Denied MRP KWK rule change

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Jun 17, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/]
[changing KWK rules, the new rules are fine but i believe that they can be made better, the rule was changed so we cannot KWK heli's because it is unrealistic what is laughable, in the early 1900 till modern day we used and still use large calibre AA platforms, the fact that we cannot KWK a heli but shoot it with a tank and need i remind you that tanks have 120mm+ main cannons and the KWK is a 75mm us stupid, the nwo has a tank called the gauss when aimed up it can hit a heli if timed right, saying that helis cannot be KWKed is stupid so then why can tanks? the whole point is that helis are powerful but are fragile unlike tanks, what is a one hit with a KWK but a skilled pilot can dodge stinger and flack ]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[yes, My suggestion is different as i believe i could add more context]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[This not only gives someone a chance to defend fobs but also can provide something i don't see anymore since emplacement Binos are broken and mortars arnt as powerful, we can supply fobs during war, this gives both side a logistical advantage but also the chance to disrupt that supply chain and could greatly change the out come of war]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[JAF and SWB this goes both ways so it could greatly affect the tactics use by them, FOB'S are meant to be feard but JAF or SWB can bomb them quite easily if the sam is taken out or put in a bad place, BUT with the addition to KWKing helis that would make them feared to push or bomb meaning kwk's are a HVT in war for 1ST, 17TH, JAF and SWB. it aslo means 1-2 people would be out of the war meaning war tactics would need to change and could give ether side an advantage ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[the Pos and Neg of this is that sure SWB and JAF will have a hard time but also will promote gunnery skill for all and new PVTS who get bombed every 5 mins would be assured that they are covered by a KWK and go about war and experience the good server that CNMRP is, it also provides a skill that both KWK user and heli pilot need to work on and could provide a good chance from dominant air superiority and change the tide of war.]
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Upvote 2
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+Support kwking a heli actualy required some skill

for someone who also was in swb before it wasn't allowed i will say that flak got a major nerf , the cram which on highlands is mainly around base not even like to WT

also stingers and sam are easy to dodge (for stingers you can hold your left or right and it will dodge afte a time and sam you can tank it for somereasons)

also what kowalski said is true about aa

the wiki from the kwk40
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/]
[changing KWK rules, the new rules are fine but i believe that they can be made better, the rule was changed so we cannot KWK heli's because it is unrealistic what is laughable, in the early 1900 till modern day we used and still use large calibre AA platforms, the fact that we cannot KWK a heli but shoot it with a tank and need i remind you that tanks have 120mm+ main cannons and the KWK is a 75mm us stupid, the nwo has a tank called the gauss when aimed up it can hit a heli if timed right, saying that helis cannot be KWKed is stupid so then why can tanks? the whole point is that helis are powerful but are fragile unlike tanks, what is a one hit with a KWK but a skilled pilot can dodge stinger and flack ]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[yes, My suggestion is different as i believe i could add more context]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[This not only gives someone a chance to defend fobs but also can provide something i don't see anymore since emplacement Binos are broken and mortars arnt as powerful, we can supply fobs during war, this gives both side a logistical advantage but also the chance to disrupt that supply chain and could greatly change the out come of war]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[JAF and SWB this goes both ways so it could greatly affect the tactics use by them, FOB'S are meant to be feard but JAF or SWB can bomb them quite easily if the sam is taken out or put in a bad place, BUT with the addition to KWKing helis that would make them feared to push or bomb meaning kwk's are a HVT in war for 1ST, 17TH, JAF and SWB. it aslo means 1-2 people would be out of the war meaning war tactics would need to change and could give ether side an advantage ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[the Pos and Neg of this is that sure SWB and JAF will have a hard time but also will promote gunnery skill for all and new PVTS who get bombed every 5 mins would be assured that they are covered by a KWK and go about war and experience the good server that CNMRP is, it also provides a skill that both KWK user and heli pilot need to work on and could provide a good chance from dominant air superiority and change the tide of war.]

Glad to see a NWO Player suggesting something that is also gone affect them, I personally love this suggestion W Kowalski nice Analysis, Flak does jack shit to helis, especially since people say "aim ahead to hit it", sometimes we have to aim to the end of map to hit it, it's not easy to hit, and when it does can rarely kill, I had a point where I was on shacks flak (world flak), and was shooting the big supply helicopter from NWO, and it didn't die at all, yes, it's massive and could have good protection, but the fact that it was shot that many times and didn't die, also the fact AT4s even if they hit the max they do is make helis smoke, or a stinger hitting, will take a back rotor, and only on the 2nd or 3rd it will take down a heli fully (and seeing how easy they are to dodge, even I not a JAF/SWB main and rarely fly, can dodge stingers), only real use is during combat, and even then they can flare to avoid it, SAM rarely shoots from what I see, the amount of times I seen a heli die do SAM I can count in 1 hand, while to stingers/other helis they die a lot, also from what I was told SAM needs the Radar, but the radar functions same as FOB? So if the heli is in range of FOB it will get targed by SAM, but if it's range of Radar it's gone be targeted too? But I rarely see it shooting (is there a Y Range on them?), Also SAM can hit props, environment, making it easy to dodge if a heli goes behind something with collisions, KWK are direct hit from what I seen so far, no travel time or anything, u shoot and boom, being able do that to helis would help a ton, and it's still fair, seeing how slow it is to turn and rotate, and since helicopters are fast, they only are useful if they coming direct on or straight path
Jun 4, 2022
-/+ Neutral
I'm fine with allowing helis to be kwk'ed if heli regiments get the copilot hellfires back as on some maps like highlands helis can literally only acces 10% off the map if the enemy team has a kwk facing upwards on a territory near one of the bases.
Copilot missiles would balance it out imo because heli regiments could long range kwk's for example.

