Content Suggestion Modification to Restricted Wars

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Jan 2, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Recently, we had a war where there was almost certainly enough players to do a non-restricted war (I believe 10 USSR were on and around 12 NATO were on), however this war was restricted due to 2-3 USSR AFK at war start.

This suggestion regards Restricted Wars and how they function, specifically during times when 16+ players are on (8+ on each side respectively).
In the event that a war is restricted due to not enough players who are not AFK, the server will check every 1/2 minutes for around 10 minutes if there is atleast 8 on each side who are not AFK. This should only trigger in the event that a war starts restricted due to AFK players, furthermore, there will be an announcement in-game to ensure everybody knows the war is no longer restricted.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so, however suggestions have been made towards restricted wars before.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Allows 10th/17th and JAF/ABT to be able to use their Helicopters, IFVs, Tanks etc despite there not being enough non-AFK players at the start of war. I feel this is incredibly annoying to all the regiments I've named as they all rely on wars not being restricted.
- Allows players to AFK even if war is close to starting, as theres less issues if war does start restricted.
- Overall, the playerbase will be less miserable as they won't have to deal with another restricted war even if enough players are on.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- People could go AFK on purpose to delay the war's unrestriction to prevent the enemy faction from deploying helis/tanks etc
- Might be unfair to one side in specific (e.g 8 People are on USSR, while 16 are on NATO, the war becomes unrestricted and it becomes unfair overall.)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel like this suggestion will help encourage players to continue playing despite a war being restricted for dumb reasons, we had to deal with this exact situation recently and alot of people were completely fed up of playing as no wars had been unrestricted that day.

TL : DR: Add a system to check if non-AFK players have returned during a restricted war which starts with 8 on each faction and appropriately change the war to un-restricted.
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