Accepted Modify how breaches work

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Super simple, this server is a breach server not a RP server at the moment.

While I get breach votes were reduced, the issue is people struggle to contain breaches, and most people just... don't want to. We're here to roleplay, even combative players such as myself want to be able to function in a facility... thats supposed to house these S.C.P.s.

What I would like to suggest is the breach timer is modified to the following ruleset:

Once SCPs are recontained, there is a mandatory 45 minute cooldown to at least allow for a level of RP to take place. Which as it stands- breaches are too powerful for the server to handle of those who can be bothered to combat the breach.

Because ultimately, breaches aren't fun. They're built so people who paid money to the server can function off of what they've paid for which is... great.

So to put this into readable, the following changes:
  • Mandatory 45 minute cooldown on breach queue post a recontainment
  • Change breach votes to just- not exist. It is just the biggest flag of "this is a breach server" not a roleplay server possible-
    • Replace it with props. So someone who had 9 breach votes gets 10 props. So they can build to assist in RP, and if you're scared oh it'll be abused, staff can yeet props, and you can take the privilege away from those who abuse it. Same as PAC. (Such as changing to have no hitbox, making your model huge, etc)
      • Or- to add to the above idea, @Stealth instead, implement a reward based system that can be earned with tokens in replacement of breach votes which can contribute to new jobs. What could these be? Well, I think the idea that ERT can be guaranteed once within the next 24hrs with say 100 tokens, to something permanent such as "head chemist" which unlocks crates for you to place flying beakers in, a clearance 3, and access to a reserved fridge. Or "Upper Technical Expert" which unlocks the ability to see where broken boxes and doors are in the same way Janitors can see spillages etc. Or access to weapons, so X amount of tokens means a gun from the armory that unlocks for 72hrs. The possibilities of this has a huge huge capacity for introducing new mechanics, options and otherwise to those who can't afford VPoints but are VIPs. And to have it function like breach votes, make it so you have to log on to deposit them, whether it be based of playtime, or hopping on after restart so you dont miss out!
    • As a replacement, possibly have S.C.P.s breach times reduced by tasks they can do (puzzles etc, to prevent just waiting AFK with your other screen on roblox fr)
      • As well, another comment came with an incredibly based suggestion from @'Virgilu', in which these tasks can be completed by S.C.P.s to reduce the integrity of their containment, such as possibly damagable boxes in the cell, using abilities too much to weaken scrantons, attacking structures- (essentially using the G break mechanic), to which roleplay for Epsillon-11 patrols are no longer "/me checks box" and instead gives repair roleplay, inspection roleplay etc to techies. It also opens a massive amount of roleplay for S.C.P.s say that are often breaking their cells frequently, such as in the character of 682, 106, that they would be able to have researchers make deals for the S.C.P. to calm down and stop destruction. I would be more than happy to- if this was accepted- to go through each S.C.P. and assist in creating and developing the most lore accurate and ability accurate tasks.

While this wouldn't nerf hard to kill SCPs. This would effectively ensure back to back from the natural queue don't happen, and there wouldn't be punishment to those hacking out S.C.P.s

Now, I recognise a lot of this can be done by regimental change, and a lot of people can push "oh hey guys maybe E-11 get good" or whatever, but honestly, if I was in their shoes I'd be sick of back to back breaches. Here's a list of roles that are negatively affected by breaches:

Roleplay Leaders -> ECMs, O5, SA
  • They cannot do RP when breaches occur, they can do small pieces within their areas, but theyre unable to perform their sidewide duty.
  • An integral part of the foundation is the ability to roleplay as a researcher, how the hell can these people who want to log on do this RP during peak times of the breach votes spam? Let them play the game they came to do.
Any Non-Combative job
  • Ok guys! Your RP now is to man a door! Or stand still in breach shelter! Or stand still in your spawn so you don't get killed over and over again.

