MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Lots of cash

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Feb 23, 2022

Your in-game name: Lots of cash

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:640547781

Ban Reason: Cheating - approved by Super Admins

Date of ban: Sun May 19 19:14:49 2024

Who banned you: Steven Connor [RC-273]NCoJ

Ban length: permanent

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I would like to first apologise to all of the staff that I tried to target during wars, especially those on the NWO side.

I was trying to prove that I'm the best sniper or something. A special apology to Steven, because I tried to FOB camp him a lot, and to SC.

I will set aside my ego no more waiting 20 minutes in some crazy spot or swapping to PC to abuse the OP spawn points.

I will focus only on tryouts, just like in the past, and play for fun.

I have changed a lot over the past 6 months. I took it too far with the targeting, I want to keep this short I'm sorry to all people whose fun was ruined because I let my ego get in the way.

I have changed, and nothing like this will ever happen again. The same goes for those warnings I have accumulated I’ve managed to slow them down before the permaban.

No more causing problems in sits or being annoying and no more of doing anything that's unfair.

Why should you be unbanned: THIS IS A LONG ONE

I believe I should be given a second chance because I respect the regiments I was in. For example, when nobody was in RMP, I was there trying to do tryouts instead of NHC. I was also stocking helis in JAF while there were only 1-2 active pilots at the time. I used to solo build massive FOBs it took me half a day sometimes. Duckie would 500 pound bomb them all.

I did it for the team. (Sorry if that caused lag I still don't know if it does to this day.)

My Side: I was shown a leaked clip; the clip's name was Clip 6, and it showed me flicking around like crazy. I was simply holding down the suit-zooming key, as I have tunnel vision, so I got used to it when looking for people. From what I was told, I was banned for locking on to people. However, in that clip, there is no locking on. If you slow it down, you can see me locking on to a tree? A tent? But that’s simply just fast flicking. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. If I am wrong, I apologise.

I will only point out Clip 6, as I don't know if there are any other clips.

I asked in my first appeal, "Can I see the clips?" I was never shown the clips.

Again, I'm sorry to everyone who got their fun ruined. Yes, I targeted, but I don't believe I did what the allegations are. For example, someone said I ESP'd. I still haven't touched my files, and I am open to a PC check. I don't believe I ESP'd or locked on to anyone. Bhopping, though I will admit to that. Yes, I scripted, but that was only during peacetime. I’ve also been warned for failRP for flipping a supply truck while bhopping super fast. Sorry to the AOR who called the sit on that and left at the time. If you can see this, I didn't mean to actually do that.

It's been 6 months, and like I said, I’ve changed a lot. I really enjoyed the server, especially Valk's events very unique and creative. Can't forget Gene, too the G of arrests 50 arrests in 1 day! But all of that aside, my ego and all of the annoying behavior from me will be put aside. I'll just chill and play the game normally. No drama regarding the warnings anymore.

I apologise for all of the annoying sits, especially to Tailskipper. It was my fault, and if I'm given a second chance, I will not be annoying like last time. If it's RDM, it's RDM no more "but why this, why that."

For the Superadmins, it was my fault. My ego got in the way. Again, I'm really sorry for what I’ve done. I have learned my lesson, and I hope I can get a second chance.

For any questions, I will reply here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal
Feb 23, 2022
Hi, when I was a MRP admin around 5 months ago I caught you ban evading on MRP. It's funny that you haven't mentioned this in your appeal.
Hey Saphira.

The reason I didnt say that in the appeal is because I dont own the account that is flagged with me.

It was a friend that was with me at the time and he said "what if I login now from my account after 1 year what will happen" I said you cant because you are flagged as I used my card on the account you own (this was at the time when I got him perm guns) He joined saw in chat hi chin (I wasnt on the pc at all I was just watching because I knew he will get perm banned) he laughed his ass off and got banned told him to appeal he said nah refund and called it the day.
Appeal Denied

Hello @Chin Ho111111111?

After carefully reviewing both your appeal and the evidence surrounding your ban, I do not feel comfortable letting you back into the community at this time. Whilst you show genuine remorse for your actions, I am not certain that you are fully telling the truth regarding the exact cheat that you have used in the past.

You may reappeal in 1 months time.

Kind Regards,
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