[MRP] Jack G Resignation Appeal

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Name: Jack G
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94146882
Previous Rank: Senior Admin
Date of resignation?: April 23, 2023
Why did you resign? I just didn't have the time as well as a few other reasons. MRP Development was slowing down and it felt like I was asking too much from people that I considered close friends at the time as well as a bit of lack lust for motivation. We had just spent hours configuring Frogger/Kermit's new vehicles all for miscommunication to lead to around 20 hours of vehicle changes being reverted as well as another 2 days of weapons changes for SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs and Snipers. This was seriously demotivating as we had a townhall with an expected date of release for the weapons just for it to all go to waste as well as a plan to publicly release weapon stats. I then decided I wanted to leave for a while and then resigned.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I have had 0 warnings other than 2021/start of 2022. Kicks for AFK, I accidentally banned myself for MRDM instead of the person doing it. I received 2x warnings as of recent of which still need to be removed 1 of which was for standing in barbed wire which was apparently FailRP however Supers collectively agreed it wasn't ever a thing as well as for Smoke Mortaring the enemy base where it was deemed that it should've been intuitive that this clearly regards HE Mortars, not Smokes.

So in total, 0 warnings in 3 years
0 bans ever
0 Demotions ever

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
I feel like the community needs a vocal member that is down to take a tiny bit of heat in order to make sure the community is listened to. During my previous tenure as Senior Admin, I was content team lead and EVERYTHING that I could do within my powers whether I thought it was for better or for worse I made sure to get the community's feedback.

-Lane wars only allowing 1 helicopter
-Snipers not being 100% accurate when A+Ding
-Weapon stats being posted publicly in order to maintain transparency between the community and the content we were creating and changing
- LMGs getting buffed
- Shotguns being changed and Reworked
- SMGs being changed and reworked
- /test being added
- Helicopter being supplyable via helicopters
- The whole Rifles changes about removing Horizontal recoil, increasing vertical recoil as well as TTK so the overall combat experience was fun
- Getting Cash added as well as vpoints (you'd earn both) for the Trainee programme (I think this has been removed now)

These were just some of the things that I constantly asked for feedback on from the community. There are of course decisions we made where we didn't ask for community feedback, however the point still stands.
I'm hoping to deliver exactly the same as what I did previously. Clear cut communication from Staff to Players and vise versa as well as to create the best experience for players that we can. If this means having to work for a high staff rank back, so be it.
Oct 18, 2023
+support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support
please please please please please please we need jack g
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