Accepted Misc. GOC Job Slot/Role Changes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes a few of the following roles/jobs.
Remove the starting licenses for GOC, to make them earnable in-game through RP/training.
  • GOC Medic require a Medical License
  • GOC Marksman require a Sniper License
  • GOC Strike Team require a Heavy Weapons License

  • Make the GOC Medic SPC+ (was LCPL+)
  • Make the GOC Field Operative CPL+ (was LCPL+)
  • Make the GOC Assessment Team SGT+ (was CPL+)
  • Make the GOC Strike Team 1SG+ (was SGT+)

  • Split the GOC Ambassador role into Junior and Senior Ambassador
    Junior Ambassador gets a CL4 [LT+]
    Senior Ambassador gets a CL5 [MAJ+]

  • Split the GOC R&D role into Junior and Senior R&D
    Junior R&D gets a CL3 [SPC+]
    Senior R&D gets a CL4 [LT+]

  • Reduce the Field Operative slots to 3 (Down from 8)
  • Reduce the Medic slots to 3 (Down from 4)
  • Increase the Strike Team slots to 6 (Up from 3)
  • Increase the both Jr. and Sr. Ambassador slots to 4 (Up from 2), 4 for LTs, 4 for both MAJs, the LTGEN, and GEN

  • Remove the Kant Counter from all GOC roles, aside from Field Operative.
  • Remove the TE-5 Hacking Device from all GOC roles, aside from Assessment Team, Strike Team, Field Operative, and Soldier.
  • Remove the Interrogation tool from all GOC roles, aside from Assessment Team, Officer, and Commander.
  • Remove the Weapon Checker tool from all GOC roles, aside from Assessment Team, and Field Operative.
  • Remove the Scranton Reality Anchor tool from all GOC roles, aside from Field Operative.
  • Remove the Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Flash Bang, Vehicle Repair Tool, Door Repair Tool, and Technician Repair Tool from Officer, and Commander.
  • Remove the Smoke Grenade from Marksman.
  • Give the Medic a TE-5 Hacking Device.
  • Give the Medic a Smoke Grenade.
  • Give the Soldier a Frag Grenade.
  • Give the Juggernaut a Frag Grenade.
  • Give the Field Operative a Flash Bang.
  • Give the Assessment Team a Smoke Grenade.
  • Give the Engineer the Scranton Reality Anchor tool.
  • Give the Engineer the TE-5 Hacking Device.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Better overall balance for GOC v F/CI.
+ Better overall RP capabilities & utility.
+ Rank / License requirements make these changes more justifiable.
+ Change was proposed by Server Leadership.
+ Change was approved/acceptable by US GOC.
+ Additional encouragement for Teamwork.
+ Gives additional RP with earning licenses.
+ Strike Team can have a total of 2 teams, which can increase comms/combat RP.

~ Will be making a seperate suggestion for GOC Combat Engineers, which is why I suggested it at LCPL+.
~ Utility is split amongst different roles to increase team-play.
~ Overall specialized slots are decreased by 2, to 19 total. (Down from 21)
~ Overall Disguise Cards are decreased by 4, to 7 total. (Down from 11)
~ US GOC discussed, and approved this suggestion during a meeting.
~ GOC gets technically 2 grenade kits, however one is split amongst 4 seperate roles (Assessment, Medic, Soldier, and Field Operative), with one additional Smoke Grenade in the "Split Grenade Kit".

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Development time.
Can't think of any other issues.

UK GOC will still stink(real(@Otters(u smell(also hiii!!!(These are joke negatives btw))))).
- Darren might complain it's ERP/FailRP for GOC to have slot/loadout changes.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Some of these changes were discussed with Server Leadership and refined as needed. The US side of GOC were the ones discussing and approving many of these changes, and both sides came to agreeance with this suggested proposal. This would assist with the balance of GOC v F/CI, while not making the faction entirely underpowered for just 35 personnel, with around 0-10 active.