The servers changed. We don't have people who get on wanting to just brawl any moving SCP going, they just want to roleplay. I think breaches have a place, but not at this high amount.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It adds:
  • Stuff for S.C.P.s to do while they wait for breaches
  • Increases RP potential for RSD, ETC, and E-11
  • Adds time for roleplay to be able to happen in peak hours
  • Sanity to most players
It Removes:
  • Back to back breaches
It Changes:
  • Breach votes into something more productive and an ability for the average player to enhance roleplay
  • or, instead be rewarded for their VIP status.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
  • No idea.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Ability to roleplay is increased
  • The server no longer feels like a breach server instead of a roleplay server
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • People who pay for the ability to breach wont breach as often.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As detailed in the longer format above, it should be accepted so roleplay can take place. I am sick of getting online to a breach after breach when I just want to do an event as a GM, I want to go and do Omega-1 operations and the countless storylines we have going. I want to be able to do tribunals, and just play the damn game as intended rather than be told "sorry guys we have to handle the code-5" and be stuck in respawn simulator for the next half an hour to two hours.
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These are reasonable suggestions to counter arguably the biggest problem we're facing on the server at the moment. I've long-since been tired of Code 5's and 1's, and changes such as this removal of third person during either which pander entirely to the server's issue with combative focus are... 🤮

I've no doubt the idea for adding props to VIPs will be scrutinized, but I'm glad you've raised the point of how easy it is for staff to deal with. Building is one of the things that made other SCP-RP Servers on Gmod very fun to play, and can only really go to benefit RP quality overall.

At this point, if a change like this isn't being considered, then what actually is being done to mediate these valid concerns?
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What realistically is the gameplay loop in this server apart from breaches, GoI raids (often Chaos) and Class-D escapes..
+Support but I think breach votes should remain, they often don’t make the slightest of impact on large-scale breach queues and are generally used to fasten already shortened SCP breach queues - that is if a player within said queue is begging for the votes.
What I would like to suggest is the breach timer is modified to the following ruleset:

Once SCPs are recontained, there is a mandatory 45 minute cooldown to at least allow for a level of RP to take place. Which as it stands- breaches are too powerful for the server to handle of those who can be bothered to combat the breach.
I assume this means that upon a CB being over, the breach timer is paused for 45 minutes, before resuming?
If not that, then is it referring to CI/D-Class breaching SCP’s 45 minutes after a breach? If so, then how would that be tracked, as CI can’t really know the time of recontainment?
I’m going to assume it’s the first, as you specifically mention the breach queue, but I’m not 100% sure myself.

  • As a replacement, possibly have S.C.P.s breach times reduced by tasks they can do (puzzles etc, to prevent just waiting AFK with your other screen on roblox fr)
Swear this has been suggested and accepted. I must ask, what tasks? Hacking mini games, doing small game related to the SCP, playing a round of Tetris? Not many ideas for devs to work on.

The servers changed. We don't have people who get on wanting to just brawl any moving SCP going, they just want to roleplay. I think breaches have a place, but not at this high amount.
The server has changed, yes, but I feel like it’s less about wanting to do RP rather than fight breaches, and more that breaches aren’t fun anymore.

Take old HCZ. When 076, 7722 and 682 were out, it was a wild chase, with firing lines, taking hits, running about, but still surviving. Now? HCZ is a maze, with SCP’s like the TG’s and 8837 all being able to 1-shot you? The combat is a lot less fun. I mean, hell, if CI are in HCZ, I bet you E-11 and other combatives will focus them over the SCP’s. It’s just more fun.

Overall, this also doesn’t change the issue of a breach followed by CI raiding and mass breaching. It is our job, and it only happens a few times a day, but it is still something that occurs that disrupts RP for Foundation.

These changes all seem positive, so +Support, but this isn’t the complete solution to fixing RP, but it’s a very good start.
Also the making breach votes into props is very cool beans, but might result in slight mingery. Yeah staff can remove someone’s perms for it, but it would be better if it didn’t get to that point in the first place.
Still a yippee change tho prob idk

If not that, then is it referring to CI/D-Class breaching SCP’s 45 minutes after a breach? If so, then how would that be tracked, as CI can’t really know the time of recontainment?
So, I'll double clarify this: It will only effect natural breaches. I don't think D-Class or CI should be punished for getting to HCZ, skirrting alarms, and just generally being given shit for it. I think they've earned it, and its fair play. Its the breach queue itself- I mean, if I could have it my way I'd get rid of it entirely lmfao and have one-two hours a day thats "breach time" which could be fun, but it also just wouldn't be reciprocated at all.
Swear this has been suggested and accepted. I must ask, what tasks? Hacking mini games, doing small game related to the SCP, playing a round of Tetris? Not many ideas for devs to work on.
Yeah so, good point! I think honestly you could do just normal games such as chess lmfao- hell tetris would be fun, we all know full well the autists of civil networks (myself included) would definitely fight to get the top score on Tetris for things. These are light weight IMO and pretty easy to add in if they didn't want to develop it. Or if you wanted something S.C.P. related, bugger it- make an S.C.P. game of snap to play against other S.C.P.s (/OOC SCPs flag on for snap) incoming. Either way, it could be ingame, such as "get sampled x amount of times," as a task to get you to try encourage testing. Lord knows, but I'd honestly stick in tetris with the idea of "If you get X score, you get X minutes off) by the time you reach that score, you'll have waited out a good 20 minutes of your 45 minute queue time for example, and get another 10 minutes off.

