MilitaryRP - Staff Application - StefanZEW

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Your Username: StefanZEW

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77367848

Discord Username: stefanzew

Age: 25

What's your current playtime: 18d

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: NATO - 'Valk' [StefanZEW]
USSR - Sir 'Valk'
Civ - President of MRP StefanZEW

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: First Staff App -
Resignation Appeal -
2nd Resignation Appeal -
Demotion Appeal -
Last Staff App -

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Warnings: I can t remember why i got moust of the warnings and some of them are really old.
3.Ilegal Base Kidnaping/Hacking ( Was an illegal hacking mission that i did as SOTF there were less than 15 people on each side )
7.Missuse of Equipment
9.Illegal FOB Assault (I helped JAF into a Path Finding Mission by placing an FOB after they destroyed the NWO one, i had no clue anyone else apart from JAF is not allowed to help them)
10.Base Camping with an AA Arti ( This happend on Vietnam and bc the Sky Box is so high i had no clue to helli flew back in base so i continued to shoot it )
11.Toxicity (Called parker some mean words)

1.MRDM ( I scuded my own base after i resigned as Admin and SC SCOM )
2.Banned for Damaging Server Health ( This ban does not appear on /warnings for some reason, I was getting mad about SL and SC implementing some new Law Book wich AOR did not like at that time , and i wanted to do a Bluff with a Riot to try get AOR allowed to make theyr own Law Book.)
3. A toxicitiy ban after i said the nword in discord(i was not verry good mentaly at that time)

1.Kicked by Doofy (no reason given) - (He decied to do a funny)
2. Kicked by SIC Brian Bell (no reason given)-(He was testing commands)
3.[Kick] for mic spam - ( I was spaming a song over mic if i remeber corectly)

How many hours can you be on everyday: 4-5

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes-I was Administrator and Platform Teal Leader

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: Im proud of beeing HC 4 times ( NHC BGEN,NHC LTGEN | SC SCOM,SC MGEN )
But my biggest achivement was getting into SL and having the rank of Admin.

Why would you like to become a staff member: wold love to become a staff member again and try to go for SL, i see that there are not enaugh staff members on the server and some of them do not have the experince behind them, so i know i had some rough times after i resigned as SL but now i am no longer NHC and i have time to spare and i had enaugh fun on MRP. Its time to get serios again and get things done and right now i am in a verry good mental state and i am verry motivated to play MRP again.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: Activity and Experience
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