The GOC has 21 total combat spec. slots, with only around 15 being viable to use, with 8(the majority!) being Field Operative slots. The proposal reduces the total combat spec. slots to 19, with the viable combat spec. slots being increased to 16.
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I believe the GOC roles work fine as they are, and making certain roles require licences when GOC get them off the bat is kinda pointless
My suggestion means GOC don't get them off the bat, literally the second sentence states that.

Yes, many roles work fine as-is, however many of these changes are small, and more tuned as quality-of-life improvements rather than sweeping alterations.

Ambassador, for instance, is only really useable by the LTGEN+, since it has a CL5.
CL4 R&D can store CL4 documents made by CL3 R&D, or make their own CL4 docs.
Medic can drag people away, or use a smoke grenade to conceal their healing/reviving process.
Medic can also hack, so Strike/Assessment teams can have better lethal coverage of the door in question.
Field Ops can flash bang a room after breaching a door.
Marksman... no longer has a smoke grenade... I duno why he had one in the first place lol.
Engineer is somewhat more useful outside of very specific scenarios.

There are other changes also in the works, which will change the overall balance of GOC, so many of these proposals are very useful!!
Major -support
These changes are almost universally bad on every level, at least for the UK server. I'll go through this piece by piece.

License Requirements:
This quite literally adds nothing to gameplay or roleplay value. I'm not kidding, this would actually be completely useless. You don't even justify this in the positives of the suggestion - this will only add time waste to the CO team for training and giving out these individual licenses. No one abuses their loadouts or misuses anything that we've seen on UK - the applicants are already carefully quality controlled and experienced on the server, so this is unlikely in the first place.

Loadout Rank Requirements:
  • Medic > SPC is a good change, this encourages medical roleplay.
  • Field Operative > CPL is a bad change. I can't think of any justification for it, because the job isn't abused on UK.
  • Assessment Team > SGT is a horrible change. This will immediately force members of some of the UK teams to literally change team because they won't even have access to the job to use it.
  • Strike Team > 1SGT is a bad change. Again, it isn't misused on UK and it makes no sense even from a balancing perspective to make it 1SGT.
  • Marksman > 1SGT is a decent change from a balancing perspective?
Job Splits:
  • Ambassador being split into a CL4 and CL5 is flat out a bad change, since it's barely used anyway and any CO above Lieutenant is competent enough to use a CL5 role correctly on UK.
  • The R&D split honestly would be pretty cool, since having no CL4 PTOLEMY personnel is somewhat annoying.
Slot Changes:
  • Field Operative from 8 to 3 slots. You already suggested nerfing it by making it CPL+, this would barely make sense from a roleplay and balancing perspective.
  • Reducing Medic slots. Didn't you suggest changing medic to SPC? Already barely anyone plays it on UK, and CI Medic has 4 slots and so does Nu-7. This wouldn't make sense from a balancing perspective nor roleplay-encouraging perspective.
  • Strike Team slots to 6. Why the hell would anyone change it to 1SGT+ then INCREASE the slots by double? It will *already* receive half of the usage from being 1SGT+ since way less people have that rank.
  • Assessment Team slots to 4. Same as above, and doesn't make sense for balancing.
  • Ambassador Slots to 4. It's barely used anyway, wtf is the point? I already disagree with the ambassador split as well. Seems like too many ambassadors imho.
Loadout Changes:
Wait until the loadout update. Otherwise, I universally disagree with all of the aforementioned changes since they're all bad for balancing.

Overall, you say that these changes would help favor GOC in balancing. In my opinion, they really don't.. They simply change ranklocks and make bad loadout changes.
I took a look at the US UNGOC roster, and you have a very large amount of 1SGTs. The UK has very little 1SGTs and these changes would cripple the loadout balancing over here.
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Major -support
These changes are almost universally bad on every level, at least for the UK server. I'll go through this piece by piece.

License Requirements:
This quite literally adds nothing to gameplay or roleplay value. I'm not kidding, this would actually be completely useless. You don't even justify this in the positives of the suggestion - this will only add time waste to the CO team for training and giving out these individual licenses. No one abuses their loadouts or misuses anything that we've seen on UK - the applicants are already carefully quality controlled and experienced on the server, so this is unlikely in the first place.

