MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Ash

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Active member
Jul 10, 2024

Your Username: Ash

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:132467704

Discord Username: bright_ash

Age: 17

What's your current playtime: 6 days

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Bright Ash
Dark Ash

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: One for Fear RP

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3 to 5

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: No

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: the rank of CPT and helping make RMP active

Why would you like to become a staff member: to help Increase the enjoyment of players and ensure that roleplay is carried out for everyone's fun as well as to decrees the wait time people wait for tickets

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: decrees the amount of time people wait for staff to reply to their staff sit ill do this by being active ill also increase the amount of enjoyment people get by making sure everyone is listened to and helped


Well-known Member
May 18, 2023
+/- Neutral
+ Active
+ Seems friendly
+ Basically empty record

+/- Little interaction
+/- No previous experience

- Very short application

Hey Ash, I haven't talked to you much or know much about you but you seem fairly friendly and you are active. Your record is basically empty, but have unfortunately no previous experience but that is fine. My only concern is your application answers being incredibly short. Good luck on your verdict!


MilitaryRP Staff
Sep 7, 2022
huge -support
Ton of complaints made against you thru nato which are negative
no effort in app (very short)
Please do not consider this opinion when considering ash's application. This man is extremely biased and continuously breaks rules when it benefits him and will complain when somebody else does. If you want a genuine and honest opinion about if ash would make a good moderator you will not get it from this person.
Mar 15, 2023
Not many interactions
Complaints against you

Recent Warning
Poor App

Hello Ash, I am leaving a -Support on your application due to a poor application and you being warned recently. Furthermore, I have heard many complaints about your actions in the last few days which have been almost all negative. Although you are active, I can not leave a positive opinion on your application.

Ash has a rocky history in-character which people cannot put aside for an OOC application to a role. Ash hasn't broken any rules and if they have it would have been from missguidance via the staff team's actions/misspeaking on a situation.

Recent rule break, in my opinion, seems like a rocky situation however should they post an appeal I believe there would be a chance of their appeal being accepted.

I have seen Ash as staff before and they did a good job.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 10, 2021


I will begin by pointing out I have nothing personal against you. My main reason for giving you a "-Support" is the extremely poorly made application. As far as I am aware, you are a native speaker, thus language should not be an issue, instead I feel you just have not put in the effort. Before I could start rating your other qualities, I would like to see improvement on your application as it is at the moment simply a joke. If this was your CV for a job you are applying for IRL, no employer would even consider you for acceptance, taking in the fact that you have not even bothered to put full stops at the end of your sentances.

In terms of the interactions I have had with you, they simply are not the best, but I will blame it on the fact we main different sides and I just haven't been properly able to get to know you.

On the positive side, you're active in-game and have a CO rank which is great and shows that you are dedicated to the server. If you fix your application, add more detail to it, etc., I'd gladly reconsider my judgement on this application.

The last thing I will comment on, since it regards one of my decisions, is your very recently received NLR warning. In my opinion, you did break a rule, although it was clear to see, from what you said, that it was simply not intentional and just a coincidence. I was originally keen on giving you just a verbal warning, but I did not for the following three reasons:
1. You yourself said "...I don't care, just warn me...".
2. It simply was not the first time you have been in a similar situation.
3. Your story kept changing, you were visibily nervous the whole time which makes no sense if you are innocent. Then again, you may just have stress issues, but if a situation like this gets you so affected, then how would you be able to handle sits daily?

All that aside, I wish you all the best of luck with your applicaiton!
Kind Regards,
Zlat, Senior Moderator.
- Support,

Although I haven't played MRP for a while, I can easily say that this individual does not deserve the rank. The reason for this is the extreme lack of detail within the application. The detail provided in the application is very basic and might as well be copied from others. With this in mind, I really think this will affect their performance as a staff member. Another point/reason is that from what I've read, the player doesn't have the best reputation, at least from an RP point of view.

With these points in mind, I would honestly dislike seeing the individual in power, as being a staff member requires both professionalism and an open mind. As I've read the feedback you have been given (Nirvans especially), you had a recent warning (I might be wrong), but that more or less proves that you shouldn't be in power. An individual who cannot uphold the server rules themselves shouldn't have the option to punish individuals who, well... break rules. I think trusting this person with the power to ban, jail, warn, etc., will not be beneficial to the server.

From an ex-SL member's point of view, I have encountered a lot of staff members who just want the role and its benefits, and I assume the person that has written this application might do so as well. Furthermore, I understand if you would like a chance within the staff team, but my suggestion is to get a better server reputation. In return, with a better server reputation, you will be more likely to receive respect and understanding from the players.

As for the part of the "recent" warning the person had/rule breaks that went unhandled, I would really say it would be hypocritical to let this person punish others for it.

A-1 COM "Undead"/ A-1 COM "Freeman"
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