MilitaryRP - Staff Application - StefanZEW

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Your Username: StefanZEW

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77367848

Discord Username: stefanzew

Age: 24

What's your current playtime: In the past mounth is 2d 13h but in total i have 18d (idk if its correct bc in 2022 i used to have 14d but vtime_menu dosen t work anymore.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: NATO - Stefan
USSR - Sir 'Valk'
Civ - President of MRP StefanZEW

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: First Staff App-
Resignation Appeal-
2nd Resignation Appeal-
Demotion Appeal-

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Yes:
Warnings: I can t remember why i got moust of the warnings and some of them are really old.
3.Ilegal Base Kidnaping/Hacking ( Was an illegal hacking mission that i did as SOTF there were less than 15 people on each side )
7.Missuse of Equipment
9.Illegal FOB Assault (I helped JAF into a Path Finding Mission by placing an FOB after they destroyed the NWO one, i had no clue anyone else apart from JAF is not allowed to help them)
10.Base Camping with an AA Arti ( This happend on Vietnam and bc the Sky Box is so high i had no clue to helli flew back in base so i continued to shoot it )

1.MRDM ( I scuded my own base after i resigned as Admin and SC SCOM )
2.Banned for Damaging Server Health ( This ban does not appear on /warnings for some reason, I was getting mad about SL and SC implementing some new Law Book wich AOR did not like at that time , and i wanted to do a Bluff with a Riot to try get AOR allowed to make theyr own Law Book.)

1.Kicked by Doofy (no reason given) - (He decied to do a funny)
2. Kicked by SIC Brian Bell (no reason given)-(He was testing commands)
3.[Kick] for mic spam - ( I was spaming a song over mic if i remeber corectly)

How many hours can you be on everyday: Between 3 and 5 hours

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes, i was Admin before.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Im proud of beeing HC 4 times ( NHC BGEN,NHC LTGEN | SC SCOM,SC MGEN )
But my biggest achivement was getting into SL and having the rank of Admin.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I wold love to become a staff member again and try to go for SL, i see that there are not enaugh staff members on the server and some of them do not have the experince behind them, so i know i had some rough times after i resigned as SL but now i am no longer NHC and i have time to spare and i had enaugh fun on MRP. Its time to get serios again and get things done.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: Activity and Experience
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Staff of the week!
Staff of the Week
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
Before I start explaining why I don't like the idea of you being in the staff team, let me say that I have NOTHING against you personally and I have no ill intentions towards you whatsoever.

1. In my eyes you're only doing this to get some amount of power back after getting kicked from NHC. Your application is very short and it doesn't seem like you put in any effort in it. You're coming off as power hungry and wanting to get some of it back as quickly as you can, thus resulting in a bare-bones application. Also, you said how you're "finally free" from duties of NHC, but then you go and try to commit yourself to an even more difficult role?

2. Your attitude is questionable at best, you got kicked out from NHC for harassing and threatening people below you. You can get very upset when things don't go your way and when the pressure ramps up (which does often happen in staff sits). At times you can be very toxic towards others and in my opinion that would do damage to the staff team's reputation. Just based off of that I don't think you're fit for staff right now, let alone SL.

3. You have a lot of punishments which is somewhat fine because we all make mistakes, but considering you've been playing on this server for a long time one would think you would master the rules by now. This means that you either don't know the rules (which is not good because you can't really have a staff member that doesn't know the rules) or you're breaking rules intentionally to push some personal agenda because you think you're always in the right. Either way it doesn't look good.

I want to finish off by saying that I know this review seems biased due to the whole drama you've had with ISAF, but I want to ensure everyone reading it that I was going off of facts, recent events and personal experiences.

Stefan, I have nothing but respect for you and I cannot express my gratitude enough for giving me a chance to be where I am currently, but I genuinely think this application is not a good step for you right now.

Good luck,

Aleem Abdul

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
May 16, 2023

despite what others are saying, back in the day stefan was a really good staff member and got admin to prove that, i think although people are expressing concerns if he was under some supervision it would only be beneficial for him to return to the staff team
Before I start explaining why I don't like the idea of you being in the staff team, let me say that I have NOTHING against you personally and I have no ill intentions towards you whatsoever.

1. In my eyes you're only doing this to get some amount of power back after getting kicked from NHC. Your application is very short and it doesn't seem like you put in any effort in it. You're coming off as power hungry and wanting to get some of it back as quickly as you can, thus resulting in a bare-bones application. Also, you said how you're "finally free" from duties of NHC, but then you go and try to commit yourself to an even more difficult role?

2. Your attitude is questionable at best, you got kicked out from NHC for harassing and threatening people below you. You can get very upset when things don't go your way and when the pressure ramps up (which does often happen in staff sits). At times you can be very toxic towards others and in my opinion that would do damage to the staff team's reputation. Just based off of that I don't think you're fit for staff right now, let alone SL.

3. You have a lot of punishments which is somewhat fine because we all make mistakes, but considering you've been playing on this server for a long time one would think you would master the rules by now. This means that you either don't know the rules (which is not good because you can't really have a staff member that doesn't know the rules) or you're breaking rules intentionally to push some personal agenda because you think you're always in the right. Either way it doesn't look good.

I want to finish off by saying that I know this review seems biased due to the whole drama you've had with ISAF, but I want to ensure everyone reading it that I was going off of facts, recent events and personal experiences.

Stefan, I have nothing but respect for you and I cannot express my gratitude enough for giving me a chance to be where I am currently, but I genuinely think this application is not a good step for you right now.

