Denied MRP KWK rule change

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Jun 17, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/]
[changing KWK rules, the new rules are fine but i believe that they can be made better, the rule was changed so we cannot KWK heli's because it is unrealistic what is laughable, in the early 1900 till modern day we used and still use large calibre AA platforms, the fact that we cannot KWK a heli but shoot it with a tank and need i remind you that tanks have 120mm+ main cannons and the KWK is a 75mm us stupid, the nwo has a tank called the gauss when aimed up it can hit a heli if timed right, saying that helis cannot be KWKed is stupid so then why can tanks? the whole point is that helis are powerful but are fragile unlike tanks, what is a one hit with a KWK but a skilled pilot can dodge stinger and flack ]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[yes, My suggestion is different as i believe i could add more context]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[This not only gives someone a chance to defend fobs but also can provide something i don't see anymore since emplacement Binos are broken and mortars arnt as powerful, we can supply fobs during war, this gives both side a logistical advantage but also the chance to disrupt that supply chain and could greatly change the out come of war]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[JAF and SWB this goes both ways so it could greatly affect the tactics use by them, FOB'S are meant to be feard but JAF or SWB can bomb them quite easily if the sam is taken out or put in a bad place, BUT with the addition to KWKing helis that would make them feared to push or bomb meaning kwk's are a HVT in war for 1ST, 17TH, JAF and SWB. it aslo means 1-2 people would be out of the war meaning war tactics would need to change and could give ether side an advantage ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[the Pos and Neg of this is that sure SWB and JAF will have a hard time but also will promote gunnery skill for all and new PVTS who get bombed every 5 mins would be assured that they are covered by a KWK and go about war and experience the good server that CNMRP is, it also provides a skill that both KWK user and heli pilot need to work on and could provide a good chance from dominant air superiority and change the tide of war.]
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most of people respawn in few seconds after dying and we dont go for kwks with helis , they are hard to find and mostly useless to bomb since enemies can just replace it in few seconds . waste of rockets or cannons (not even taking into account that we would risk being attacked by stingeres/helis/artis/flaks to kill a something as not important as kwk )
I've had multiple times I had wait 15, 20, even 30! seconds to respawn, on a 200k FOB (since server doesn't take into account multiple wars for KD, so if u died 20 times, in 3 wars or more, on the 4th war, u might get a 15+ respawn time for first death that war)
Also I personally think that can be a problem, as the KWK can be a big problem for 17thAR/1stAL and they aren't that hard to find most of time, they really exposed, and it's more about thinking "Where would a person place a KWK", for example, in towns, when NATO pushes, we need expect KWKs, around ST facing Cabin Way, and North Town Way, also Train Tracks, that's main points we find KWKs, also it's not hard for infantry, to scout, and ping out stuff, call it out, and etc, I've done it multiple times, before war, scouting enemy FOBs, marking everything, and calling it out to HC and NATO (that's how I found the 8+ Flaks on OP FOB once)
Using the Cannon which has around 1200 ammo (Atleast in Single player some helis do, can't remember on server), it probably will take around 10 Shoots or less, from co pilot
First of all i dont take into account that u might have died like 40 times in last 5 mins for example when im flying over a point thats a variable and YET still people who paid and have high mastery dont wait over like idk 10 seconds for spawn ( speaking from map change base raid experience where i died at least 60 times ). Second as i said from above kwks are much harder to find and even if they werent theres still at least sams and stingers and we still have far more important targets to kill and kwks usually die when theres a direct hit or an explosion very close, cannons are basically bad against these type of things. And we get 200 of those which we'd rather use on tanks helis and people

So its either add hellfires back and sure or no kwk'ing helis. Heli regiments have already undergone massive nerfs in last few months and this could make things just worse
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Jun 17, 2022

