Accepted More methods of gaining Mastery XP

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a few new methods of obtaining Mastery and changes, these being:
  • Mastery XP for delivering FOB supplies (Higher rate when done during wartime)
  • Higher rate of Mastery XP gain for building FOBs during wartime
  • Extra Mastery XP gain when killing enemies on friendly capped points
  • Small passive Mastery XP gain when driving a vehicle or operating a turret
  • Mastery XP for making arrests
  • Allow NHC / SC to use the !credit command from SCP to give Mastery XP (Strict rules around this obviously to avoid it being abused, my idea is that it would used as a reward for those who do particularly well during war and to recognise their performance)
  • Small passive Mastery XP gain for RMP / AOR operating gates
  • Small Mastery XP gain for successfully defending base during opposing sides 'infiltrate base' missions
  • Mastery XP for performing successful regimental tryouts (Awarded when requesting transfer)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • More encourgment to assist in building and supplying FOBs during war
  • Rewards for staying back to defend points (Positive to being held back from the front lines)
  • Extra incentive to use and operate vehicles during war
  • Allows NHC / SC a new way to commend those who perform exceptionally well
  • More incentive to perform gate duties
  • More incentive to perform tryouts

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Potential to be abused by AFKing in vehicals, arresting for very minor offences, NHC / SC giving out credits too frequently ETC.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe it will create new ways to earn Mastery XP through methods that will increase positive activity and RP, making the mastery grind less repetitive than just 'build fob, play war, repeat'

(If this gets accepted I assume theres little chance they will all be implemented, but I wasnt going to make a new suggestion for each one so ive just compiled all the ones ive currently got, any feedback is appreciated)
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Active member
Nov 16, 2022

I've said before that the current mastery system is failing to reward people for RP. Granting progression for hosting tryouts and doing supply runs should help with that. Giving HC discretion to reward people for completing assignments or doing good work will go a long way.

Particularly for infantry, progression feels excessively slow right now. ISAF has several people who've been playing daily since the update that still haven't unlocked most jobs yet. If you missed the multiplier from the first few days you are effectively stuck in a hardcore grind. There are two primary methods of xp gain for them at the moment - fob building and kills. The former is slow and dull while the latter heavily penalises newer players who might not get many kills in a war despite following orders to the letter. I don't think it's reasonable to expect privates to stick around for 40 hours and not even be halfway through the job tree.
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