Loadout Rank Requirements:
  • Medic > SPC is a good change, this encourages medical roleplay.
  • Field Operative > CPL is a bad change. I can't think of any justification for it, because the job isn't abused on UK.
  • Assessment Team > SGT is a horrible change. This will immediately force members of some of the UK teams to literally change team because they won't even have access to the job to use it.
  • Strike Team > 1SGT is a bad change. Again, it isn't misused on UK and it makes no sense even from a balancing perspective to make it 1SGT.
  • Marksman > 1SGT is a decent change from a balancing perspective?
Job Splits:
  • Ambassador being split into a CL4 and CL5 is flat out a bad change, since it's barely used anyway and any CO above Lieutenant is competent enough to use a CL5 role correctly on UK.
  • The R&D split honestly would be pretty cool, since having no CL4 PTOLEMY personnel is somewhat annoying.
Slot Changes:
  • Field Operative from 8 to 3 slots. You already suggested nerfing it by making it CPL+, this would barely make sense from a roleplay and balancing perspective.
  • Reducing Medic slots. Didn't you suggest changing medic to SPC? Already barely anyone plays it on UK, and CI Medic has 4 slots and so does Nu-7. This wouldn't make sense from a balancing perspective nor roleplay-encouraging perspective.
  • Strike Team slots to 6. Why the hell would anyone change it to 1SGT+ then INCREASE the slots by double? It will *already* receive half of the usage from being 1SGT+ since way less people have that rank.
  • Assessment Team slots to 4. Same as above, and doesn't make sense for balancing.
  • Ambassador Slots to 4. What, 4 junior slots and 4 junior slots or 2 of each? This is still a bad idea.
Loadout Changes:
Wait until the loadout update. Otherwise, I universally disagree with all of the aforementioned changes since they're all bad for balancing.

Overall, you say that these changes would help favor GOC in balancing. In my opinion, they really don't.. They simply change ranklocks and make bad loadout changes.
I took a look at the US UNGOC roster, and you have a very large amount of 1SGTs. The UK has very little 1SGTs and these changes would cripple the loadout balancing over here.

Okay so, most of these changes are agreed upon in terms of balance for the GOC by the US server, not because of abuse, but because we don't need upward of 11 disguise cards, or 4 medic slots. These changes are QoL and balance-focused, for instance, GOC has equipment that is much more capable than other GOIs, thus they should have less medics to compensate. GOC also doesn't need 11+ Disguise cards, since the entire purpose and specialty of Assessment Teams is to HAVE that ability. Giving it out like candy nullifies Assessment Teams.

Additionally, the increased rank requirements are intended to restrict the more heavily-RP focused positions, like Assessment, and more overpowered positions, like Strike Team, a bit more than they currently are. It's also meant to encourage players to get into other roles, like Soldier, Medic, etc., without completely destroying the actual roles that are sought after.

The slot increases on Assessment and Strike Team is to allow players that earn it to play it, even if there are 3-4 other players that have earned it as well. You'll likely get stuck on 1SG, since you only recruit the most competent of Lieutenants apparently.

I've seen some of the UK's antics, and frankly it seems really abusive of the power given as GOC. Randomly killing DEA in your base, targeting CI, raiding both GOIs unprovoked, etc. are all very uncharacteristic of the GOC(at least from what I've seen*). Plus I'd rather have these changes than get stuck with Strike and Assessment having AR-15s and no SPAZ-12.

Also, even without the loadout changes, a lot of these small changes were discussed by most of the US GOC, and Server Leadership already, and are almost universally agreed upon aside from everyone having a few nit-picks like Field Op. getting 4 slots instead of 3, or Assessment Team getting 4 slots instead of 5, etc.

