Accepted MRP Warrant Officer Commemorative Roles

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
An honorary rank bracket for former HC who have stepped back from roleplay (meaning that they're not in any of the proper regiments, just UAN/NWO Infantry). The position they're given is dependent on what star they achieved whilst in high command. The role itself doesn't bring any authority (I suppose they can order UAN/NWO Infantry if they want lol) and isn't for use in regiment's actual chain of commands. The role is more of a commemorative/honorary role. Just thought It'd be a nice little thing to add that may boost morale for some longstanding players who might not actively play any longer or aren't in a regiment. Also give them a rank that certifies them to train trainees. If one of these WOs join a regiment, they join as Private in said regiment (or whatever they're given) until they go back to NWO/UAN Infantry again.

Could be implemented as something like this:
- Master Chief Warrant Officer (MCWO) (former 5+ star general)
- Master Warrant Officer (MWO) (former 4 star general)
- Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) (former 3 star general)
- Warrant Officer 2 (WO2) (former 2 star general)
- Warrant Officer 1 (WO1) (former 1 star general that passed their trial)

OR could be done as a simpler

- Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) (former 5+ star general)
- Warrant Officer 2 (WO2) (former 3/4 star general)
- Warrant Officer 1 (WO1) (former 1/2 star general that passed their trial)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Normally these players just get plonked into Private in UAN/NWO Infantry meaning they are no longer able to train trainees, this would allow them to still keep their certification to do so.
- Commemorates the many players we have had who have spent a great deal of their personal time and effort into this server.
- May keep some players playing on the server for a little longer after stepping back for the most part from roleplay.
- May also get some older players on the server for a while.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- May slightly complicate the chain of command however as I've said, this bracket isn't part of the main hierarchy. People in regiments should always listen to their own NCOs/COs before listening to one of these WOs. Also it doesn't need inclusion in main hierarchical diagrams (such as one in Trainee Room) as it's not part of linear progression (people would still go from SNCO to 2LT/SLT).
- NWO have WO/CWO as SNCO ranks. This could be an issue but I'm sure with liaison with NWO HC and SL this could be rectified easily and new names for the ranks can be found.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As stated above, this brings lots of positives with only a few negatives that can be rectified quite quickly/easily. It isn't a drastic change and may bring a smile to a few players. This is a rough idea, open to feedback. Wanted it to be open to feedback from the community like any other suggestion.
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Upvote 4
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
cool idea could be easier coding wise to just add a medal for it.
in swb we have the rememberance medal for ex reg command


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
cool idea could be easier coding wise to just add a medal for it.
in swb we have the rememberance medal for ex reg command

This reply and initial post pretty much sums up why I think they should have just transferred the medals from NATO and USSR to the equivalent of what it is now for UAN/NWO.

The medals were the perfect solution because:

- It is permanent (or should be at least)
- There is a wide variation of medals/honours to choose from
- Having a medal gives you no authority in RP but shows that you are a long time player

The problem with the system you are suggesting is that it should only be given to people in high command. Personally, I would have been more willing to give it to Kite who had been the ISAF Col for over a year than some of the newer AC/SC who perhaps have only played the server for a few months (before people start crying, I am not saying anyone specifically more just a general statement). Most people would probably be like 'Yeah, perhaps Kite should get the role too' but then if so where do we draw the line? That is why the medal system worked so well, as there was no ambiguity about what medals you could receive and was accessible at most ranks.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
This reply and initial post pretty much sums up why I think they should have just transferred the medals from NATO and USSR to the equivalent of what it is now for UAN/NWO.

The medals were the perfect solution because:

- It is permanent (or should be at least)
- There is a wide variation of medals/honours to choose from
- Having a medal gives you no authority in RP but shows that you are a long time player

The problem with the system you are suggesting is that it should only be given to people in high command. Personally, I would have been more willing to give it to Kite who had been the ISAF Col for over a year than some of the newer AC/SC who perhaps have only played the server for a few months (before people start crying, I am not saying anyone specific more just a general statement). Most people would probably be like 'Yeah, perhaps Kite should get the role too' but then if so where do we draw the line? That is why the medal system worked so well, as there was no ambiguity about what medals you could receive and was accessible at most ranks.
adding on to this, it could be done through licenses e.g trainers license which you get a cpl and keep it throughout your mrp career because currently an SMAR could resign and go to pvt and not be allowed to train people which is kinda dumb


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
Yes idk if i agree but not every body as CO or under CO has experience in leading infantry
Would be cool have the rank above the RSM/CWO and under 2LT they could be advisors to regiments and lead infantry during wars kinda sick suggestion

Brian Bell

MRP War Veteran
May 14, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Caleb, Your suggestion has been accepted. Something similar is in progress and will provide similar benefits​
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