MRP Ban appeal

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Nov 12, 2022
Your in-game name:
Billy 'Villager' Bob

Your SteamID:

Your steam community link:

Date of ban:
31 August

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect):

Who banned you:
Vinnie Cassius

Ban length?:
10 hours

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:
I cant do anything about what happened as my game just crashes and doesnt want to restart. (Happened multiple times before on SCPRP)

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?
Only a verbal warning.

Why should you be unbanned:
I find it unfair as my game crashed and it could happen to everyone.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:
By attempting to contact someone on the server that I have crashed so they can tell it to the people that I was in a roleplay with.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Because it is a really fun server and I have spend a lot of time on it already.
Hello, Billy! I was the moderator that banned you. The reason I came to the decision to ban you was because you had left the game during Kidnapping Roleplay. Shortly after a sit had been made you for FearRP, you was getting held under gunpoint and being kidnapped by 2 SWB members, a Warrant Officer and a Specialist. A minute after this FearRP sit ended, I received a notification that you left the server, followed up by another sit for 'LTARP'. I handled this sit appropriately and talked to both SWB members, and said I'd give you about 10 minutes to reconnect. While I did have to do something in them 10 minutes and returned for about 10 to 1, the time you was banned. Before giving this ban, I seen no attempt from you to reconnect within the logs. I believe that if you did crash during this situation, you should of been able to get back in the server with the 2 hours I mistakenly gave you. I wish you good luck on this ban appeal, Billy. Have a great day!

Evidence of the Situation:


This is the timestamp of the FearRP sit, and after this ended you was under gunpoint by the two SWB.

This is the timestamp of you leaving the server.


This is the timestamp of when the ban was issued.
Last edited:
Nov 12, 2022
In the appeal I said that this isnt the first time I have crashed and I did try to relaunch gmod but it just didnt work so I tried restarting my pc after about 1-1.5 hours of trying to see if it was a commen issue but after the restart I tried and couldnt connect to the server as I had been banned by you.
Jun 10, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @Villager Billy Bob ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Your appeal is being denied because the ban has already expired. On top of that, players are given 10 minutes to return after they leave the server to avoid being banned for LTAP and LTARP because of crashes. You stated you didn't get on after you crashed therefore you were banned.

As it expired, you may not re-appeal.​
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