TL;DR these are balance changes so SL doesn't nerf us into the ground and to prevent exclusively Strike/Assessment Teams from existing. Licenses will help increase activity and training overall, Medics will have less lots but should generally be used less since you'll be putting whatever is in front of you down quicker that most other GOI roles. No this will not be perfect for everyone and both servers, but I was told the UK wanted the MSBS on Strike Team, which is way less balanced than any of these changes.
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Okay so, most of these changes are agreed upon in terms of balance for the GOC by the US server, not because of abuse, but because we don't need upward of 11 disguise cards, or 4 medic slots.

Additionally, the increased rank requirements are intended to restrict the more heavily-RP focused positions, like Assessment, and more overpowered positions, like Strike Team, a bit more than they currently are. It's also meant to encourage players to get into other roles, like Soldier, Medic, etc., without completely destroying the actual roles that are sought after.

The slot increases on Assessment and Strike Team is to allow players that earn it to play it, even if there are 3-4 other players that have earned it as well. You'll likely get stuck on 1SG, since you only recruit the most competent of Lieutenants apparently.

I've seen some of the UK's antics, and frankly it seems really abusive of the power given as GOC. Randomly killing DEA in your base, targeting CI, raiding both GOIs unprovoked, etc. are all very uncharacteristic of the GOC. Plus I'd rather have these changes than get stuck with Strike and Assessment having AR-15s and no SPAZ-12.

Also, even without the loadout changes, a lot of these small changes were discussed by most of the US GOC, and Server Leadership already.
Most of these changes aren't because I want to see the GOC crumble, I just want a lot of nice QoL changes.
Again, I will go over this response piece by piece.

"Okay so, most of these changes are agreed upon in terms of balance for the GOC by the US server, not because of abuse, but because we don't need upward of 11 disguise cards, or 4 medic slots."
Suggestions are meant to be favorable for both servers. This completely breaks balance on UK server. This was not discussed or agreed upon with UK GOC leadership nor has anything been heard from SL on UK.

"The slot increases on Assessment and Strike Team is to allow players that earn it to play it, even if there are 3-4 other players that have earned it as well. You'll likely get stuck on 1SG, since you only recruit the most competent of Lieutenants apparently."
I would be fine if the slots were increased without changing min rank for it.

"I've seen some of the UK's antics, and frankly it seems really abusive of the power given as GOC. Randomly killing DEA in your base, targeting CI, raiding both GOIs unprovoked, etc. are all very uncharacteristic of the GOC. Plus I'd rather have these changes than get stuck with Strike and Assessment having AR-15s and no SPAZ-12."
Number one, this is incredibly off topic. Number two, this is quite literally the biggest slander against UK GOC I have ever heard in my life.
  • I can recall no instances in which DEA has been "randomly killed in our base", excluding of course during periods which we were literally at war with DEA and Foundation, in which case they were killed after any use out of them had been extracted.
  • Targeting CI? What? We literally had more favorable relations with CI compared to Foundation for months, even through the last war..
  • Raiding both GOIs unprovoked is something I also cannot recall. We very rarely if ever execute CI raids and any Foundation raids are usually assessments, which are rarely done and usually during periods of bad relations. It actually seems assessments and raids are more common over on US from a glance at your logs.
Unless you can provide evidence for any of the above, I'm going to assume your claims are patently false. In addition, the last part of your statement doesn't even make sense.. you suggest no weapons changes to strike team or assessment team, only addition of a smoke grenade to assessment and weapon removals.

These "nice QoL" changes are not quality of life at all for UK server balancing, and would in fact cripple balancing on the UK server. This is my opinion, and there was no need to create a reply peddling blatantly false and easily disprovable claims for no good reason.
Dec 10, 2022
I've seen some of the UK's antics, and frankly it seems really abusive of the power given as GOC. Randomly killing DEA in your base, targeting CI, raiding both GOIs unprovoked, etc. are all very uncharacteristic of the GOC(at least from what I've seen*). Plus I'd rather have these changes than get stuck with Strike and Assessment having AR-15s and no SPAZ-12.

Do you have any PROOF of this? CI haven't had any GOC raids in a while according to our barracks. Yet alone 'targetting us'. Infact, UNGOC relations have been really good because as of late DEA HAVE PISSED EVERYONE OFF. DEA have been mass shooting out of base with snipers, engaging both UNGOC and CI, taking civi disguises and starting combat. They have violated the IC treaty set by all three factions to not use civilian disguises for combat.