Take old HCZ. When 076, 7722 and 682 were out, it was a wild chase, with firing lines, taking hits, running about, but still surviving. Now? HCZ is a maze, with SCP’s like the TG’s and 8837 all being able to 1-shot you? The combat is a lot less fun. I mean, hell, if CI are in HCZ, I bet you E-11 and other combatives will focus them over the SCP’s. It’s just more fun.
Old HCZ was goated, and I still think it is better than what we have from a gameplay standpoint. Aesthetically the new HCZ is incredible to go into, it looks amazing, but it also makes the map massive (lag moment), its hard to navigate (not friendly to new players) and no more 076 screaming and jumping into acid by accident (funny as fuck).

Most of my time in a breach is spent figuring out where the hell someone is on about, then I find it after ten minutes just to get head popped. I will be honest, anytime I hear CI is on site, I B-Line for it over the active breach, why? I have a fighting chance. I don't feel punished by a now 40s respawn timer for dying to hard to combat SCPs, and CI are so much fun to fight, you see all sorts of tactics, fun shit talking, and generally even RP either end. (/y I heard CI liked KSIs new song) (BEST SLANDER)
So, I'll double clarify this: It will only effect natural breaches. I don't think D-Class or CI should be punished for getting to HCZ, skirrting alarms, and just generally being given shit for it. I think they've earned it, and its fair play. Its the breach queue itself- I mean, if I could have it my way I'd get rid of it entirely lmfao and have one-two hours a day thats "breach time" which could be fun, but it also just wouldn't be reciprocated at all.
As a CI I agree no bias.
For the breaches, I’ve actually said my thoughts before on making breaches much worse (E.G. 4-5 player breaches) but increasing the cooldown between then to something stupid like 5-6 hours, to make them more a major event, as this is a containment site, and I don’t see why only a few containments should fail instead of most of them. Auburn said this wouldn’t fix it, as CI can still breach shiz resulting in their shenanigans, and that it would just result in longer downtimes in 1/2 sessions instead of being spread out, but honestly I think it’s still a pretty good idea, to make breaches more unique and glorified.

Yeah so, good point! I think honestly you could do just normal games such as chess lmfao- hell tetris would be fun, we all know full well the autists of civil networks (myself included) would definitely fight to get the top score on Tetris for things. These are light weight IMO and pretty easy to add in if they didn't want to develop it. Or if you wanted something S.C.P. related, bugger it- make an S.C.P. game of snap to play against other S.C.P.s (/OOC SCPs flag on for snap) incoming. Either way, it could be ingame, such as "get sampled x amount of times," as a task to get you to try encourage testing. Lord knows, but I'd honestly stick in tetris with the idea of "If you get X score, you get X minutes off) by the time you reach that score, you'll have waited out a good 20 minutes of your 45 minute queue time for example, and get another 10 minutes off.
I would’ve said the same, but having tests result in less breach time is abusable, and likely hard to track. It would also be a screwed metric, like if I did a surgery as 049, would I get my breach timer lessened by the same amount of time as someone who just did a sample test? I also think the tasks should be related to the SCP’s themselves, like idk 096 having a QTE for covering his face, or 173 reaching Mach-10 or something silly.

9000, 096 or 173 playing chess or Tetris would be gold by the way.

Most of my time in a breach is spent figuring out where the hell someone is on about, then I find it after ten minutes just to get head popped. I will be honest, anytime I hear CI is on site, I B-Line for it over the active breach, why? I have a fighting chance. I don't feel punished by a now 40s respawn timer for dying to hard to combat SCPs, and CI are so much fun to fight, you see all sorts of tactics, fun shit talking, and generally even RP either end. (/y I heard CI liked KSIs new song) (BEST SLANDER)
Says a lot when even CI have a TB that can instead kill you.
Also changed to -Support we don’t support KSI’s song.

