Hello! Hope you all had a lovely festive period and are looking forward to the new year!
Here are the new updates to MRP for the month of December
Special thanks to @'Kyzent for compiling this month's list!
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
For those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month.
Super Admin
Senior Admin
Head Moderator
Senior Moderator
Here are the new updates to MRP for the month of December
Special thanks to @'Kyzent for compiling this month's list!
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
For those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month.





?New Features ?
- MRP Rework
- Mastery System
- Mastery requirements now show in F4 Jobs menu
- If you have no active mastery, you'll receive perks based on your highest mastery level across all your mastery trees.
- NATO vs NWO Campaign
- NATO Faction
- Special Air Service
- Royal Military Police
- Joint Air Force
- 17th Armoured Regiment
- International Security Assistance Force
- NATO Faction
- Reworked all ranks & progression
- High Command (Army & Brigade Commander)
- Regimental Commander
- Company Commander
- Squad Leadership
- Enlisted
- Mastery System

- Changed TacTablet Asset Prices:
- FOB Supplies: 300k -> 500k
- TAC: 200k -> 400k
- Smokescreen : 50k -> 100k
- UAV: 300k -> 500k
- Advanced UAV: 1.5m -> 2m
- Airstrike: 500k -> 1m
- 1k Bomb: 1.5m -> 2.5m
- "B2 1000 pound bomb" damage buffed
- Napalm Bomb duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds
- Added Vehicle Repair Bays back to both bases.
- Added a NATO/NWO Commissioned Officer tag on Discord.
- WAC Copilot missile amount changed-
- Viper: 8 -> 4
- Mi24: 8 -> 4 | Stinger 4 -> 2
- Euro: 8 -> 4
- Apache : 8 -> 4 | Stinger 4 -> 2
- Caic: 8 -> 4 | Stinger 4 -> 2
- Commanche : 8 -> 4
- Weapon Changes
- All main regimental ARs/SMGs buffed
- Yaw/Pitch recoil decreased significantly
- Spread decreased significantly
- ADS Spread decreased significantly
- Spread Increase percentage decreased by a factor of 10 (0.001 > 0.0001)
- Spread ADS Increase Percentage decreased by a factor of 10 (0.001 > 0.0001)
- All Shotguns buffed
- Spread ADS Increase Percentage decreased by a factor of 10 (0.001 > 0.0001)
- All LMGs re-balanced.
- Spread significantly decreased.
- ADS Spread significantly decreased.
- Spread Increase Percentage Significantly decreased.
- ADS Spread Increase Percentage Significantly decreased.
- All main regimental ARs/SMGs buffed
- Increased player cap from 100 to 105
- Updated VF4/vderma to latest version - slight changes to how GUIs look
- Buffed Money Roulette from £5,000 - £10,000 to £7,500 - £12,500
- Cleaned up some 'squad' references to 'fireteam'
- reduced some war outcome reward multipliers to prevent crazy XP inflation
- Destroying structures outside of an enemy FOB radius no longer awards mastery XP
- Tac tablet personal assets now require PFC except Personal UAV which is CPL
- Lowered Peacetime length from 1.5 hours -> 1 hour
- Lowered Pre-War length from 20 minutes -> 15 minutes
- Lowered War length from 36 or 48 minutes to 30, 35 or 40 minutes
- Removed Taser license
- Removed Medical license (medical vehicles now require a driving license, medic jobs no longer require licenses)
- Lowered SAS/STS - Special Operations job required mastery from 15 -> 10
- Lowered SAS/STS - Breacher job required mastery from 25 -> 20
- Lowered SAS/STS - Demolitions job required mastery from 25 -> 15
- Fixed SAS - Regimental Commander job requiring LT instead of MAJ
- Healing other players with the First Aid Kit (not Field Kit) now grants XP
- Engineer jobs now spawn with 20 armor
- Autorifleman jobs now spawn with 40 armor
- Special Response Officer jobs now spawn with 40 armor
- VIPs now receive bonus mastery XP. Adds to ongoing XP multipliers, e.g. War Criminal + 2x boost = 2.4x boost.
- Supporter = no boost, Patriot = 1.1x, Veteran = 1.2x, War Criminal = 1.4x
- Fixed '0 SCP breach votes' appearing under the perks for VIP ranks in the donate menu
- Reduced emplacement cannon turn speed (e.g. KWKs) by 70%
- Completing admin sits now grants Mastery XP in all trees
- Reduced 1000lb Bomb asset cooldown from 2 hours -> 1 hour
- Reduced Napalm Bomb asset cooldown from 4 hours -> 2 hours
- Reduced Advanced UAV asset cooldown from 2 hours -> 1 hour
- Reduced UAV asset cooldown from 25 minutes -> 20 minutes
- Added Killcams
- Bullet resistant vehicles (Humvee, Vodnik, eg..) now take double the explosive damage. (no more 6 AT4´s against a Humvee to kill it)
- Matador/AT4/RPG slightly buffed.
- Main Pilot missile (hydra) damage halved -> ONLY to Heavy Armored (Main Battle Tanks, SCUD/HIMARS, AA) tanks.
- Heavy Armor resistance (MBT, AA, SCUD/HIMARS) against Hydra´s (main pilot missile) very slightly buffed.
- Minimum amount of active players required to start a war lowered to 4vs4.
- Added war "restricions/buffs" if both teams have equal or less then 8 players.
- Cannot enter helicopters, armored/heavily armored vehicles
- Spawning on owned territories enabled
?️ Map Changes ?️
- There weren't any map changes this month, however, we moved to rp_highlands!
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Shells are now deleted when they touch water (prevents the server from crashing)
- Fixed losing combat score when attempting to use a loadout that you have insufficient mastery for
- A secret achievement is now working again.
- Quadbikes should be physgunable by Hmod+ now.
- HelmetCam is CO+ again.
- MAJ+ can give orders.
- fixed players missing lots of data about other player's mastery after joining
- HIMARS/SCUD can be deployed by cpt+ again
- Fixed console getting spammed when you have no active mastery
- Fixed players ranked PFC not being able to enter helicopters
- Rewrote the majority of the orders module, this should fix the bug with them not appearing hopefully
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 2.04 - RP Leadership Rank Limit
- [EDITED - Rank changed to SSGT+] You may only be an RP Leader (SSGT+) on one character. You may not hold an RP Leader rank on MilitaryRP if you hold a senior position on SCP-RP.
- Hostage Negotiation Rules
- [EDITED - Rank changed to LT+] If the enemy team has taken a hostage and a LT+ of the hostage's team is online they must engage in negotiations according to the hostage negotiation table...
- 2.13 - Private Contractor Hiring Rule
- *[EDITED - Rank changed to MSGT+] ...In the case of NATO and NWO, an MSGT+ must be the hirer...
- Hostage Negotiation Guidelines
- 1-3 Star HC = £50k (+£10k for each additional star) OR (Any Main Battle Tank AND Any CAS Helicopter)
- 4 Star HC = £100k OR (THREE: Main Battle Tanks/CAS Helicopters: must contain at least one of each type of vehicle. EXAMPLE: 2x M1A2 Abrams, 1x Apache)
- Senior High Command Restrictions (Server Leadership)
- Admins and Senior Admins now may hold Senior High Command positions with Super Admin permission.
- High Command Guidelines
- You may apply for your faction's High Command if you have held the rank of SGM/WO for at least 2 weeks. (MSGTs may apply with direct permission from GEN/SGEN).
- You must be at least 15yo to apply, unless given direct permission from GEN/SGEN