The Spaz-12 is also insanely overpowered. Skill issue. Stop lying fr
Again, I will go over this response piece by piece.

"Okay so, most of these changes are agreed upon in terms of balance for the GOC by the US server, not because of abuse, but because we don't need upward of 11 disguise cards, or 4 medic slots."
Suggestions are meant to be favorable for both servers. This completely breaks balance on UK server. This was not discussed or agreed upon with UK GOC leadership nor has anything been heard from SL on UK.

"The slot increases on Assessment and Strike Team is to allow players that earn it to play it, even if there are 3-4 other players that have earned it as well. You'll likely get stuck on 1SG, since you only recruit the most competent of Lieutenants apparently."
I would be fine if the slots were increased without changing min rank for it.

"I've seen some of the UK's antics, and frankly it seems really abusive of the power given as GOC. Randomly killing DEA in your base, targeting CI, raiding both GOIs unprovoked, etc. are all very uncharacteristic of the GOC. Plus I'd rather have these changes than get stuck with Strike and Assessment having AR-15s and no SPAZ-12."
Number one, this is incredibly off topic. Number two, this is quite literally the biggest slander against UK GOC I have ever heard in my life.
  • I can recall no instances in which DEA has been "randomly killed in our base", excluding of course during periods which we were literally at war with DEA and Foundation, in which case they were killed after any use out of them had been extracted.
  • Targeting CI? What? We literally had more favorable relations with CI compared to Foundation for months, even through the last war..
  • Raiding both GOIs unprovoked is something I also cannot recall. We very rarely if ever execute CI raids and any Foundation raids are usually assessments, which are rarely done and usually during periods of bad relations. It actually seems assessments and raids are more common over on US from a glance at your logs.
Unless you can provide evidence for any of the above, I'm going to assume your claims are patently false. In addition, the last part of your statement doesn't even make sense.. you suggest no weapons changes to strike team or assessment team, only addition of a smoke grenade to assessment and weapon removals.

These "nice QoL" changes are not quality of life at all for UK server balancing, and would in fact cripple balancing on the UK server. This is my opinion, and there was no need to create a reply peddling blatantly false and easily disprovable claims for no good reason.
Yea, I don't know how to make any of these "more favorable" for UK GOC balance. You haven't given me anything aside from "it will force players to change teams because assessment is CPL".
Anybody would be okay with a universal slot increase on everything. The entire point of the rank requirement increase is so the slots are balanced by it.

I bring this up because from what I hear the UK does substantially more hostile raids(from what I can tell*).

[04/24/2023] such as this assessment raid(I assume its an assessment raid?) where the GOC interrupt an E-11 tryout by killing recruits and the E-11 hosting the tryout. [04/13/2023] Or this clip where you snuff an entire CI raid. [05/08/2023] Heres a clip of a medic killing a DEA inside the unrestricted area of the base. At least for the US it's unrestricted. I'm not trying to make false-claims, It's just what I hear from trust worthy sources and from your highlights channel. Again, I'm not trying to be disrespectful or slanderous, but to me your opinion seems less than reasonable. Aside from the Assessment Team rank requirement- I can understand that one.
Again, I will go over this response piece by piece.

"Okay so, most of these changes are agreed upon in terms of balance for the GOC by the US server, not because of abuse, but because we don't need upward of 11 disguise cards, or 4 medic slots."
Suggestions are meant to be favorable for both servers. This completely breaks balance on UK server. This was not discussed or agreed upon with UK GOC leadership nor has anything been heard from SL on UK.

"The slot increases on Assessment and Strike Team is to allow players that earn it to play it, even if there are 3-4 other players that have earned it as well. You'll likely get stuck on 1SG, since you only recruit the most competent of Lieutenants apparently."
I would be fine if the slots were increased without changing min rank for it.

