MilitaryRP - Senior Admin Resignation Appeal - Gambit 'Chaos' Dingle

Username: Jamal Dingle

Your in-game name: Gambit 'Chaos' Dingle

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:450620919

Previous rank: Senior Admin

Are you appealing a Staff resignation or blacklist: Resignation

Date of resignation: 24/10/2024

Prior to this, have you ever been demoted or resigned: No

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 1 warning for RDM on 11/01/2024

Why did you resign: I resigned at the time because I had a lot going on IRL, as well as I was losing a lot of interest in MRP. I tried to do things while not wanting to in the slightest which just made things worse.

Why should you return: I want to return as I've noticed staff numbers can be quite low frequently throughout the day, and I am active and enjoying MRP very much so I'd like to help relieve any staff currently on by taking sits whenever i can. I'd also like to help whichever team I choose to join in ensure they're working together in an effective manner that gets things done and keeps people satisfied. I would like to use my previous experience to conduct in SL duties if I am returned as one. I also knew quite a bit regarding SA commands (vwar_) so after a few days of getting used to it and reminding myself I'd be confident in teaching new SA/Admins commands given to them.
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