MilitaryRP Gamemaster Applications

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Active member
Dec 29, 2020
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): dethijs1
For how long have you played on CG MRP:
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: curacao
Time zone: ast
In-game name and Previous Names: Dutch
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:100411372
Do you have a mic?: yes cant play without one right
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: yes first

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
warnings yes in the past just the basic once, one for fail rp when i found a spy , he thought i looked at the names while pressing x but i knew the person he whas spying as , I let it be and took the warning
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: yes I whas a modderator on a rust server and did events here and there
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: only dark rp and some starwars rp
How many hours can you be on everyday?: everyday atleast 3 hours min max 8
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I always make trainings for my regiment but feel this has things missing as I am something the only one who does this so i want to expand the trainings to not only my regiment but all
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am very active know alot and im very creative , I am a PART TIME PE teacher so I know how to improvise
Please List 5 small event ideas(Which wouldn't require a map change):

1. Fist fight hostage rescue
2. Hide and seek
3. Search and destroy
4. Ambush a enemy convoy
5. Chair dance

Please List 2 Big Event Ideas(Which would be what we call (Map Change Events):
1. A sniping competition with targets
2.granade toss battle wich you you get 2 teams you have to throw the grenade into a hole for point most point wins

What missions would you make for each regiment in Nato(SAS,MP,17th,JAF,ISAF) please list 1 mission per regiment:
SAS, breach and destroy
Mp, defend the hostage
17th defend the convoy
Jaf , direct paradropping and defending the infantry heli
Isaf ,patrol with ROE RP situations

What missions would you make for each regiment in
USSR(AG,KGB,10TH,ABT,SHA) please list 1 mission per regiment:
Same as NATO as both sides have same regiments wich would give them the same training , its just called differend
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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane

You were warned very recently for metagaming against me. You deny it and say you're some FBI analyst but w/e.

The last time I saw you in-game was when you were crying in OOC about Valk "fucking this and fucking that blah blah blah." You also have a shitty reputation with 17th where I'm pretty sure you left, started shitting on everybody and ended up blacklisted. Your application is also really bad.

In the nicest way possible I'd trust [staff asked me to remove] with GM perms more than you.

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 29, 2020

You have a bad reputation in the community for constantly complaining, crying and breaking rules in general. You received a warning fairly recently and I believe that isn't suitable for a GM. You often lash out at people in OOC when people have said things to you IC.
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Had multiple instances against you where you're quick to point the finger and call people out. This has led to a couple of pretty nasty arguments between us in OOC - admittedly I'm as bad for continuing arguments, but you've been instrumental in starting things.

You're very quick to argue against me in particular whenever I have an actual objection about something that happens on the server. I've no idea what I've done to you personally, but in actual RP I've spoken to you about twice, you seem to be very selective about the people you RP with, and as a GM you have to be impartial and inclusive of everyone.

You seem to be one of the people in the community who instigate this tribalism between USSR/NATO, you have genuine disdain for people who play USSR and that's an attitude we need to clamp down on.

Your maturity is very questionable, you're quick to anger, irrational and illogical. MRP does not need people with that mindset it positions of seniority. I could not see you doing any sort of event that would at all be enjoyable for the USSR given your clear bias.

Your event ideas are awful and blindly copied from whatever I have done as "small" events, albeit these are not very original so it's easy to suggest, but still, have some originality.

You've suggested zero big events, recently the community has shown its support for larger scale map-events and big story-arcs, such as the LTGEN one.

I do not think you would be a good fit for the GM team, and frankly, you would not be someone I would at all enjoy running events. If I was still Senior GM I'd be heavily advising against accepting you until your attitude improved.

I don't want to think you're a bad guy, I'm sure you're not, as I said I've spoken about 2 words to you in game. But you've left a very sour taste in a lot of people's mouths.

I recommend you:

- Think of some more original lore-based ideas
-Spend some time playing the USSR to eliminate your pro-NATO stance
-Improve your attitude in OOC
-Improve your temper
-Stop instigating arguments in OOC.

(Yes admins I'm aware of the immense hypocrisy in my reply)

Good luck,

Age: 2 months now
Please correct your application. Your age is not your playtime (or so I'd like to reckon that's what this is)
shitty reputation with 17th where I'm pretty sure you left, started shitting on everybody and ended up blacklisted
He has an ABT Blacklist as well^ (this is my personal google sheet that imports sheet data from every other regiment in USSR and looks up that SteamID for presence)
A very solid -support

You're a NATO main so I have no in-game interactions with you but understandably you have created some concerns as reflected by @Coolioo and @Valkyrie amongst others.

Your application is very abysmal and your pitched ideas are basic. The reasoning behind your purpose of this app is very low effort and Game Master is more than "expanding your trainings to all regiments" since actually Game Master is more surreal RP rather than your usual routine of trainings, tryouts etc. You're expected to do EVENTS semi-frequently, and events which the MRP playerbase will enjoy.

In summary your application has little effort to make me even consider voting you to become a Game Master. I'd recommend you improve your unique concepts too since every mission/event/activity you have suggested is common, and not one stands out to me.

I'd furthermore recommend you try to work towards NHC instead since you seem more oriented towards NATO rather than MRP as a whole.
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- I blacklisted you from the 17th myself, definitely not GM behaviour.
- Not a fan of the whole "go bother some1 elss or ill take this higher up" Seems like you cannot handle or do not understand negative feedback, as a GM there would likely be a lot of it.
- Little to no detail about the events you have listed (+ low effort app)

I couldn't sleep at night knowing that you had gamemaster permissions, best of luck with your app I hope you get it.


Active member
Dec 29, 2020
"+support follower of the islamic faith and very good boy that can create alot of rp!!"
Remmy no1 cares of you anymore if you take the time to go say something about me on a forum go ahead but I told Coolio to take that somewhere ells of what he said ,(now chanced ) so if you dont know the story ,that dont bother with it like usual you quiting 17th after just a month says enough
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Active member
Dec 29, 2020
Please correct your application. Your age is not your playtime (or so I'd like to reckon that's what this is)

View attachment 49
He has an ABT Blacklist as well^ (this is my personal google sheet that imports sheet data from every other regiment in USSR and looks up that SteamID for presence)
A very solid -support

You're a NATO main so I have no in-game interactions with you but understandably you have created some concerns as reflected by @Coolioo and @Valkyrie amongst others.

Your application is very abysmal and your pitched ideas are basic. The reasoning behind your purpose of this app is very low effort and Game Master is more than "expanding your trainings to all regiments" since actually Game Master is more surreal RP rather than your usual routine of trainings, tryouts etc. You're expected to do EVENTS semi-frequently, and events which the MRP playerbase will enjoy.

In summary your application has little effort to make me even consider voting you to become a Game Master. I'd recommend you improve your unique concepts too since every mission/event/activity you have suggested is common, and not one stands out to me.

I'd furthermore recommend you try to work towards NHC instead since you seem more oriented towards NATO rather than MRP as a whole.
HTF AM I abt blacklisted as I never played ussr ? Idk whata going on how do you get blacklisted if you never play it , they mad about me taking down there helicopters ?


top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
you were blacklisted for being a retard on the discord, also you just go at the throats of anyone that says anything slightly bad about you; definitely shouldn’t be GM
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