Denied [MRP] Daily Quests

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Oct 17, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
3-5 daily quests to be completed each day. Each quest could award 1-10k in game money depending on the difficulty. Completing all quests for the day could award some amount of V-points. I'm not sure how many V-points would be acceptable but maybe 5-10 per day?

A couple of ideas for quests :
Easy (£1000 per quest)
- Open 5 food boxes
- Play for 1 hour
- Cook 1 food item
- Use 2000 FOB supplies
Medium (£5000 per quest)
- Play 1 war
- Survive for 1 hour
- Hit 100 shots
- Use 5000 FOB supplies
Hard (£10000 per quest)
- Play 2 wars
- Get 50 kills
- Play for 4 hours
- Use 10000 FOB supplies

(Obviously, these are just ideas, quests and rewards could be changed to whatever SL thinks would work best)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More reason for people to play every day
Could be used to encourage use of neglected mechanics (such as cooking)
More stuff for people to do during peacetime
More reason for new players to stick around

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Quests could encourage rule breaking (People killing afk's in base to complete kills quest)
Will affect server economy as people would have more personal cash
Server owner(s) might lose out on donations because people just get V-points from playing

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
+ I do think this would be a great addition to the server that would help retain new players.
+ It would also help stop players getting bored by giving them more to do during downtime.
+ It would give new players a more solid reason to do things they think are boring (Like building FOBs)

+/- There would need to be a lot of thought to stop quests encouraging rule-breaking.
+/- People would have to get used to economy changes.

- I assume it would take a fair amount of thought and coding so it might put strain on the devs.
- Personal assets would probably have to be tweaked to be more expensive.

This has probably been suggested before but I thought I'd give it a bash because why not. :eek:
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Active member
Oct 17, 2022
However I think there should be a larger variety on those daily quests, so things like destroy 1 vehicle or get certain K/D as recon/sniper
Yeah of course, those were just a few ideas. I reckon, ideally, there should be like upwards of 20 of each difficulty that can be randomised every day. More quests would require more coding though so idk how many would be realistic.
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