MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Billy [Bigges MRP hatter]

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Apr 12, 2022

Your in-game name: Billy [Bigges MRP hatter]

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:518877078

Ban Reason: Shot the davy croket

Date of ban: today

Who banned you: myself

Ban length: Perma

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not spawn a Davi crocket in again

Why should you be unbanned: I missed click so i think i should be unbanned please
Oct 18, 2023

I would like to express my support for [player's name] ban appeal. It is unfortunate that his ban resulted from a misclick, which seems to have been an honest mistake rather than a deliberate violation of community guidelines. Billy has consistently demonstrated positive behaviour and contributed to our community. Lifting his ban would not only be fair but would also allow him to return and continue his valuable participation. I urge the decision-makers to reconsider this matter and grant Billy the opportunity to rejoin the community. Thank you for considering this appeal.


MilitaryRP Staff
Sep 7, 2022

Hey, I believe the ban on [player's name] for using the Davy Crockett might have been too harsh. While it’s understandable that the weapon can cause chaos, Garry's Mod is known for its creative freedom and experimentation. The Davy Crockett is an iconic and fun tool within that context. Perhaps a warning or a temporary suspension would be more fitting than a full ban, as long as they understand the consequences of using it irresponsibly. Let’s give them a second chance to play fairly and enjoy the server like everyone else!
Jan 2, 2021

Hey, I believe the ban on [player's name] for using the Davy Crockett might have been too harsh. While it’s understandable that the weapon can cause chaos, Garry's Mod is known for its creative freedom and experimentation. The Davy Crockett is an iconic and fun tool within that context. Perhaps a warning or a temporary suspension would be more fitting than a full ban, as long as they understand the consequences of using it irresponsibly. Let’s give them a second chance to play fairly and enjoy the server like everyone else!
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