Michael J / Jackson Steenberg Permaban app #1

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Jan 8, 2021
Your in-game name: USSR: Michael J / NATO: Jackson Steenberg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:503867558
Your steam community link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198968000845
Date of ban: 05/04/2022, april 5
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Damaging the server, appeal to superadmin+
Who banned you: Alex | AVT-00
Ban length?: Permaban
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/militaryrp-rules.10/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Don't take drastic measures just to resign/quit the server for a bit.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?

Why should you be unbanned: So my drastic reasoning for this was that i wanted to leave the server for a bit and step down from LTCOL, first time around i got a 1 weeks notice for the previos regimental general for fsb time to find a replacement. Under this week me, the general and the commander of the regiment had a talk and it concluded that it would not be the best idea for me to leave under the sucermstances. So after another week i HAD to leave for personal reasons and i stupidly came up with a plan to get me removed from the ltcol spot and be able to leave the server for a bit, so the plan was to delete the original copy's of 2 documents i made ( 1 training guide and 1 updated version of the handbook) and 2 forums but both of em where out of use because they were applications for the divisions but none were active at the time, all of them i made. I did make sure that atleast the regimental general or commander had acess to them so when i did remove the originals they could easily get them back within the hour ( i did make sure that they got the docs back by asking and then by asking). So yeah i made a bad dicision on doin such a drastic measure just to leave and i am really sorry that i couldn't have left things on better terms, i did have a reason for it but it was uneathical for me to do what i did and i am really sorry for it.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Well i won't act like i am in a movie and i have to make cartoonish plans like this, and promise that i will read the rules and not scim over it.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: To be honest i really do miss the server and the fun times i had, i just really miss the server.

give me a chance.
I know I'm not supposed to comment on ban appeals but I was central to the incident that happened.

You purposefully attempted to wipe the regimental drive from an already struggling FSB because you were 'bored'. You attempted to delete MONTHS of work and progress from the server, your actions (and subsequent ban) utterly devastated FSB and damaged the USSR's credibility.

You weren't even fit for CO+, let alone LTCOL/COL, you were trusted with certain powers, did nothing with them other than attempt to 'do a funny' when you got bored.

If this appeal gets accepted, it'll encourage people to do the same and that they can get away with stuff like this. You caused me a massive headache that day, and thankfully (in part due to Falcon's exceptional organisation) it was easily reverted. FSB is now doing really healthy in your absence, and I'd rather not have to risk you coming in being damaging one more.

I would urge whoever is in charge of this appeal to consider not accepting or overturning this, especially given its within recent months that it happened. If it is accepted, I'll be speaking to Jack/Dmitri about permanently blacklisting you from CO positions, you have not, and likely will never, recover your reputation enough to be considered for anything beyond MSGT.
Jan 8, 2021
I know I'm not supposed to comment on ban appeals but I was central to the incident that happened.

You purposefully attempted to wipe the regimental drive from an already struggling FSB because you were 'bored'. You attempted to delete MONTHS of work and progress from the server, your actions (and subsequent ban) utterly devastated FSB and damaged the USSR's credibility.

You weren't even fit for CO+, let alone LTCOL/COL, you were trusted with certain powers, did nothing with them other than attempt to 'do a funny' when you got bored.

If this appeal gets accepted, it'll encourage people to do the same and that they can get away with stuff like this. You caused me a massive headache that day, and thankfully (in part due to Falcon's exceptional organisation) it was easily reverted. FSB is now doing really healthy in your absence, and I'd rather not have to risk you coming in being damaging one more.

I would urge whoever is in charge of this appeal to consider not accepting or overturning this, especially given its within recent months that it happened. If it is accepted, I'll be speaking to Jack/Dmitri about permanently blacklisting you from CO positions, you have not, and likely will never, recover your reputation enough to be considered for anything beyond MSGT.
I understand where you are coming from but i never tried to delete the drive, personally i wouldn't delete something someone else had put time into, i deleted the originals of a training guide i made and a update version of the handbook and if i remember correctly the only part that seperated it from a less updated one was coloring and a section where i added fpcons that i added.

As i said i completly understand where you are coming from and i thank you for your responce/verdict


Active member
Mar 1, 2021
Appeal Denied

Hi @Michael J

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

You cannot be held back from resigning from a position such as LTCOL ( apart from your 7 days notice ). Looking at what you said in your appeal you and the person you spoke with, you both agreed that you would stay since it would not be the best time to leave because of the circumstances. Next to that you mentioned that you wanted to get demoted so that you could leave the position of FSB LTCOL by deleting the roster/parts of the roster or other FSB documents and I have to say that that is the most stupid way to try and get demoted as this did not only lead to your demotion but to your permanent ban as well.

After you were demoted and banned (recently) you replied to someone asking why you were demoted with "I did a funny", and because of that I do not believe I can accept your appeal at this moment of time.

You may re-appeal in 4 weeks time​
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