Denied Merge the DEA into MTF Nu-7

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Merges the DEA jobs seen below into the MTF Nu-7 regiment and removes any left over

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
- This has not been suggested before

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Will fully resolve the overlap of duties between the DEA and MTF Nu-7
- Will recover the counter-intelligence and Code-1 response RP that Nu-7 had to sacrifice in order for the DEA to exist
- Will create a much more cohesive surface operations unit
- Will unify in-game and teamspeak communications between the two branches of surface operations, giving SOPs the coordination they need to effectively counter GOIs
- Will minimise the potential participants in the hostage negotiations chain of command, saving response time during hostage situations while the Foundation establishes who will be taking priorty in talks
- Will make MTF Nu-7 a much more holistic and authentic surface operations task force
- Will reduce the jobs profile of the DEA, which currently has a four-tier chain of command despite being a specialist department with only one major RP loop

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Some DEA players will undoubtedly disagree with being bought under new leadership they are not familiar with
- MTF Nu-7 will be required to integrate the DEA documentation into their regimental documentation
- There will be CL4 DEA jobs that need to be relegated to CL3 and it is reasonable for the CL4 DEA players to disagree with this
- The VIP Operative job will exist within a regiment, however the CI and GOC regiments hold VIP jobs which see frequent use

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- The Foundation faction has seen three iterations of departments and regiments designed to work alongside MTF Nu-7 in surface operations; The Department of Intelligence, MTF Beta-1 and currently the Department of External Affairs and in all three cases it was a requirement for MTF Nu-7 to sacrifice parts of their passive RP to accommodate these new departments. I believe the removal of Intel and B-1 was a missed opportunity to fully integrate the spy-type jobs into MTF Nu-7 and create a much more holistic surface operations task force

- The introduction of the UNGOC and their strict diplomacy focus means that the DEA are required to engage in frequent diplomacy with the Coalition, however the DEA requires a final say on any agreements with the Coalition from Site Administration and the O5 Council before they can be signed off. It would be far more practical for Site Administration to be the front-end contact with GOIs instead of the DEA, with MTF Nu-7 providing security to Site Administration during their diplomatic duties.

- The DEA is the only department outside of Site Command and Site Administration that had a staff document drafted for them to secure and preserve the DEA's gameplay and RP from overlap and this inflexibility has marginalised MTFs Nu-7 and A-1 from getting their hands on counter-intelligence and hostage RP, this loss of crucial pieces of RP has mitigated the gameplay of MTFs Nu-7 and A-1 which is unhealthy for those regiments

- The DEA has historically and currently had very strong weapons loadouts that they inhereted from Beta-1 which are comparable and in many ways superior to MTF Nu-7s, this means that DEA jobs have a significant advantage over Nu-7 jobs, as the DEA takes priority on counter intelligence and GOI negotiations over Nu-7 while also having better loadouts than them as well as easier access to CL4 positions. Which causes players to chose to play DEA instead of Nu-7, weakening the Nu-7 regiment.

- Merging the DEA into MTF Nu-7 appears to be the most conclusive way to fully resolve the grey areas and overlap between the DEA and Nu-7, I expect this clarity will vastly improve the coordination of the Foundations counter-goi and hostage negotiation/recovery efforts while also maintaining the current DEA format of peace-time diplomacy with GOIs
Hi! I just have some questions because in my opinion this just seems to be a direct merge between two relatively different regiments/department

rather than one specifically crafted for this type of suggestion.

I'm confused of what the "chain of command" structure you had in mind was? Is it the standard regimental rank structure, if so why would "spymaster" job need to exist? Would the "deep cover" jobs be locked to a specific rank? Is there a difference between MTF Nu-7 "Hammer down" jobs and the MTF Nu-7 jobs? Are there specific loadout changes that you're looking for?
The Nu-7 chain of command regarding ranks will remain the same however the job structure is seen in the image provided, it is COM > CO/Spymaster > Marksman/Autorifle/Senior Agent > Medic, Operative, Agent, Operative.

