MilitaryRP - GM Application - thelegolord

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 21, 2023

Your Username: thelegolord

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:744023441

Discord Username: romanthetanker

Age: 16 [Almost 17]

What's your current playtime: 2d 3h but have been off on since last year

Do you have a mic: Yes i do

Your characters name: NATO - Roman 'Saltzer' [1299]
USSR - Bradford [152]

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the first GameMaster Application i have made.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: MRP - None
SCP-RP - 2 Week Ban for Mass RDM

How many hours can you be on everyday: 6/7 every day if possible/not busy. But i hope i could dedicate more time in the future!

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes, i have been an Event Manager in old GMOD Dark RP Servers and did pretty well for myself, like getting to Senior GM in a German One i worked in back in 2020.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like to become a Game Master because i feel i could bring a lot of great events to the server and make sure everybody has a great time during peacetime and all other times.

Another reason i would like to become a Game Master is from my past experience because i could remember enjoying the job a lot, and would be active everyday for over 7 months.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I believe i could help with activity within the GM Community and come up with great RP and Event ideas to spice up the community.

I believe i can bring more to the table than other applicants because i have done it before and i know whats right and whats wrong to do.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): 1. A Robot Invasion in both bases to spice up the aiming quality and comm use of soldiers.

2. A Raid on Hilltop which will end in a Fireteam earning over 300k and NATO/USSR Get 2 pieces of land depending on which fireteam secures the Hilltop.

3. A Helicopter and Ground Dogfight to make JAF Better at flying and to make ground soldiers a better one for the future

All are USSR/NATO involved!

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): I think we should add a Kuwait, Israel or Russia/Ukraine due to conflicts in the past and present to make it feel more realistic to others and obviously the map developers will love it!

List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/KGB, SAS/AG, SHA/ISAF, JAF/ABT, 10th/17thAR): RMP/KGB - A secret duo from USSR/NATO go rogue and go on a killing spree with gauntlet guns and helicopters and invade both bases which ends in a brawl confiding with both Nations.

SAS/AG - A spy enters south town and places a bomb, SAS/AG needs to defuse the bomb in 10 minutes or a massive nuclear explosion goes off and leads to a map change the next day.

SHA/ISAF - Both ground units need to hack a special computer that is going to leak both Nations biggest secrets or else they both fail and everything secretive will be let out.

JAF/ABT - A USSR/NATO steals a Kayak and bombs both bases leading to a massive dogfight in the air with both regiments needing to save the day

10th/17thAR - A Civilian undercover as NATO/USSR sneaks into the bases and steals tanks and plans to do horrible things with it, so both regiments have to grab as much Vehicular reinforcements and take down the Undercover Civilian.

Anakin Skywalker

MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Feb 7, 2021
Application Denied

Hi , thelegolord

Thanks for taking the time to make a Game master application.

Thank you for taking time to make an application, however we encourage you to get more familiarised within the Server/Community and increase your activity before applying for The event team, therefore your application is being denied but don't let this discourage you.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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