MilitaryRP - GM Application - AJ

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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Apr 30, 2022

Your Username: AJ

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54569693

Discord Username: lowqualitybeans

Age: 16

What's your current playtime: 5D 1hr 26M should be much more been playing for ages.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Your characters name: JAF MAJ AJ AVT-S1
KGB PSC Glasgow [AJ]
Civ Not AJ
CSB Mohamed Bin Ballin

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have a 28 warning but all but 1 are 2 years old and the most resent one is from 9th of June 2023 and one ban if you want to see the list DM me about it.

How many hours can you be on everyday: 5 Hours

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I don't have experience as a GM but I have helped with smaller events with GMs (also sorry if spelling is wrong)

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become a GM because I have wanted to be a GM for sometime now and I believe now is a good time for me. I have also heard that the GM team is needing some new members to help with events. I would also start to add more RP around the server in Peacetime to help encourage more RP on the server. I have also helped Rivaa with event around the server.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I have been on the server for around 2 to 3 years now and I witnessed and been at loads of events and believe I am able to give good quality events to the server and it members.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): (Ether side)The private Army or Militia has stolen Military documents from a convoy that's meant for HC. there job is to search the convey clues. then they get ambushed again defat them and find the location of there strong hold before they sell the documents to the enemy.

(NATO) A member of NATO has been caught by the Civ police forcing Civ to give money to them or they would be killed. They have been sentenced to trial for there crimes and it NATO choice to decide what happens during the trial.

(USSR) A equipment drop has been hit by a A-A and its USSRs to scavenge the remains but CSB have see it drop as well and its USSRs job to retrieve the equipment from CSB and return it to base.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): Map:

Operation Phoenix Rising

A distress call has been sent out by the mayor of a town called Kishlak that USSR have set up a base and are forcing the towns people to work in there production of Ore. NATOs first job is to speak to the remaining militia and the mayor to locate the mine and make a plan to free the civilians while USSR are searching the towns for the remaining Civilians in hiding. NHC, SAS and RMP stay with the mayor and try to keep him hidden while JAF, 17th and ISAF send a rescue team to liberate the Civs. USSR will send the equivalent regs to do the opposite of what the reg equivalent is doing (RMP protects the Mayor KGB hunt the Mayor // 17th liberate the camp 11th defend it) If USSR find and take the Mayor to there base USSR will attack the map while NATO defend but if NATO liberates the Camp and takes the Civs to NATO base for evacuation they will attack and USSR will defend. if both teams complete the objectives NATO saves the civs and USSR get the Mayor the map will be neutral. Winner of the neutral war will get a base raid. if the base raid fails the losing team will retreat to there base and go to the airfield to capture airdrop while the defending try's to steal part of it e.g (Combat points, Jugg or flamer and War funds) and the raid starts again event ends when a team wins.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/AOR, SAS/STS, IVG/ISAF, JAF/SWB, 1stAL/17thAR): RMP/KGB the Mayor of towns has reported that a group of wanted criminals are on there way to meet a fake dealer of weapons set up by the Towns Police there job is to ambush the convoy and then raid the main compound of the criminal leader and take him to ether teams jail.

SAS/SGRU Intel has come in that CSB has taken a member of USSR and NATO HC and there job is to hack in to CSB base and clear the base capture as many of them as they can and rescue the HC and return them to there respective bases while CSB reinforcements try to stop them.

ISAF/40th In the under ground of ET Civilians have see an unidentified human being roaming the sewers screaming and attacking anyone who goes down there job is to ether restrain it or gather samples and give them to the Airfield doctor so he can transport them to a research facility.

JAF/ATR A transport of new Heli parts has landed at AF for an unknown force JAF and ATRs job is to capture the parts before they can be deliver to the mountain under ground if they fail and it gets to Mountain under ground they raid the underground.

17th/11th A prototype tank has been found by the civilians 17th and 11th will work together to fight of a private army group that has been sent to steal the tank with force both tank regs will defend the tank till private army retreats.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Apr 30, 2022
- Looks like you put little to no effort into the app, for EX Your grammar is horrible and you ideas are not detailed at all.

- Not many to no interactions
- Your ideas are very basic

Hello MR AJ! I gave you -support because Your event ideas are basic and have no detail at all. Also i have not had many interactions with you. Good luck on your app!
I apologize I have server dyslexia so its hard to spell and write
Feb 28, 2023
Application Accepted

Hi @MR AJ ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Game Master application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please reach out to myself for introduction to the team!​
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