I'm concerned about the "Code-1 Response RP" that was put as a positive. At least on the US server, this isn't an issue. Nu-7 and DEA (along with most combatives on-site) assist in code 1s. Counter-intelligence I can sort of understand although keeping in mind that MTF Nu-7 primarily would be a militant battalion rather than a counter-intelligence. Despite this, there is still a subregiment dedicated to this type of thing (on the US server) for Nu-7.
To elaborate on the Code-1 RP concept; I agree it is the case that the combative effort of Code-1s in terms of defending against a GOI attack is a site-wide effort that involves almost all combative personnel - I do not expect this to change - my concern is that counter-intelligence, interrogations, info gathering, infiltration are all part of a very nieche piece of GOI based RP and that it is not justifiable to create a four-tier department specifically for this piece of RP. It would be far healthier for departmental balance if this duty was absorbed into Nu-7 to work in conjunction with Site Administrations diplomacy duties, with the potential for the O5 Council to insert A-1 into counter-intelligence RP at their own discretion.

On the US server, the chain of command for hostage negotiation is simple, DEA first unless there are no DEA. There's a good reason for this. We bear all responsibility when it comes to hostages. We will work with other departments/regiments to get important information extracted but we pay for all the prisoners CI capture, it's important that we should come first when it comes to selling them as well.
It may as well be the case that Nu-7 is removed from the hostage negotiations heirachy because there will always be DEA players available due to their superior loadouts to Nu-7 and the easier access to CL4 jobs - the system may very well be working as intended but in doing so it is limiting the RP options of Nu-7 and disincentivising people from playing Nu-7. Allocating ALL priority in hostage negotiations and counter-intelligence to the DEA marginalises all other parties who could be involved, for the sake of a nieche department.

The point of "Site Administration/Command needs to sign off on it anyways so why not make them do everything" is flawed. This can be applied to too many parts of this server to be a good point. You could simplify so many departments under that umbrella that it becomes a useless "flaw" to point out. DEA should be the primary ones to handle the day to day and longer term diplomatic relations while SA/SC can give their input and sign off. SA/SC are both fairly busy (at least that's the impression i've gotten) as they have to oversee the ENTIRE SITE. It'd be helpful to everyone for DEA to handle relations so it's one less thing for them to worry about.
You have misunderstood my point regarding SA/O5 needing to sign-off on GOI agreements. In order for the Foundation to agree on an internal policy then relevant parties, be they department directors, COMs, SA, O5, EC can all meet, agree on and sign off on a piece of policy within the timeframe of one meeting. This is not the case with GOI relations, specifically with the UNGOC - the meeting will land in-character with the DEA, who will need to escalate it to SA, who may or may not need to escalate it to the O5 - what if there are ethics concerns? The governing body who can give the most conclusive answer to a piece of GOI diplomacy is the O5 Council, but they are obliged to operate through Site Administration as their proxies. The process would be far more effective if it were the case that SA and possibly a member of the Council were to meet with the UNGOC, with Nu-7 and ISD if required as their guards, to enable them to debate, agree upon and sign-off on a policy within one meeting. Involving the DEA in this process serves to complicate it, as the DEA department directors are less experience and have less authority than SA and O5 members, meaning that the final draft of a policy always ends up being delegated to SA/SC.

I feel this suggestion was made without consulting US server at all because a lot of the issues you're describing in this suggestion do not happen on the US server.
The forums are the best place to put a suggestion such as this in which it holds a permanent place for UK/US players to view it, share it and leave their responses.
DEA used to be B1, wich used to be a better external affairs so they got merged. You wana merged the already merged department for some overall pointless reason. I have seen multiple times that DEA and NU7 can exist together. Also merging both is such a huge change for what if is bassicaly a bunch of minor issues that could be fixed by both leads over a meeting.
massive -support
+both are alike
-both has its diffent agenicas
-both has diffrent play style

dea can search foundaction cabins for teason matreial nu-7 does not
dea is an mainly solo tasked role nu-7 is not
dea is only combative becasue it is required when infilling, stoping raids, and not get kidnap. nu-7 purely combative assisting in c5s c1s and likely c2s

merging is not an answer to any of "RP" issues , merging has worked but i think that merging has serious sideffects like dea becoming like intell where they were entirely dead

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
-28 votes GGs
anyways..... -support
i just dont like this suggestion its like putting mustard with mayonnaise (i never tried this and will never... hopefully)
also i dont wanna leave another mtf regiment (a lot of people of DEA are inside an MTF regiment) to join nu7. Its either leave current MTF Reg. and join Nu7 or stay inside MTF Reg. dont join nu7 and lose pretty much the whistlist for the job and get nothin in return
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