I like the premise, but I think off the bat, that staff's main hangup would be this being a specific server suggestion (as this appears to be asking for a server-specific major change to content that is part of the core server focus, and the FAQ has a stipulation on this) - I do appreciate, and have recently argued myself, that by virtue of the US server being more stable with population, keeping a moderately high playercount day-round, that with UK's more "one single period of activity before everything drops right off," that things that depend on or relate to that in some ways, shapes or forms, you can't reasonably 1:1 those things. And one of those things is SCP breaches; Which, because of the weird thing with playercounts over the day, affects each server differently.

I mean, this could reasonably apply to US, too - Although I'd defer to their community as to whether it's needed. Anyway, things that stand out to me here -
Once SCPs are recontained, there is a mandatory 45 minute cooldown to at least allow for a level of RP to take place. Which as it stands- breaches are too powerful for the server to handle of those who can be bothered to combat the breach.
Mandatory 45 minute cooldown on breach queue post a recontainment
Scenario - There's a breach ongoing and the queue is ticking down, with the next breach due in a short time, let's say within the next 1 or 2 minutes; Point being, the breach is imminent.

With all of the given possible situations:
  1. By some incredible show of skill (or in the situation where the timer is low with all breaches actively being recontained - As in, everything's cuffed and being returned) or the power of ERT, the breach is recontained just shy of the breach queue pop.

    I'm assuming that in that circumstance, the breach queue would just pause for 45 minutes? So it'd stay at like 1 minute left for 45 minutes before continuing again. Or it just gets 45 minutes added to it. Functionally the same thing.

  2. Breach timer expires while the breach is still ongoing, adding more SCPs to the breach. This could be during combat, negotiations (if a GOI has captured a breached SCP) or a circumstance where the last SCP(s) is/are being returned to its/their CC(s).

  3. It is 16:37pm on Tuesday, the 1st of April, 2025. There is an ongoing 049 and 008 breach (which started roughly 10 minutes prior, 008 breached by CI, 049 hacked out by D-Class) and the breach queue pops a triple breach. The game clients of the only CL5 on and available to start debating the use of ERT or the nuke promptly and unfortunately crash, due to a cosmic bit flip causing a system instability, which also renders them unavailable to use the nuke. The Site Director is also unavailable to consider calling ERT, due to them being a zombie. Newly minted SGM @Emilia Foddg gets somewhat reluctant auth from Superadmin @Cheetah / RustyOsprey2 to run an event that presses the nuke button - Flagging onto the Event Role with the name O5-404 'The October Prophecy' and entering site via compound with the intention of beelining to the nuke room and pressing the button ASAP, only to become an 049-2 instance.

  4. If the above Apolloism wasn't obvious, I've run out of other situations outside of what's been discussed where this mechanic would be awkward and can't think of any more, but I know for fact that there's other issues and hhhhhhhhhhhhhh you get it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
How do you propose this works in each of those situations?
Replace it with props. So someone who had 9 breach votes gets 10 props. So they can build to assist in RP, and if you're scared oh it'll be abused, staff can yeet props, and you can take the privilege away from those who abuse it. Same as PAC.
It would be extremely funny to allow regular players to be able to place props.

I mean, ehhhh... If they just get a physgun and no use of the toolgun? Or literally, they can only spawn props and gravgun them, etc. Either way... Meh? Shouldn't be too bad, the only way you can propkill anyone is with a GMObj which regular players don't have access to, so that should be fine. And if players want stuff done to/with their props, they can always ask for help from a GM? Which gives us more to do... I guess the concern there outside of abuse as you mentioned, would be performance...? The extreme edge case would be all 128 players having as many props as they can, but I imagine a more sane average would still have a noticeable impact...? Unsure.

There's also concern with players spawning the stupidly huge props to minge with, but that comes under your abuse concerns - I guess one way of doing this is, instead of giving them direct access to spawn props via the Q menu, let them do so via the F4 Entities menu (I mean yes, even though it's called the entities menu, I'd imagine they'd still be props). That way you can reasonably curate what props can and can't be spawned and mitigate some of those abuse concerns. That might work.
Aug 30, 2022

I agree with this, an example I can give is the breaches earlier today, there were breaches after breaches and I could tell that RP was being affected due to it, there was an event going on at the same time and it was just chaos, I didn't see many people at the event and it was just chaotic in general,

