Your Username: Aki
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:453495579
Discord Username: Akiimur.
Age: 17
What's your current playtime: 3 days, 17 hours.
Do you have a mic: Yes.
Your characters name: Akari (NATO), Sydney (USSR)
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: None.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: None.
How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-3 Hours depending as some days I can be on for longer
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:453495579
Discord Username: Akiimur.
Age: 17
What's your current playtime: 3 days, 17 hours.
Do you have a mic: Yes.
Your characters name: Akari (NATO), Sydney (USSR)
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: None.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: None.
How many hours can you be on everyday: 2-3 Hours depending as some days I can be on for longer
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I used to be an admin in a SCPRP Server, in my lower ranking on this server I did a lot of tickets, and handled basic issues, whenever I reached Trial Admin, I did a lot of supervising for lower ranking staff and mostly assisted in sits whenever needed and answered questions whenever asked.
I also got up to Senior Mod on another MRP Server, I did mostly the same which was just tickets and basic community interactions.
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: The main that I'm currently proud of is the AG Kinda revival.
I was invited on here by some friends and joined AG, from there I got rank skipped up to MSGT and assisted in some CO work and some SNCO, I haven't done much tryouts but I did the full tryout document rework within AG, and I am currently working on assisting SIS/SVR in becoming something more roleplay based and generally more specialized, which will hopefully bring another goal for people to reach in AG and make it more interesting, which leads to today where we do hacking missions and do very well in wars and have a pretty active number of AG being on every day and new people transferring and joining.
Why would you like to become a staff member: The main reason I'm interested in becoming a staff member is generally because of the experience I been having over the past month I been playing; I had a lot of fun and great interactions with people and have been enjoying my time 80% of the time I'm on, which leads me to want to help out with moderation.
While I know good amount of the rules not all of the rules, I am very willing to be taught and learn and improve as a person from any past mistake.
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I can't really think of much on top of my head, I see some general issues with ticket times but, I heard this on SCPRP, but I don't know if it would work well on MRP but letting players roleplay some things out without the need of staff
I also got up to Senior Mod on another MRP Server, I did mostly the same which was just tickets and basic community interactions.
Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: The main that I'm currently proud of is the AG Kinda revival.
I was invited on here by some friends and joined AG, from there I got rank skipped up to MSGT and assisted in some CO work and some SNCO, I haven't done much tryouts but I did the full tryout document rework within AG, and I am currently working on assisting SIS/SVR in becoming something more roleplay based and generally more specialized, which will hopefully bring another goal for people to reach in AG and make it more interesting, which leads to today where we do hacking missions and do very well in wars and have a pretty active number of AG being on every day and new people transferring and joining.
Why would you like to become a staff member: The main reason I'm interested in becoming a staff member is generally because of the experience I been having over the past month I been playing; I had a lot of fun and great interactions with people and have been enjoying my time 80% of the time I'm on, which leads me to want to help out with moderation.
While I know good amount of the rules not all of the rules, I am very willing to be taught and learn and improve as a person from any past mistake.
If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I can't really think of much on top of my head, I see some general issues with ticket times but, I heard this on SCPRP, but I don't know if it would work well on MRP but letting players roleplay some things out without the need of staff
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