[MRP] Umbra's Gamemaster Application

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Apr 3, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Boshy61
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
For gamemaster, no.
For how long have you played on CG MRP:1 year 3 Months to my knowledge.
In what country are you located?:England.
Time zone: GMT / BST
NATO name (regiment and rank):JAF MSGT Umbra
USSR name (regiment and rank):USSR PVT Oobro
Civilian name:Quan Beravious
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:534926333
Do you have a mic?:Yes.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Warning 1: RDM - During the first ever Syria Map change event JAF had only just been given matadors for the first time, I was unaware of the no lock on feature and so when right clicking, it killed a few people.

Warning 2: Illegal FOB - Speaks for itself.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

No, however I have previous experience in leading ARG based events online.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

I spent my time around other RP based Garry's Mod servers, on top of this a fair few SeriousRP FiveM ones too.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

Between work and other commitments, probably around 2-3 hours per day, in total per week about 10-12, subject to change.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

I've spent a lot of time on this server, I've seen how gamemasters operate and how they work, I remember playing old events and being heavily invested in the lore, which is what strived me to keep playing, my goal as a game master would be to bring that same level of excitement / new gameplay that I experienced to the new players.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

For starters my time in this community, and the ranks that I have held along my time here including staff ranks and senior ranks in both MRP and SCP-RP UK. On top of this my dedication to ensuring events are at top standard would be a great asset to the team.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Operation: Sundown (USSR EVENT)Members of the USSR must setup defences on border utilising an FOB, helicopters and tanks for a meeting with a small motorcycle gang named the "Lone Wolves MC" in West/East town that sell information to either side for money, the goal for USSR will be to not only negotiate with the President, but to also stop enemy spies (fellow gamemasters and volunteers) from infiltrating the area and trying to gain intel on the meet.
Operation: Lock and Key(NATO EVENT)After being notified of a possible abandoned USSR convoy in airfield, NATO members must make their way to the area to attempt to salvage parts, each tank and vehicle is protected via an encrypted code, the better the vehicle the better the code, all the while that TPA volunteers (no more than 10 make their way into the area trying to take it for themselves.
Operation: Plena Potentia (USSR & NATO WORKING TOGETHER EVENT)After the Lone Wolves MC and TPA realised that they had similar ideologies, they begin to band together (around 40 volunteers needed, preferably this would be an event leading into a map change due to it's large scale) these two teams, banding together to take over the entirety of Settlement, mountain and Border, it is NATO and USSRs job to take back these areas, they can choose to either catch them by surprise with things like paradrops or they can go full rush mode. The goal for NATO and USSR would be to kill the Vice President of the Lone Wolves MC aka the relations manager for the MC and TPA, then take over the three areas once again.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Operation: 最后的威胁After the current Chinese raining political party decide to begin Nuclear Threats against Italy, the USSR begin to move in along side Chinese forces (TPA volunteers) [The map would have to be one based around Italy with changes made to it] Of course there would be the regular territory gaining wars, but there would also be major ARGs for the cryptography lovers, as well as secret missions for SAS, RMP, FSB and AG.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:

Wiretap (Inspired by the game 'Among us')​

Members of RMP and FSB realise that there is a mutual spy in their communications (Teamspeak) both sides will meetup in game and will essentially have to try and figure out who on each side is the spy, gamemasters would pick out of the regiment who the spy is and the spies goal would be to gain as much intel as possible whilst not getting caught, everyone else's goal would be to figure out who it is, there would be clues based around things the spies have said or done before, this would essentially be an event based on in-regiment relations and just to simply have fun.
Quick Deal​

The Lone Wolves MC have been caught dealing motorcycles with IED explosives and miniature napalm based explosives integrated inside, each side will have to try and interrogate and get information out of their own captives (one prospect each), after getting the information (or not) they must use it to find the remaining motorcycles around the server, some of them detonating next or around them whilst they have to try and evade explosions and dismantle the explosive parts for their own gain whilst the other side attempts to take it from them. After dismantling the explosives the winning side will get a 10% quicker restock timer for tanks as the explosives are put to good use.
Full Rush​

Members of ISAF and SHA are all given the following:

Their job is to take an area such as town or settlement, and defend against enemy BTR / M14A1s, enemy blackhawks and MI-17s attempting to kami into them (again, fun event not serious) and enemy TPA members, this would be essentially a fast paced mental event made for fun and nothing but a bit of PvP.​
Scrap Parts​

After finding scrap parts of a new types of Helicopters, JAF and ABT fight against each other to find all the remaining parts for it, when both teams end up making the helicopters they get to dogfight against each other in them, they would be extra helicopters in the addon pack not used on this server to make it more fun, as they will never of used them before, plus it will have custom weapons attached.
10th & 17th:
10th and 17th are permitted 4-> 5 tanks each, and the goal is to essentially knock each other out of a ring in a series of 1v1s, points would be added up after the sumo event we would host one massive tank free for all, with NATO and USSR allowed to battle each others tanks. With each side in this free for all allowed as many tanks as they are able to get with 2 people in each, only one rule, no teaming :)

Thank you for reading
+Mature and friendly
+Nice app
+Past experience as staff(ik this an gm app and this is diffrent)

Small events

1st small event: Great idea I love the small motercycle club idea it would make cool rp also shouldve called it the lost mc (gta 4 reffrence :bias:)

2nd Small event: Good idea

3th small event: Cool idea and good lore but the only thing 40 volunteers is a bit much imo

For small events you get an +sup from me

Lore: Good lore
Fun: Sounds fun also with some code breaking people love that. also cool that you have an sidequest
Map: No workshop link
Detail: Good

For map change I give you an

Regimental missions

Honestly mostly I would -sup these type of events cause they seem mingy but you though out this idea. Great idea for RMP and FSB.

SAS/AG: Good idea

SHA/ISAF: Decent idea

JAF/ABT: Good idea nothing that special

17th/10th: Sounds like an fun event.

For regimental events i give you an +sup

Hey Umbra I really like your ideas and I see that you have thought about these ideas I would love to see you as an GM and do these events. Good luck Umbra


CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Haven't been on due to my ban so can't comment on activity but from the verdicts above clearly active
+ Long standing player in MRP
+ Events look good
+ Overall very epic person
Oct 17, 2021
+Great attitude

+Creative ideas
+Always tries to help in whatever way he can
+Over all cool person

-Meh activity because of mocks

I more or less agree with Michiel, like with most some, of the smaller ideas are kind of basic but this is something you learn over time. I LOVE the bike club idea, nice thing to have a long-lasting storyline to fall back on


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Please contact a Senior Admin+ when you are next online to go through the next stages of joining the Game Master Team.​
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