- Will make MTF Nu-7 a much more holistic and authentic surface operations task force
- Will reduce the jobs profile of the DEA, which currently has a four-tier chain of command despite being a specialist department with only one major RP loop
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Some DEA players will undoubtedly disagree with being bought under new leadership they are not familiar with
- MTF Nu-7 will be required to integrate the DEA documentation into their regimental documentation
- There will be CL4 DEA jobs that need to be relegated to CL3 and it is reasonable for the CL4 DEA players to disagree with this
- The VIP Operative job will exist within a regiment, however the CI and GOC regiments hold VIP jobs which see frequent use
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- The Foundation faction has seen three iterations of departments and regiments designed to work alongside MTF Nu-7 in surface operations; The Department of Intelligence, MTF Beta-1 and currently the Department of External Affairs and in all three cases it was a requirement for MTF Nu-7 to sacrifice parts of their passive RP to accommodate these new departments. I believe the removal of Intel and B-1 was a missed opportunity to fully integrate the spy-type jobs into MTF Nu-7 and create a much more holistic surface operations task force
- The introduction of the UNGOC and their strict diplomacy focus means that the DEA are required to engage in frequent diplomacy with the Coalition, however the DEA requires a final say on any agreements with the Coalition from Site Administration and the O5 Council before they can be signed off. It would be far more practical for Site Administration to be the front-end contact with GOIs instead of the DEA, with MTF Nu-7 providing security to Site Administration during their diplomatic duties.
- The DEA is the only department outside of Site Command and Site Administration that had a staff document drafted for them to secure and preserve the DEA's gameplay and RP from overlap and this inflexibility has marginalised MTFs Nu-7 and A-1 from getting their hands on counter-intelligence and hostage RP, this loss of crucial pieces of RP has mitigated the gameplay of MTFs Nu-7 and A-1 which is unhealthy for those regiments
- The DEA has historically and currently had very strong weapons loadouts that they inhereted from Beta-1 which are comparable and in many ways superior to MTF Nu-7s, this means that DEA jobs have a significant advantage over Nu-7 jobs, as the DEA takes priority on counter intelligence and GOI negotiations over Nu-7 while also having better loadouts than them as well as easier access to CL4 positions. Which causes players to chose to play DEA instead of Nu-7, weakening the Nu-7 regiment.
- Merging the DEA into MTF Nu-7 appears to be the most conclusive way to fully resolve the grey areas and overlap between the DEA and Nu-7, I expect this clarity will vastly improve the coordination of the Foundations counter-goi and hostage negotiation/recovery efforts while also maintaining the current DEA format of peace-time diplomacy with GOIs
- Merges the DEA jobs seen below into the MTF Nu-7 regiment and removes any left over

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
- This has not been suggested before
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Will fully resolve the overlap of duties between the DEA and MTF Nu-7
- Will recover the counter-intelligence and Code-1 response RP that Nu-7 had to sacrifice in order for the DEA to exist
- Will create a much more cohesive surface operations unit
- Will unify in-game and teamspeak communications between the two branches of surface operations, giving SOPs the coordination they need to effectively counter GOIs
- Will minimise the potential participants in the hostage negotiations chain of command, saving response time during hostage situations while the Foundation establishes who will be taking priorty in talks
- Will make MTF Nu-7 a much more holistic and authentic surface operations task force
- Will reduce the jobs profile of the DEA, which currently has a four-tier chain of command despite being a specialist department with only one major RP loop
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Some DEA players will undoubtedly disagree with being bought under new leadership they are not familiar with
- MTF Nu-7 will be required to integrate the DEA documentation into their regimental documentation
- There will be CL4 DEA jobs that need to be relegated to CL3 and it is reasonable for the CL4 DEA players to disagree with this
- The VIP Operative job will exist within a regiment, however the CI and GOC regiments hold VIP jobs which see frequent use
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- The Foundation faction has seen three iterations of departments and regiments designed to work alongside MTF Nu-7 in surface operations; The Department of Intelligence, MTF Beta-1 and currently the Department of External Affairs and in all three cases it was a requirement for MTF Nu-7 to sacrifice parts of their passive RP to accommodate these new departments. I believe the removal of Intel and B-1 was a missed opportunity to fully integrate the spy-type jobs into MTF Nu-7 and create a much more holistic surface operations task force
- The introduction of the UNGOC and their strict diplomacy focus means that the DEA are required to engage in frequent diplomacy with the Coalition, however the DEA requires a final say on any agreements with the Coalition from Site Administration and the O5 Council before they can be signed off. It would be far more practical for Site Administration to be the front-end contact with GOIs instead of the DEA, with MTF Nu-7 providing security to Site Administration during their diplomatic duties.
- The DEA is the only department outside of Site Command and Site Administration that had a staff document drafted for them to secure and preserve the DEA's gameplay and RP from overlap and this inflexibility has marginalised MTFs Nu-7 and A-1 from getting their hands on counter-intelligence and hostage RP, this loss of crucial pieces of RP has mitigated the gameplay of MTFs Nu-7 and A-1 which is unhealthy for those regiments
- The DEA has historically and currently had very strong weapons loadouts that they inhereted from Beta-1 which are comparable and in many ways superior to MTF Nu-7s, this means that DEA jobs have a significant advantage over Nu-7 jobs, as the DEA takes priority on counter intelligence and GOI negotiations over Nu-7 while also having better loadouts than them as well as easier access to CL4 positions. Which causes players to chose to play DEA instead of Nu-7, weakening the Nu-7 regiment.
- Merging the DEA into MTF Nu-7 appears to be the most conclusive way to fully resolve the grey areas and overlap between the DEA and Nu-7, I expect this clarity will vastly improve the coordination of the Foundations counter-goi and hostage negotiation/recovery efforts while also maintaining the current DEA format of peace-time diplomacy with GOIs