MrGhost's Third NHC app

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Mar 6, 2022
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544836902
Discord name: mrghost01
For how long have you played on MRP: Since 2022
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF 1LT MrGhost
USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA INF PVT MrGhost
Civilian name: Donquixote Jeffreys
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: ,
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: SWB(ABT)SLT, UAF(JAF)CPT,17thAR MAJ, 17thAR LTCOL, 17thAR COL , JAF 1LT

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: Throughout my time on the server and the nearly 15 months I have actively been playing NATO for, I have picked up a lot of skills, both as a leader and combat capabilities in wars. Through my over a year of service within 17th I learn a lot about how to deal with tanks and helicopters effectively, and I learnt a lot about strategy and leadership from my time as 17th’s Regimental commander and I feel my understanding on how to lead regiments and people as a whole has developed greatly because of it. Since my last failure at NHC I set myself the task of bettering myself for others and I have endeavored to work on the flaws that defined me in order to become a better leader.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:

  • Leadership: Throughout my long lineage as the regiment commander for 17thAR I have gained the skill of leadership not only in the regiment but as RC you are expected to lead NATO in war, and all times I have led NATO bar one have led to NATO victory.
  • Active: I can play nearly everyday of the week for about 4 to 5 hours.
  • Strategy: throughout my time in 17thAR I have had to develop strategy in the way I play, I can translate this skill to war leading very easily and have.
  • Mature: I have a moderate level of maturity like most NHC members, and know how to act in different situations
  • Dedication: I will commit to most if not all tasks given to be and will strive to complete.
  • Can take feedback and criticism: While in the past I would have struggled to listen to any feedback and criticism given to me, however I feel I am mature enough now to understand what is being told to me and how I can improve on what I have been told.

  • No NHC experience: Throughout my time on the server I have never held a rank within NHC, and so there are most likely to be lapses in what I do due to the fact that I have never been in NHC before.
  • Judgment: While not too big of an issue, however I sometimes have lapses in my judgment as I sometimes find it hard to make the right choice,this isn't too common though.
  • Lack of experience in ground regiments: Throughout my time on the server, I have only really played Mechanised regiments, dabbling in ground regiments enough to understand how they work, but not yet fully grasping the details of their operations (this is something I can improve on)

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born July 22nd 1997 “MrGhost”( real name Donquixote Jeffreys) life was never easy. Coming from the deprived British town of Grimsby , brought up by a blue collar family, “MrGhost’s” life was always filled with bad scenarios after the next with only small commercial breaks of glee. From aged 10 he was bullied in school by his peers for his situation at home, constantly having to rummage the lost and found bin for a school uniform. This shaped the emotionless being “MrGhost” would become as he knew that life would never be easy and knew that his life was a train crash ready to happen, and so decided to do it in a more “proper fashion”. It was 6 years later at the age of 16 “MrGhost” jumped at the thought of joining the army with no aspirations in life(all of which had been stomped out of him by those around him , including his parents)he felt that someone else must think for him. Obviously (despite him not knowing) the army and him were a perfect match.”MrGhost” was a blank shell blind to emotion and felt none himself , making him the model soldier , making him a merciless killing machine blind to the pain and anguish he may cause, as the scars that plague him dig deeper than any bullet or knife could ever pierce him. Noticing his skills in combat, the Colonel of the 17th Armoured regiment approached him asking him if he would like to join , the thought of feeling something, even the feeling of fire on one's body was intriguing to him as he accepted. After climbing the ranks of 17th “MrGhost” had done it all only one more step. NHC. -
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
  • To set an example for the soldiers of NATO
  • To be a Leader within NATO and to lead wars
  • To give out orders in Peacetime and war
  • To help those who need it.
  • To oversee/manage NATO regiments
  • To strategies
  • To negotiate when needed to
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
  • To answer questions presented to them in game,in TS and/or Discord
  • To make,manage and maintain documents
  • To ensure regiments are being run in a smooth and stable fashion
  • Give ideas and support on how to improve and help NATO


MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
No hard feelings, I just don't think you're fit for the role
Mar 15, 2023
JAF needs you, activity today especially was on a decrease with you being the one flying majority of the day. Take some more time into getting SCO within the regiment and improving on piloting as you previously stated to me you wanted to do then go for NHC as I believe you are at a level of eligibility for the regiment. When you reapply, make sure JAF is in a good place.


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2024

Dear @mrghost,

We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position.

We regret to inform you that we are in disagreement that you are eligible to hold the position.
I have sent you a DM in discord providing more information.


Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in the position.​
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