KWK use on helis was removed to help heli regiments stay healthy and not stagnate with new players who are learning how to fly helis, and gaining experience during war. Readding the ability to KWK helis could have detrimental affects on heli regiments and the player base in general over all if they died out or struggles.
thanks for the reply, would love to get your thought on 1 tap KWK's on tanks it take 4-5 shots with a 120mm but 1 shot with armour pearling composite ridged KWK round (APCR) the kwk is a 75mm bore gun so how does that add up? that also affect Tank regiments you know.
Dec 28, 2021
As a Tank/Heli regiment main, adding back KWKing helis will increase the difficulty for pilots during war, but will also encourage CO's+ to actually start training and teaching people about how to fly etc. Also will make it difficult to attack FOB's, since the only way to defend a FOB as infantry is the FLAK (If you have high mastery, then Stingers aswell), which is shit and does jack shit, just like before they changed the role about KWKing helis. Allowing KWKing helis will mean that people will actually start caring about FOBs and supplying them with ammo during war, aswell as assaulting one, in order to ease friendly Pilots/Tanks.
I personally, think that allowing it again, will definetly change the gameplay during wars, making people defend FOBs/Assault FOBs more frequently, Making FOBs actually important bombing targets for Pilots and a feared objective to bomb, making infantry/snipers important even more.
There will need to be changes in tactics used by both sides, in order to utilize the new rule to the max and preventing the other side, from doing it aswell.

Sincerly yours, KWK man 2nd (1st is Tommy)
Feb 28, 2023
-/+ Neutral

In my opinion It is going to be much harder for SWB/JAF to let new players fly in war, because they are going to know that stocks are going to be wasted. So they are going to end up flying in war at rank of CO+, and SWB/JAF are going to be dead regiments. New players when they join a flying regiment wants to start flying as soon as possible. They are not going to let them and they are going to get bored and join another regiment or just leave the server.

I think instead of removing the rules about KWK's against helis. They should instead buff the stingers because It's way to easy to dodge them. I don't actually know if that is even possible to change how stingers behave. But if it is then it's a big + Support

If they remove the rule about KWK's then JAF/SWB should get their rockets back on the CAS helis

If you want to have a discussion about this, you can reach out to me on discord or poke me when I am on Teamspeak
Jan 2, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/]
[changing KWK rules, the new rules are fine but i believe that they can be made better, the rule was changed so we cannot KWK heli's because it is unrealistic what is laughable, in the early 1900 till modern day we used and still use large calibre AA platforms, the fact that we cannot KWK a heli but shoot it with a tank and need i remind you that tanks have 120mm+ main cannons and the KWK is a 75mm us stupid, the nwo has a tank called the gauss when aimed up it can hit a heli if timed right, saying that helis cannot be KWKed is stupid so then why can tanks? the whole point is that helis are powerful but are fragile unlike tanks, what is a one hit with a KWK but a skilled pilot can dodge stinger and flack ]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[yes, My suggestion is different as i believe i could add more context]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[This not only gives someone a chance to defend fobs but also can provide something i don't see anymore since emplacement Binos are broken and mortars arnt as powerful, we can supply fobs during war, this gives both side a logistical advantage but also the chance to disrupt that supply chain and could greatly change the out come of war]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[JAF and SWB this goes both ways so it could greatly affect the tactics use by them, FOB'S are meant to be feard but JAF or SWB can bomb them quite easily if the sam is taken out or put in a bad place, BUT with the addition to KWKing helis that would make them feared to push or bomb meaning kwk's are a HVT in war for 1ST, 17TH, JAF and SWB. it aslo means 1-2 people would be out of the war meaning war tactics would need to change and could give ether side an advantage ]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[the Pos and Neg of this is that sure SWB and JAF will have a hard time but also will promote gunnery skill for all and new PVTS who get bombed every 5 mins would be assured that they are covered by a KWK and go about war and experience the good server that CNMRP is, it also provides a skill that both KWK user and heli pilot need to work on and could provide a good chance from dominant air superiority and change the tide of war.]
- Support


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 9, 2021

KWKs can be replaced way too easily for it to be viable to bomb and destroy, therefore there will be little to no way to actually get rid of them unless you only focus them specifically (and harder to find) and if you were focussing on just them, you cannot target anything else in the FOB. Also, people can respawn incredibly quick on FOBs and that'll lead to the KWKs being practically permanently shooting at the helis if someone is manning them. This may all be a slight exaggeration in your eyes however it may lead to some incredibly broken strategies of having people to constantly replace and man lots of turrets, which would make bombing FOBs and dodging flaks, stingers, other helis, and all while bombing something extremely difficult and may take some fun out the game if we can never even attack owt and just constantly get taken out the sky within seconds (may also be a skill issue to be fair XD)

(Also gonna steal something from Bonsai cause its a very very good point)


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