"I've seen some of the UK's antics, and frankly it seems really abusive of the power given as GOC. Randomly killing DEA in your base, targeting CI, raiding both GOIs unprovoked, etc. are all very uncharacteristic of the GOC. Plus I'd rather have these changes than get stuck with Strike and Assessment having AR-15s and no SPAZ-12."
Number one, this is incredibly off topic. Number two, this is quite literally the biggest slander against UK GOC I have ever heard in my life.
  • I can recall no instances in which DEA has been "randomly killed in our base", excluding of course during periods which we were literally at war with DEA and Foundation, in which case they were killed after any use out of them had been extracted.
  • Targeting CI? What? We literally had more favorable relations with CI compared to Foundation for months, even through the last war..
  • Raiding both GOIs unprovoked is something I also cannot recall. We very rarely if ever execute CI raids and any Foundation raids are usually assessments, which are rarely done and usually during periods of bad relations. It actually seems assessments and raids are more common over on US from a glance at your logs.
Unless you can provide evidence for any of the above, I'm going to assume your claims are patently false. In addition, the last part of your statement doesn't even make sense.. you suggest no weapons changes to strike team or assessment team, only addition of a smoke grenade to assessment and weapon removals.

These "nice QoL" changes are not quality of life at all for UK server balancing, and would in fact cripple balancing on the UK server. This is my opinion, and there was no need to create a reply peddling blatantly false and easily disprovable claims for no good reason.
Okay so, aside from the Assessment Team min. rank issue, what other problems are there aside from it just "being horrible"?
Maybe the US and UK GOC can have a meeting at some point and talk about these issues or something. I'm open to ideas as long as I see a reason for them... Most of these changes have a reason behind them, which is why I suggested them. Anyways, I'll stop replying to these. Feel free to contact me on Discord(Kit ᨐ ∫ ᓚᘏᗢ ʕo.oʔ#5700) or message me in the GOC channels.
Yea, I don't know how to make any of these "more favorable" for UK GOC balance. You haven't given me anything aside from "it will force players to change teams because assessment is CPL".
Anybody would be okay with a universal slot increase on everything. The entire point of the rank requirement increase is so the slots are balanced by it.

I bring this up because from what I hear the UK does substantially more hostile raids(from what I can tell*).

[04/24/2023] such as this assessment raid(I assume its an assessment raid?) where the GOC interrupt an E-11 tryout by killing recruits and the E-11 hosting the tryout. [04/13/2023] Or this clip where you snuff an entire CI raid. [05/08/2023] Heres a clip of a medic killing a DEA inside the unrestricted area of the base. At least for the US it's unrestricted. I'm not trying to make false-claims, It's just what I hear from trust worthy sources and from your highlights channel. Again, I'm not trying to be disrespectful or slanderous, but to me your opinion seems less than reasonable. Aside from the Assessment Team rank requirement- I can understand that one.
The YouTube clip is during a period where we had incredibly hostile relations with the O5 Council because of an event. Also, this literally isn't even that hostile. This seems like an intended disguise/card grab from a cont spec and they unknowingly walk into a E-11 training in Killhouse, forcing it to become way more hostile.

The "snuff an entire CI raid" clip was during a war with CI and big alliance with Foundation. Also, I recall US GOC doing the exact same thing to a CI raid, down to the precision airstrike, because CI shot one of their operatives by accident while entering main gate..

Last clip is Toni being actually schizophrenic and this is while DEA relations were somewhat shaky
Your highlights and clips with no context prove absolutely nothing, even from a cursory glance at the first YouTube clip in which you can very obviously tell it was intended to be a stealth taking of the containment spec's card but devolved rapidly because they didn't know all of E11 would be in killhouse

To get back on topic:
UK's rank distribution is heavily sided towards SGT and below because of the extensive promotion requirements added recently. Your balancing changes heavily change the loadout dynamic to favor 1SGT+, which only works on US because you have like 10 1SGTs according to your own roster.
The changing of min rank of assessment team is the only horrible change to assessment team in your suggestion, the slot increase is fine.
-/+ neutral on this one, also not sure if the entire US GOC agreed on it, but I would say the US GOC only uses mass destruction weapons during war or extreme circumstances for the current time being. I'm not sure how long ago the CI shot one of the operatives by accident, but as I do recall, that was due to the fact that CPT Light or Oculus made the judgment call since CI ignored most of the human rights law and IC issues. So that should be really looked into before making that kind of claim.