Anakin Skywalker

MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Feb 7, 2021
-Support for someone who has been on both sides of this its a heavy no would heavily affect heli regiment and probably stop them from flying it has almost happened previously from KWK'ing helis one heli would get kwk'ed and nobody brought up helis i would rather keep this under the rug as it could literally have a chance at destroying two already struggling regiments and people will complain about heli support already putting them more demoralized from being kwk'ed yes people hate helis but give call outs for said heli so your pilots can deal with it dont make suggestions that could already put a regiment lower im sorry but this suggestion should never be brought up again
Heli regiments will simply just die. Stingers are already very unpredictable and can easily take down a heli alone, FLAK can lazer a heli if used right, and Arti already 2-3 hits helis and can solo the entire stocks of a heli regiment. Let alone this, base camping with this will be abused a lot and considering both heli regiments are on the brink of completely dying and this will not help at all. There are already several counters for helis and this will only make this worse overall. If the community thought otherwise, this would've been changed back a lot earlier.
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Reactions: Anakin Skywalker
Mar 9, 2021

KWK use on helis was removed to help heli regiments stay healthy and not stagnate with new players who are learning how to fly helis, and gaining experience during war. Readding the ability to KWK helis could have detrimental affects on heli regiments and the player base in general over all if they died out or struggles.
-/+ Neutral
I'm fine with allowing helis to be kwk'ed if heli regiments get the copilot hellfires back as on some maps like highlands helis can literally only acces 10% off the map if the enemy team has a kwk facing upwards on a territory near one of the bases.
Copilot missiles would balance it out imo because heli regiments could long range kwk's for example.
The Hellfire I don't agree, Helis can already long range as they can be and be mad annoying, a lot of time they are out of render distance, exploding stuff, and we can't do shit on ground
-/+ Neutral
I'm fine with allowing helis to be kwk'ed if heli regiments get the copilot hellfires back as on some maps like highlands helis can literally only acces 10% off the map if the enemy team has a kwk facing upwards on a territory near one of the bases.
Copilot missiles would balance it out imo because heli regiments could long range kwk's for example.
i can support suggestion on these terms. killing fobs is is way harder without them. otherwise no because respawn times on fobs are instant and it doesnt take much effort to set up kwk compared to effort needed to prevent being kwk'd (killing kwks or fob itself)
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i can support suggestion on these terms. killing fobs is is way harder without them. otherwise no because respawn times on fobs are instant and it doesnt take much effort to set up kwk compared to effort needed to prevent being kwk'd (killing kwks or fob itself)
They aren't instant?? I've had to wait 15s or more to respawn on a FOB? At start there's no respawn time but after some time it starts increasing and u notice a big difference, also killing a KWK is easy, 3 AT4s or 3 Grenades are enough to kill it, 1 Tank shot is enough to kill it, tank bullets also kill it fairly quick, the 3 Emplacements are not that good currently, Mortar is lacking cause of Binos being broken, and flak I don't see much use, when the map ones do a better job, since no ammo wasted (Sucks that Flak, has 10 bullets per mag, also that each bullet costs 25? or 50 Ammo per shot, which after some time time it's a lot
They aren't instant?? I've had to wait 15s or more to respawn on a FOB? At start there's no respawn time but after some time it starts increasing and u notice a big difference, also killing a KWK is easy, 3 AT4s or 3 Grenades are enough to kill it, 1 Tank shot is enough to kill it, tank bullets also kill it fairly quick, the 3 Emplacements are not that good currently, Mortar is lacking cause of Binos being broken, and flak I don't see much use, when the map ones do a better job, since no ammo wasted (Sucks that Flak, has 10 bullets per mag, also that each bullet costs 25? or 50 Ammo per shot, which after some time time it's a lot
most of people respawn in few seconds after dying and we dont go for kwks with helis , they are hard to find and mostly useless to bomb since enemies can just replace it in few seconds . waste of rockets or cannons (not even taking into account that we would risk being attacked by stingeres/helis/artis/flaks to kill a something as not important as kwk )
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