MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - YaBoi

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Your in-game name: YaBoi

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:83458157

Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity

Date of ban: 13.09.2024

Who banned you: Can't remember

Ban length: 7 days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I just pm'd the n-word without knowing that it will get flagged and I will be banned. I did not mean to be toxic towards anyone else but as a joke towards the guy i pm'd.

Why should you be unbanned: I did not know that private messages (PMs) are checked for any flags of naughty words. I did not mean to cause any harm to large audience by literally saying it to one person but since it gets automatically flagged I did not know. This is a misunderstanding and would like to get unbanned/reduced.
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