MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Nirvan

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Your in-game name: Nirvan

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:514894595

Ban Reason: MRDM

Date of ban: 14th December 2024

Who banned you: @Otters

Ban length: 8 weeks (There's 4 weeks and 3 days remaining on the ban)

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I didn't MRDM and wasn't even given a chance to explain myself, I'm fairly sure that the ban was for an incident that happened on the 13th or 12th but I was never given a chance to explain myself and the person who reported me managed to get me punished by a clip only from his perspective.
Now regarding the incident, I was hiding in a boxer which is an armoured vehicle from KGB until they explained to me my arrest reason which then at the time LTGEN, Highworks, decided to put a C4 on my boxer in which I responded by killing him and everyone participating in the action. even regarding the ROE section in the rules I was well within my right to do so.
Also I would like to point out a 8 week ban for someone who has never been charged with any punishment regarding MRDM in any of the civil networks servers while in the handbook it indicates a 2 week ban is crazy.

Why should you be unbanned: I was never informed of my punishment or given a chance to explain the situation, I also did not intend to break any civil networks rules and in my eyes was just returning fire as I was engaged first.
I also don't have time to play usually and managed to scrape enough time to play this weekend.

PS: I would appreciate it if this was responded to in a short time as I only have time to play till the 10th.
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