The overall suggestion is not bad as it really points out some serious problems regarding the current state of the GOC, I would say that the problem for GOC right now is that the server is requesting too much out of GOC, on the other hand you wish the GOC to be the high standards upholding morale and being the righteous ones to maintain "Balance" and then, on the other hand, you don't put out enough content for GOC or even at the least give GOC some sort of specialized equipment, equipment making assessments or operation easier without too much causality. Forcing them to be CI-DC 2.0

To be honest this server forces GOC to play by the books but does not give incentives to do so, and as so combat focus on this server is right now it is so hard to maintain this sense of balance when not enough self-sustainable content for GOC. Forcing the GOC to be going aggressive in order for activity and content. Compressing everything to a small FOB on the surface in ways is way harder to maintain compared to other GOIs. (With one GOI having multiple departments and the other can simply focus on being "Problem makers")

Is this really the players' fault? Or a long-lasting problem since the founding of GOC with a lot of incomplete projects within GOC's job equipment and system-wise.

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Most of the replies on here have been people talking out of their ass with no prior experiences in what these changes are meant for UK GOC as well. I take my role as a physics CO extremely seriously and I firmly believe these changes albeit a few things I'll list on here that aren't exactly desirable, will change things for the better.

* Assessment needs to stay at 3 slots with field op.
* Strike team needs at least 6 slots with the possibility of a new job added on for strike team like Steelheads for heavy infantry.

* Strike team also should have a complete weapon change, from a LMG to an operatives firearm such as the ARX.

* Steelheads should be heavy infantry for mass SCP breaches and large scale wartimes. As well as requiring heavy weapon license. Equipped with heavy machinery and items needed to deal with such events.

* Medic, engineer and sniper should be locked behind licenses for RP reasons, I figured this much would be self evident enough. It gives people who are invested in these roles inclusivity and those that have no interest exemption from the work behind them. This much is also much easier to organize for the CO team and differentiate between specific operatives with specific licenses.

Most of the other changes are non issues and won't change much other than personal preference for specific jobs. This is also a suggestion for the better of all the GOC not for your own personal agenda. We're here to better the coalition not better our own views of it.

Remember, peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.
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-/+ neutral on this one, also not sure if the entire US GOC agreed on it, but I would say the US GOC only uses mass destruction weapons during war or extreme circumstances for the current time being. I'm not sure how long ago the CI shot one of the operatives by accident, but as I do recall, that was due to the fact that CPT Light or Oculus made the judgment call since CI ignored most of the human rights law and IC issues. So that should be really looked into before making that kind of claim.

The overall suggestion is not bad as it really points out some serious problems regarding the current state of the GOC, I would say that the problem for GOC right now is that the server is requesting too much out of GOC, on the other hand you wish the GOC to be the high standards upholding morale and being the righteous ones to maintain "Balance" and then, on the other hand, you don't put out enough content for GOC or even at the least give GOC some sort of specialized equipment, equipment making assessments or operation easier without too much causality. Forcing them to be CI-DC 2.0

To be honest this server forces GOC to play by the books but does not give incentives to do so, and as so combat focus on this server is right now it is so hard to maintain this sense of balance when not enough self-sustainable content for GOC. Forcing the GOC to be going aggressive in order for activity and content. Compressing everything to a small FOB on the surface in ways is way harder to maintain compared to other GOIs. (With one GOI having multiple departments and the other can simply focus on being "Problem makers")

Is this really the players' fault? Or a long-lasting problem since the founding of GOC with a lot of incomplete projects within GOC's job equipment and system-wise.