Good luck,
Ah yes , I can’t wait to grab the unlimited power of a Trial Mod

I don’t know how applying for staff is Powergrab when I’m starting from ground , you don’t get real power in staff until you reach HMOD wich takes time and lots of work.

And about the harassing and treats I made to people , I only resulted to that bc I saw people not following orders anymore things waere not getting done and you have no clue how much being NHC and dealing with the constant people coming and complaining about the stupidest things has affected my mental health wich resulted in the last weeks of me becoming very strict with NATO.

I have let James knew I was not going to be friendly anymore and I will punish people that don’t do they’r jobs, I have warned nato multiple times that this will happen if we continue being not good, Ik we all want to have fun and it’s just a game, but people were demanding results while not doing anything so I had to try something else apart from being a good man and support you guys every time.

It is funny how a lot of people easily forgot how much I have done for NATO and how I supported everyone and always tried to back them up, even now there are some people that I think don’t hate me in nato, the ones I saw doing ther jobs and I have them my full support in everything they have done.
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- From what I have seen recently you have a bias against certain players
- You just got removed from NHC due to complaints (I believe, if I am wrong, feel free to correct me)
- You are USSR bias atm
- Power hungry (shown when he was NHC)
- Low effort application
I was always bias towards people not doing things and lacking in they’r positions (one of those people are you if I’m not wrong, even tho we were good friends that does not mean I will allow you to sit on a job and do nothing and I was proven right when other NHC without my involvement went and demoted you and instead of trying to prove yourself you decided to switch sides and become toxic especially towards the guy that demoted you)

I have never been bias, this has been proven mutiple times when I banned/kicked/warned/demoted/stricked multiple good friends whenever I caught them lacking,I have always tried to be impartial in situations.

How do you know I’m USSR bias if you haven’t played that much and we had 0 interactions with me as USSR ?

How was I power hungry if I was the second highest rank in NATO and I had all the power I wanted ? Oh and I never went and I never had the intention to go after James’s GRM spot as 90% of the time comunication was on spot and decisions were taken together.

On the low effort app is my fault, I agree , I got confused by the new app system and spent 40 minutes on doing only that


Game Master
Game Master
Oct 5, 2022
- Support

Stefan, you have my respect for what you've done for the last 2 years I've known you and i wouldn't be here without you.

but unfortunately for the past week after checking and fact checking everything.
your unfit for Staff due To the threats and harassments you have made against players who played USSR during wars and try to force them to play NATO and complaints were made against you due to your behaviour.

It's a Bloody game we win and lose wars it's an uncontrollable cycle not even you can control it.
I don’t know why you think your the main character in MRP or some mob boss while yelling at kids in ts3 bro.

And don't try to down play and justify your actions over the courses of the last few weeks in the comments and arguing with others trying to justify what you've done it wont make your situation any better.

knowing the anger that caused you after you got removed from NHC its unwise to give you staff this early and it's better to try to take some time off from MRP to cool off before you apply again.

And I remember you saying after you got removed that you said "gonna take a break for 2-3 weeks" only to come back 5 days later and applying for staff. Therefore, I honestly think you should take your time and focus on your mental health rather than coming back to the game that caused you so much problems to you.

I wish you well mate,
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If I remember correctly, you have joined staff 2 times and both times u ended up either getting kicked or blacklisted and the same thing goes for HC. You have been given multiple chances to prove that you can change and grow as a person and all those times you have proven to be a big dissapointment (which is what you like to call other people for no reason). You were recently kicked from NHC and I see this as an attempt to regain power this time as a staff member. Like CORE said, I think you should focus on your health (something that you said yourself) and forget about MRP for a while. I dont have anything against you, I just feel that you arent ready and it wont be something possitive for you.


Active member
May 18, 2024

- USSR biased, you feel vexed by NATO for removing you from NHC
- You have been staff twice before and have been removed both times
- You have been playing for so long and still get bans and warns, i don't think you should preach what you don't know
- You are not good at listening to peoples complaints, as shown when you were NHC
- You are too temperamental to be able to make calm decisions


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2023
There is been a lot of controversy around your name in many different cases with staff with a few removals but I personally thought you were a good staff member during your time on the team. However, as others have been mentioning, a recent situation with NHC might cause issues with your diligence towards NATO while working as staff so I can not fully leave a positive support for your application as problems could arise.
Jan 13, 2022

Stefan, you were a good staff member, and I know you could do it again. Most who have commented below have not even seen you as a staff member before. And people who say his behaviour is not okay—he only wanted to do the best for NATO—but you guys have become way too soft and can't pick up on anything without taking it personally.

Stefan, I would have done the same thing and I think you deserve a chance to get back on the staff team.


Well-known Member
Jul 16, 2023
NATO crying happens all the time, i remember you in NWO HC and every debrief you was honest with how shit or how good we did in a war, you were a leading person, and very vocal which since USSR switch ive only seen Jack be a vocal member of the community, everyone knows you aswell since youve been playing for however long, and experience on the server.


Well-known Member
Jul 16, 2023
NATO crying happens all the time, i remember you in NWO HC and every debrief you was honest with how shit or how good we did in a war, you were a leading person, and very vocal which since USSR switch ive only seen Jack be a vocal member of the community, everyone knows you aswell since youve been playing for however long, and experience on the server.
Also NATO are way to soft when it comes to being criticised for there performances like kvalax said which is why most - supports are from NATO.
Sep 10, 2022
- Support
Stefan, I've known you for a couple years, when 15th RB was still a thing. I love you Stefan, and it isn't anything personal; I think with how things have currently been, you don't need that extra stress on you. You need another vacation or just a break for MRP. I hope we can talk some time soon.
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