I also agree with Niox, Old HCZ for breaches was just so much more fun than it is now especially with the one shot SCP's, I understanding that updating the map and everything is good for the server and adds new content for players to enjoy all but damm, I miss the corridors and the juking that you could do in old HCZ, the firing lines and the co-ordination of everyone getting prepared to fight the SCPs, it was a good feeling and I wish alot more people were able to experience it,

But this suggestion is good and I feel like will help with the RP and also help with SCP's not being bored out of their mind while waiting for a breach,

Maybe another thing that I could suggest in addition to one of the suggestions that Athena had posted is some sort of maintenance upkeep of the chambers, when the SCP's do the sort of tasks that Athena has mentioned or something along the sorts, the integrity of the CC goes down meaning the timers go down, E-11 or Tech Experts can fix the CC's back to the normal state which will revert some of the timer, but not entirely, for example if an SCP does one of those objectives and it takes 8 mins off the breach timer, E-11 or a Techie can come and repair it and instead of 8 Mins being taken off the breach timer it will be 4 mins if that makes sense,

Another way that you could go about this is that when the SCP damages the integrity of the CC, the timer goes down faster by the % that the SCP had damaged the CC, so if they damaged the CC by 5%, the timer would go down 5% quicker, E-11 or Tech Experts would be able to repair the CC's so they go back to the normal amount of time it takes for them to breach, there could also be a % limit to how much the SCP's can speed up the timer, such as 20%, of course it can be changed to higher or lower,

the tasks should also have a timer in between the tasks so they cant be spammed of course,

This would add more for E-11 to do rather than just stay at Checkpoints Idly checking ID's, they would also need to patrol around checking if all of the SCP's chambers are not down on integrity meaning more interactions with the SCP's, interactions with researchers and with Tech Experts as well and more for E-11 to do.

In general, I think that if these changes do get approved and implemented into the game, it would greatly help the server in the RP aspect, reduce the breaches and also add more for E-11 to do and more interactions in general.

(I probably could've worded everything better but yeah good suggestion cuh)
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Oki so I have thankfully thought a few bits of this through post conversations with a friend on me posting this! Right lets to the nitty gritty <3 (EDIT: IVE GOT RID OF THE UK TAG FOR SAME REASON AS YOU PUT- IT EFFECTS BOTH)
With all of the given possible situations:
  1. By some incredible show of skill (or in the situation where the timer is low with all breaches actively being recontained - As in, everything's cuffed and being returned) or the power of ERT, the breach is recontained just shy of the breach queue pop.

    I'm assuming that in that circumstance, the breach queue would just pause for 45 minutes? So it'd stay at like 1 minute left for 45 minutes before continuing again. Or it just gets 45 minutes added to it. Functionally the same thing.

  2. Breach timer expires while the breach is still ongoing, adding more SCPs to the breach. This could be during combat, negotiations (if a GOI has captured a breached SCP) or a circumstance where the last SCP(s) is/are being returned to its/their CC(s).
Essentially, if you do not recontain a breach in the time it takes for the next breach to occur: Tough shit. Without the use of breach votes, a queue is 2-3 hours, and if a breach has genuinely lasted that long? Theres no nice way of putting how I feel towards combatives on site at that point (and I'd likely be one LMFAO)

But, if they do do the el clutch, add 45 minutes to the timer. Gives clarity to S.C.P.s. People shouldn't be punished for a breach occuring within another breach at all. Its the players fault at that point, and S.C.P. players who managed to flag on for that hit the W for a bit honestly. This covers both in a sense. The 45 minutes is added on the condition that all S.C.P.s with breach status are cuffed:

        if (conditionsBreached && isCuffed) {
            // Add 45 minutes to breachTimer
            breachTimer += 45;

  1. It is 16:37pm on Tuesday, the 1st of April, 2025. There is an ongoing 049 and 008 breach (which started roughly 10 minutes prior, 008 breached by CI, 049 hacked out by D-Class) and the breach queue pops a triple breach. The game clients of the only CL5 on and available to start debating the use of ERT or the nuke promptly and unfortunately crash, due to a cosmic bit flip causing a system instability, which also renders them unavailable to use the nuke. The Site Director is also unavailable to consider calling ERT, due to them being a zombie. Newly minted SGM @Emilia Foddg gets somewhat reluctant auth from Superadmin @Cheetah / RustyOsprey2 to run an event that presses the nuke button - Flagging onto the Event Role with the name O5-404 'The October Prophecy' and entering site via compound with the intention of beelining to the nuke room and pressing the button ASAP, only to become an 049-2 instance.