Mhm. Generally speaking the GOC only has "better gear" in the form of more effective weapons with higher DPS/Damage. Assessment Teams don't really have anything aside from a disguise card, I'd love to see a Grey Suit added to Assessment Teams, especially since I went through the trouble to make one ICly.
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Reactions: DaveDogs

Most of the replies on here have been people talking out of their ass with no prior experiences in what these changes are meant for UK GOC as well. I take my role as a physics CO extremely seriously and I firmly believe these changes albeit a few things I'll list on here that aren't exactly desirable, will change things for the better.

* Assessment needs to stay at 3 slots with field op.
* Strike team needs at least 6 slots with the possibility of a new job added on for strike team like Steelheads for heavy infantry.

* Strike team also should have a complete weapon change, from a LMG to an operatives firearm such as the ARX.

* Steelheads should be heavy infantry for mass SCP breaches and large scale wartimes. As well as requiring heavy weapon license. Equipped with heavy machinery and items needed to deal with such events.

* Medic, engineer and sniper should be locked behind licenses for RP reasons, I figured this much would be self evident enough. It gives people who are invested in these roles inclusivity and those that have no interest exemption from the work behind them. This much is also much easier to organize for the CO team and differentiate between specific operatives with specific licenses.

Most of the other changes are non issues and won't change much other than personal preference for specific jobs. This is also a suggestion for the better of all the GOC not for your own personal agenda. We're here to better the coalition not better our own views of it.

Remember, peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.
I upped the Assessment Team slots to compensate for the min. rank requirement.
I also remember suggesting dynamic loadouts for Strike Team, which got instantly denied, so I'm glad we both agree on that. I'll make a seperate suggestion for Dynamic Loadouts on Strike Team.

Putting Medic at SPC means while you're on the first 5 day cooldown you have something to do and/or earn, so it doesn't feel like a waste of time to be active. Sniper for obvious reasons needs the Sniper License... It's like RRT without the RRT license.

I don't know why Engineer would need a license, or what license it would be, but for a future suggestion yea it'd probably need a license lol.
I agree with a lot of these points. I might edit the suggestion to remove the Assessment rank increase and lower it's slots to 3, but either way I am not an Assessment Team main.

A lot of the changes suggested to misc. equipment was talked about with an SL member, since they were planning on removing the utilities from Strike Team entirely at the time, I suggested adding a split grenade kit in it's place. I think they went back on removing Strike Team's utilities, but either way I think the split grenade kit works fine.

Medic needs elastics to pull people away from the line of fire. I think all medics should spawn with them, but that's my opinion. The smoke grenade is just for concealment, but isn't needed.

Thanks for the insight, I really love it when people actually tell me what is and isn't reasonable. Feel free to contact me if any further changes or edits are needed, or for future suggestions on GOC.


Well-known Member
Jun 16, 2022
Checkers already discussed what is wrong with this suggestion. So I’m not gonna waste any more time explaining why this suggestion is stupid
But regarding the UK slander , please spend your time worrying about your own server
We do what we believe is best in every situation and frankly I don’t care what others say about my actions unless it’s a either a staff issue or is coming from my Generals .
GOC is not overpowered , we have more equipment and he have less than half the numbers of other factions
NeRfInG GOC because we are stronger is the worst idea I have ever heard
We are not stronger than CI/F but overall we have more skilled/veteran players
At the end
we don’t start wars , we WIN them


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Checkers already discussed what is wrong with this suggestion. So I’m not gonna waste any more time explaining why this suggestion is stupid
But regarding the UK slander , please spend your time worrying about your own server
We do what we believe is best in every situation and frankly I don’t care what others say about my actions unless it’s a either a staff issue or is coming from my Generals .
GOC is not overpowered , we have more equipment and he have less than half the numbers of other factions
NeRfInG GOC because we are stronger is the worst idea I have ever heard
We are not stronger than CI/F but overall we have more skilled/veteran players
At the end
we don’t start wars , we WIN them
agreed with arshia most goc players are over level 100+ and former commanders that resigned or CI command and of course due to those factors they are experienced PVPers the only thing i support is a nerf to the absurd amount of deepcovers goc has but thats about it
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