Accepted Moving Floor 3 Access

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Move Floor 3 Access from Entrance Zone to the Research Hall double doors.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Better engagement with Site Command from all departments.
- Symbolic as Ethics is one end, Site Administration in the middle and the Overseers in the heart of their primary tasking.
- Any future ISD Wars can be limited to specific areas, rather than across EZ>PW>LCZ>CS

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- CI may struggle more to enter Floor 3.
- Easier access for all site staff can also be a downside as Floor 3 may get a minge horde.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The Overseer Council is deemed as roleplay creators and as such should be in the heart of the most important department on the server. Moving the access to there would enable researchers to follow their queries in an appropriate chain of command and can access us better. This will enable O5 to conduct roleplay scenarios better and reinstates the purpose of "Core Sector" being the heart of Site-65.




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Jan 3, 2022
This is a bad change in my eyes. This would only reduce the overall activity in EZ even more and you would essentially have no one left in the EZ resulting it in becoming even more dead than what it is already.

Raids would also be even harder than ever because you would just have O1 constantly spawn behind CI, not to mention you have the entire Security Spawn just at the only exit out of Personnel Wing.
This is a bad change in my eyes. This would only reduce the overall activity in EZ even more and you would essentially have no one left in the EZ resulting it in becoming even more dead than what it is already.

Raids would also be even harder than ever because you would just have O1 constantly spawn behind CI, not to mention you have the entire Security Spawn just at the only exit out of Personnel Wing.

I think everyone agrees at this point Entrance Zone needs a rework. Currently, its used frequently for diplomacy with the UNGOC in the embassy and briefings are done in the Emergency Operations Center. The one Floor that is religiously always underused outside of a raid is Floor 2/Lobby. Our presence in Entrance Zone doesn't impact that in the slightest.

The Chaos Insurgency have a plethora of powerful tools at their disposal to break into Floor 3 and deeper into the Site, as they usually do. If Floor 3 is the target then they've got the tools to break in and hold it without issue.
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Sep 10, 2023

While I can see that there could be a disadvantage if it were to make CI raids harder, but to be honest. This is Meant to be an Rp server So in my opinion, while this would make Combat Rp harder, I believe that the benefits it would add to every other bit of Rp would be great


Senior Developer
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Jan 3, 2022
I think everyone agrees at this point Entrance Zone needs a rework. Currently, its used frequently for diplomacy with the UNGOC in the embassy and briefings are done in the Emergency Operations Center. The one Floor that is religiously always underused outside of a raid is Floor 2/Lobby. Our presence in Entrance Zone doesn't impact that in the slightest.

The Chaos Insurgency have a plethora of powerful tools at their disposal to break into Floor 3 and deeper into the Site, as they usually do. If Floor 3 is the target then they've got the tools to break in and hold it without issue.

An EZ Rework would be preferable, that is true. The problem is that almost every department is clumped up in one big area instead of being a bit more spread out, like Administration would be in EZ, Research in LCZ only etc.

So if we were to rework the EZ, it would be best if some departments would move over there, but we would have to see what the players like more.

O5 are too distant to truly "oversee" from so far away, it would be alot more convenient and impact full to have it in research, and alot more symbolic having the O5 right above what is the core of what the foundation seek to achieve

Overseers are not even suppose to be in the public eye, so having them easily accessible in a low clearance area seems a bit out of place. Originally I had thought of giving Floor 3 a secretive way to be entered, that would look like it's an inaccessible place but in reality you can pass through there if you know your way around.
+Major Support
This makes perfect sense for floor 3 to be behind the big core sector doors and also group all of site admin/site command and above together, as opposed to just... O5 being special and being elsewhere - This also opens up somewhere in EZ to do something with (Maybe stick a new SCP in there that makes sense for it to be there? Not something inanimate like the coffee machine, just something that makes general sense. I would say it makes lore sense to put 073 there but too many people minge on 073 so)
This is a bad change in my eyes. This would only reduce the overall activity in EZ even more and you would essentially have no one left in the EZ resulting it in becoming even more dead than what it is already.
In that case, just do this alongside a rework of EZ. EZ could use more love and more stuff. Keeping FL3 access where it is 'because it keeps EZ activity up' is a crutch imo - Right now, since FL3 is practically its own self-contained space, the only EZ activity is GOC RP, CI raids and whenever Nu7/DEA/A-1/O-1 pass through it for their duties. As it is, there is functionally no activity in EZ to speak of. This seems like it should be a focus for future development.
Raids would also be even harder than ever because you would just have O1 constantly spawn behind CI, not to mention you have the entire Security Spawn just at the only exit out of Personnel Wing.
Buff CI, then. They need it.
I'll do you one better:

