[MRP (mainly)] Tribalism & Complaints

Dec 25, 2020
Anyone else getting kinda just burnt out over the fact that most of the MRP community are so engrained in this tribalism, server is so toxic because of it and I just see stupid complaints all the time, almost as if getting players on the other team in trouble is some sort of competition.

I can say from experience both NATO/USSR are equally as toxic, especially when it comes to tribalism, both teams do stupid shit, both teams break the rules, sometimes it's more frequent than the other.

A complaint about combat jumping against a USSR GEN - why is this even being considered or taken to the forums, it's a combat jump, who even cares, why are people so fragile that every 2 seconds they need to get staff involved instead of letting roleplay take precedent? EVEN THEN - make a sit in game, don't take it to the forums.

It's so divisive and toxic, it's one of the reasons I just entirely up and left, I couldn't be bothered dealing with it anymore, it's everywhere, from UHC/NHC to the staff team. Everyone cares about their own team more than the health of the server and have genuine contempt for the other side. How many people on the other team do you actively talk to? Or do you just assume they're the worst and refuse to speak to them?

It's so stupid, can people just player both sides more often and learn to put aside such petty differences, those differences being 'my team colour is red!' and 'my team colour is blue!'. Actually grow tf up because you're killing the community with this toxic shit.

I'm mainly ranting, but I swear if I see one more stupid forum complaint about a minor rule break I'm gonna log back on to MRP, join whichever team the person made the complaint is, work up to HC and demote them.

It's a fucking game, if you're getting pissy because the other team win, then you're actually 12 and need to log off and go to school. All the older players have been driven away by it.

Anyone else miss the old community back when MRP just started? No hate, just good laughs and good fun. Was so pure. Being kidnapped by the other team was fun, now it leads to 30 suggestions, 22 forum complaints, 3 staff sits, a threat of an ooc mute, and a demotion/ban for everyone involved.


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
Not entirely sure why people get toxic/upset when their side loses. It is impossible to get a 100% win rate on a particular side so you should expect/be prepared to lose some wars. Furthermore, there have been thousands of wars on this server so losing a singular war has no impact in the grand scheme of things.
There has been rules spammed in the server like a law book and for a reason too.
Anyone else miss the old community back when MRP just started? No hate, just good laughs and good fun. Was so pure. Being kidnapped by the other team was fun, now it leads to 30 suggestions, 22 forum complaints, 3 staff sits, a threat of an ooc mute, and a demotion/ban for everyone involved.
Old MRP was obviously easy and more RP engaging because it wasn't such war simulator and FOB simulator than it currently is. Rules wasn't such an essay to read through and people just were bing chilling. But times change and we have to keep moving to be better. No server is perfect specially when you play Garry's mod which btw has already a trolling/toxic community as a whole.
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Dec 25, 2020
There has been rules spammed in the server like a law book and for a reason too.

Old MRP was obviously easy and more RP engaging because it wasn't such war simulator and FOB simulator than it currently is. Rules wasn't such an essay to read through and people just were bing chilling. But times change and we have to keep moving to be better. No server is perfect specially when you play Garry's mod which btw has already a trolling/toxic community as a whole.
Yeah I know what you're saying, although I'd argue the server isn't any more or less focused on FOB/War simulator, it's definitely worse in terms of roleplay, like far worse, but the problems stemmed from FOB strength, it made FOBs take like 5/10m to get to a spawnable standard, so replacing FOBs in the middle of a war used to be much easier, so it wasn't that important to get the health up and you could just make realistic looking FOBs

I remember in old ISAF I would make an impenetrable compound FOB every few days with realistic looking AA emplacements, and it was fun for people, now FOBs can just get mortar'd to 0 strength and they're pretty much pointless.

I think reverting the FOB strength system would probably put much less pressure on teams to build up FOBs. There was a bit of an arms race to make FOBs balanced and now we have all this stuff which is kinda pointless

Idk man I just got back from work today and wanted to play MRP but I just can't bring myself to do it anymore, the old crew are gone :'(
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Dec 25, 2020
Valk buddy i get what your saying pal but i was told by 2 admins to take it to the forums cause he logged the first time i reported him and then afk'd the second time :)
Why are the admins telling you to post a forum complaint over a combat jump

And why do you feel it's a good idea to make a complaint on a combat jump, like it's someone jumping in the middle of one war, did it really ruin your engagement so much that you had to

A. get two admins involved

B. then had to make a complaint about it on the forum

Maybe, you could've spoken to the player involved privately and asked him to not do that, instead of rushing to get him warned because 'USSR BAD MINGES' (I accept this is a very broad over-generalisation but the amount of times I have seen this is astonishing)
Jan 13, 2022
Yeah I know what you're saying, although I'd argue the server isn't any more or less focused on FOB/War simulator, it's definitely worse in terms of roleplay, like far worse, but the problems stemmed from FOB strength, it made FOBs take like 5/10m to get to a spawnable standard, so replacing FOBs in the middle of a war used to be much easier, so it wasn't that important to get the health up and you could just make realistic looking FOBs

I remember in old ISAF I would make an impenetrable compound FOB every few days with realistic looking AA emplacements, and it was fun for people, now FOBs can just get mortar'd to 0 strength and they're pretty much pointless.

I think reverting the FOB strength system would probably put much less pressure on teams to build up FOBs. There was a bit of an arms race to make FOBs balanced and now we have all this stuff which is kinda pointless

Idk man I just got back from work today and wanted to play MRP but I just can't bring myself to do it anymore, the old crew are gone :'(
Come back Valk, still COL spot free for you!
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 14, 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The reason this happens is that the other side tries to get the good players banned/removed from the server from the opposite side to attempt to make a small difference and get wins in wars more frequently this is just how i see it
Anyone else miss the old community back when MRP just started?
yes. I joined about 2 weeks after launch and its what got me into this community and given me such positive experiences. when i left for SCP i was at the time being burned out with the changes and that if im being honest. Even when i poped back on for the first time in a few month the other day everything was way too different and didnt feel right to me