  2. If the above Apolloism wasn't obvious, I've run out of other situations outside of what's been discussed where this mechanic would be awkward and can't think of any more, but I know for fact that there's other issues and hhhhhhhhhhhhhh you get it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I cant lie, if thats the point the sites gotten to SL should be stepping in. Its no longer player managable, and well- queues get delayed in those scenarios by default anyway c:

It would be extremely funny to allow regular players to be able to place props.

I mean, ehhhh... If they just get a physgun and no use of the toolgun? Or literally, they can only spawn props and gravgun them, etc. Either way... Meh? Shouldn't be too bad, the only way you can propkill anyone is with a GMObj which regular players don't have access to, so that should be fine. And if players want stuff done to/with their props, they can always ask for help from a GM? Which gives us more to do... I guess the concern there outside of abuse as you mentioned, would be performance...? The extreme edge case would be all 128 players having as many props as they can, but I imagine a more sane average would still have a noticeable impact...? Unsure.
100% It'd be funny, but I think in an RP server people being able to place props and use them for RP (even if its role restricted, say research are the only ones allowed and its a specific subset being idk, a table, scientific bits n bobs) or Nu-7 (check point makers, sandbags, etc), it'd be more beneficial than reducing a breach timer. While people can always ask for help from a GM, in a few peoples experience (which I'm not going to share here) they've voiced complaints to me 1-1 that GMs are not responding to them (because I the cool kid I am, still get the cool gossip due to old positions and returning to plenty of positive relationships with people). I think we always as a team need to push for GMs to help, but, I think it'd also take the RP enhancements off of GM shoulders for minor stuff, and let people well- dictate their own RP. And simple to the prop limit- enforce rules regarding leaving props out. Leave the big stuff to us GMs, and leave stuff to people on the fly!

As for how it'd work? Same as DarkRP or something. DarkRP allows for you to spawn down props and control them- hope these bits help clarify and thank you for your response c:
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Maybe another thing that I could suggest in addition to one of the suggestions that Athena had posted is some sort of maintenance upkeep of the chambers, when the SCP's do the sort of tasks that Athena has mentioned or something along the sorts, the integrity of the CC goes down meaning the timers go down, E-11 or Tech Experts can fix the CC's back to the normal state which will revert some of the timer, but not entirely, for example if an SCP does one of those objectives and it takes 8 mins off the breach timer, E-11 or a Techie can come and repair it and instead of 8 Mins being taken off the breach timer it will be 4 mins if that makes sense,

Another way that you could also do it is that when the SCP damages the integrity of the CC, the timer goes down faster by the % that the SCP had damaged the CC, so if they damaged the CC by 5%, the timer would go down 5% quicker, E-11 or Tech Experts would be able to repair the CC's so they go back to the normal amount of time it takes for them to breach, there could also be a % limit to how much the SCP's can speed up the timer, such as 20%, of course it can be changed to higher or lower,

the tasks should also have a timer in between the tasks so they cant be spammed of course,

This would add more for E-11 to do rather than just stay at Checkpoints Idly checking ID's, they would also need to patrol around checking if all of the SCP's chambers are not down on integrity meaning more interactions with the SCP's, interactions with researchers and with Tech Experts as well and more for E-11 to do.
This could actually benefit a lot, and I like this. I'll likely modify my original suggestion to add this (when I'm less eepy) to include this! It makes sense from a roleplay perspective, and god bless!
Sep 10, 2023

When I was Consultant I absolutely loved sitting in the ML office because SCPs were camping outside Medbay.

It was an absolute highlight of my day to have my Surgical Rp ruined because an SCP (Who I have no way of dealing with) just charged into the back of Medbay and killed absolutely everyone.

It just felt fantastic to be sitting in my office as the only Consultant on, unable to RP with anyone because all other Medical were busy, and I couldn't get to the Breach Shelter or EoC because of the SCPs being in the way.

The consistent inability to RP really made this an awesome server!

+/- Neutral

The concerns regarding breaches are entirely true and at the moment they disrupt RP to an extent that negatively effects the server, only issue with the suggestion is the props being introduced. Previously, similar ideas regarding certain applicable ranks that would allow you to place props have been denied. I cannot see content team or SSL allowing VIP's to place props and that's due to a whole range of issues that were brought up when the previous suggestion was made
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