Mr Doofy's NHC Application

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MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
Mr Doofy's NHC Application

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41553275

Discord name: Tufty101

For how long have you played on MRP: vtime_ menu: 6W 4D 1H (since Oct 2021)

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: Scotland (UK)

Time zone: GMT

NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF MAJ Mr Doofy

USSR name (regiment and rank): ABT PVT Doofyovski

Civilian name: Mista Bombastic

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Yes, this is my first

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

– Nov 22 2021 – Toxicity in OOC: It was at the very start of me playing on the server, I said “GG EZ” in OOC after a war and was subsequently warned.

Warn – Feb 8 2022 – NLR: It was a mistake on my part as AG was hacking servers and killed me but I instantly called out in comms after I respawned, breaking NLR.

Kick – Feb 13 2022 – AFK Lag prevention: self-explanatory

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

Yes, my time in ISAF has shaped my leadership and maturity within MRP. I have been able to flourish as a distinguished member of the ISAF SCO team. As an ISAF MAJ, I am expected to uphold strong leadership skills both during war and peacetime. Also, I have led a few wars as the highest-ranking officer in NATO, I have no defeats yet and I intend on keeping it that way ?. I have led ISAF in war many times and always ensure that they put in 100% every time and they always pull through.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

I believe that my time in ISAF has shaped me into the person I am today, I am extremely grateful for the vast amount of experience that I have gained from the ISAF OG’s ?. If it was not for them, I would not be the developed MAJ that I am. With that experience behind me, I can comfortably say that I will be able to share my knowledge with others and not only lead NATO to victory against USSR but be able to allow others to develop within their regiments under my guidance. Being a member of HC is not only just shouting about building FOBs, but it’s also allowing each and every person on here to develop themselves and gain the best experience within NATO.

My reputation in NATO is very good and I can happily chat with anyone who wants to and I will always be there for them. I always try to be friendly in many situations unless you annoy me. When situations arise that require someone to interfere I am able to approach the individuals and defuse situations.

I am a resilient leader and can perform well under pressure. Leading my regiment through many wars and events has equipped me with the strong backbone of leading ISAF to dominance over our USSR counterparts. It is my intention of replicating this for the whole of NATO, where we will make capitalism great again!

I believe I am a great tactician, as someone who is adept at strategy games, I have used my knowledge to apply it when I lead NATO wars. I am able to adapt quickly to changing scenarios and overcome or minimise losses at a moment's notice.

My activity is great, and I can be there for NATO when they need me, I am dedicated to my work and will lead NATO to greatness without hesitation. I have always taken time to build FOBs when I get on early to ensure the best possible chance for NATO.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:




List your strengths and weaknesses:


Tactician – I am able to plan wars and follow them through, I can quickly overcome obstacles and adapt to the ever-changing tide of war.

Logical – I am able to be a logical thinker, removing emotion aids this and allows me to keep a clear mind when I am relied upon by NATO.

Teamwork – I am able to perform well within a team and put differences aside for the benefit of the team. NHC is a team that relies on constant communication, without it, it becomes a shouting match of conflict and is detrimental to our war efforts. I am not shy and able to voice any concerns when they arise.

Patience – I am very patient and will give anyone a chance at first. I am able to be patient when the time requires me to and will apply this when leading wars.

Multitasking – I am able to multitask and perform well under pressure, I am able to take constructive criticism and advice to adapt myself when leading. I am always asking for updates while applying tactics to benefit a war.


Can become very shouty – Using a voice amp is great but I can get a little shouty sometimes which may cause panic in those that rely on clear communication. During peacetime, I am also shouty towards those that minge about.

Strict – Although being strict can be a strength, It is a weakness here for the reason that I may completely chastise people for pissing me off and for having poor behavior. This may harm my rep if people take it in the wrong way.

Aside from this, I thank you for taking the time to read my application. I hope those that read this may see this and agree it’s a true reflection of myself. I encourage those to make fair comments and I welcome points of improvement from anyone (don’t be shy, it helps!).

Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021
+Great leadership
+Great war leading capabilities
+Great learner
+Strickt when needed to
+Can make calm rational decisions when under stress
+Good application

+/- Would suck to lose such a good MAJ
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Oct 8, 2021

- Insane activity
- Lovely guy
- Good war leading
- Long time player

Hi Doofy, you're a genuinely nice guy and I do really like you. I believe that you would be a perfect NHC
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021
*Athena has arrived to inspect your grammar*


My very first +support I have given to anyone. Not many negatives that can be said about you Doofy. You are a lovely lad and I always feel like I can talk to you freely without you going around and sharing whatever I have told you. You have less warnings than I do (though I beg to differ on the validity of some of my warnings) and have proven yourself to be a good leader. You are respectful and mature, and I have honestly not had any negative experiences with you. You have taken the step I require from all applicants independently, which is leading wars and proving your capabilities outside your own regiment. You are also very much active, and your application is looking decent. It is not EXACTLY a Scholastic Art & Writing Awards winning text, but suppose I am happy enough with this.

Only problem with you becoming NHC is the fact that ISAF has been greatly struggling with numbers and activity as of late. You seem to be one of the few people who come online as ISAF, which is definitely an issue for both ISAF and NATO as a whole. If you do get accepted, I am hoping you take the step forward to improve your regiment as the general and fix up this activity.

Good luck,
MGEN Athena
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining
NATO High Command.​
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