MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Frank Sinatra

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Well-known Member
Oct 18, 2024
Your in-game name: Frank Sinatra

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550434152

Ban Reason: RDM(class X)

Date of ban: 12/24/2024

Who banned you: Lollingmonster

Ban length: 7 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will not RDM People under no circumstance if it ruins the Gameplay or annoys a Person or a Group of People, i do not believe it is something good to kill other people for just their personell gain

Why should you be unbanned: I believe 7 days is a bit Harsh considering that i only Killed 2 people and it wasnt even annoying or ruining these other players time on the server, I understand my Mistake very well , i killed 2 people without proper reason and thats why i got banned i understand that the mod took Action and banned me, however i do believe 7 days is really a bit too much for Killing 2 people. I do not expect my ban to be entirely reversed, but i would atleast request a reduction of the Length of the time.
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Appeal Denied

Hello @Mikheali

Thank you for taking your time in making a ban appeal.

After reviewing it carefully, I have decided to deny it due to you having a long long history of punishments and warns and to get a class X punishment you have already been given a multitude of chances to stop RDMing. I hope that after you return to the server, that you stop this behavior.

Kind Regards,
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