Leave the double doors available to put GM event rooms behind them. Turn one of the bookcases in the Site Administration wing into a secret door that leads to the Floor 3 elevator.

This would serve to keep the identity and location of the Overseers a secret and place them within arms reach of Site Administration, who are their proxies to managing the site from behind the scenes.

One of the gameplay changes I can see due to moving the F3 elevator would be warhead room access becoming more easily accessible to the Ethics Committee when they need to use it - which I don't believe will have any negative effects on anyone not playing ECM/O-1.

As far as balance concerns go in regards to CI attacking Foundation CL5s, if the F3 elevator were moved into any part of core sector then there is a much higher likelihood of their raiding party meeting both A-1 and O-1 head on at Core Sector bridge; which would make achieving their raid objective incredibly hard to do. It seems reasonable that killing CL5s should be something hard to accomplish, but I genuinely think with careful planning and good use of deep covers to scout ISD positions that it can still be done often enough for it to not seem impossible.
An EZ Rework would be preferable, that is true. The problem is that almost every department is clumped up in one big area instead of being a bit more spread out, like Administration would be in EZ, Research in LCZ only etc.

So if we were to rework the EZ, it would be best if some departments would move over there, but we would have to see what the players like more.

Whilst this is absolutely true, it is important to consider which departments should go to EZ and the impracticality of Floor 3 being there. Having us more synced up with Administration and Ethics presents better from an RP perspective, whilst also allowing EZ to be used for other purposes as it currently is practically empty and serves only as a target for CI because of our presence.

I support a rework of the zone, so perhaps some player feedback can be conducted in the coming days to figure out what would replace Floor 3 if this suggestion is approved.
as others have brought up I personally don't think O5 members would be in an area that you would assume has heavy foot traffic of low clearance persons like research bunks

I really like the idea of floor 3 and O5s presence on site being more like a rumour (think of bessolov/invisible watchers in metro) that has an elaborate entrance rather than a simple elevator, imagine if the entrance to Floor 3 was adjacent to Deep Research 5 (that cave in HCZ with the bone pile) that'd be sick
I'll do you one better:

Leave the double doors available to put GM event rooms behind them. Turn one of the bookcases in the Site Administration wing into a secret door that leads to the Floor 3 elevator.

This would serve to keep the identity and location of the Overseers a secret and place them within arms reach of Site Administration, who are their proxies to managing the site from behind the scenes.

One of the gameplay changes I can see due to moving the F3 elevator would be warhead room access becoming more easily accessible to the Ethics Committee when they need to use it - which I don't believe will have any negative effects on anyone not playing ECM/O-1.

As far as balance concerns go in regards to CI attacking Foundation CL5s, if the F3 elevator were moved into any part of core sector then there is a much higher likelihood of their raiding party meeting both A-1 and O-1 head on at Core Sector bridge; which would make achieving their raid objective incredibly hard to do. It seems reasonable that killing CL5s should be something hard to accomplish, but I genuinely think with careful planning and good use of deep covers to scout ISD positions that it can still be done often enough for it to not seem impossible.
I like your idea. but what if the hidden door. The one to floor 3 Was in SD’s Office. its such a great spot for it
- Support

Wouldn't this basically make EZ a wasteland of activity? Only used for merely combat purposes? EZ needs more activity in all honesty i dont see why floor 3 has to be moved deeper into the facility, basically even closer to the containment risks and threats whilst also prolonging the route of escape for high ranking officials in case of Site-wide evacuations.

I like the idea of O5 being a rumor, but since no one is allowed in floor 3 anyways except high clearance that isn't really a problem I am sure.
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