MysticAce's GM Application

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Dec 20, 2020
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Mysticace

For how long have you played on CG MRP: I haven't continuously since 3-4 weeks back, however, played since server launch.

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: BST

NATO name (regiment and rank): James Marshall/John Marshall - JAF Corp

USSR name (regiment and rank): James Marshall The Russian - ABT LCPL

Civilian name: MysticAce

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86948852

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- For GM, Yes.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- 1 Warning: RDM X2 - ROE Break
- 1 Ban: LTAP (Self-inflicted, I knew what I was doing)

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- I ran CG's event's pretty well for 2 years.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- ARMA Operations,
- MRP Roleplay as and when I played seriously.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- 1-2

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- Actually make peace-time enjoyable, at the moment everyone just goes AFK.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I'd build a better environment for peacetime, creating fun and enjoyment for all parties involved ensuring that peacetime isn't some meme time to be on the server.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Capture the Tank.
Operation Time-Lapse.
Military based death-run.

Happy to elaborate upon request as it'd take up too much space writing it in one section.

Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Operation Overlord - This event would be different to the current styled events run on the server, to bring some variety to the server I'd love to run a D-Day themed event using MRP Structures to place entrenched machine guns inside of bunkers, mortars for the germans and find a working version of the Higgins boat to land on the beaches of Normandy. -- Of course, to add to the tool belt, I will create customer VGUNS to match the era period to ensure weapons used by the Allied forces and German forces are war specific - Giving CO's Tommy guns and giving select forces grease guns and m1 Garands

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
MP/KGB: Executive Escort - Similarly to an event ran on CG: Both MP and KGB would be giving a Priority Target - Both given a waypoint to head to, Target that arrives at the location first wins the event, TWIST: MP/KGB can place 1 FOB for as a checkpoint in case target is killed however only one can be placed so they can either risk it all and place it half with through or be ballsy and place it near the finishing line to guarantee a victory.

SAS/AG: Operation Smokescreen - AG vs SAS: SAS/AG (One chosen at random via coinflip) are given the choice to be defenders or attackers, they are given 10 minutes to prepare defences and choke points, Attacking forces must then assault the compound and kill defenders - Last man standing on ether side wins. Defenders gain cover, Attackers get a bounty of smoke via airstrikes, smoke mortars and grenades. -- They choose how to attack and where to place the smoke prior to entry of the compound.

SHA & ISAF: Gruntwork: Soldiers of fortune always get thrown around and put into fights they don't want to be in. This situation is different, SHA and ISAF are kitted out with futuristic weaponry, armed and deadly they are to fight in the heart of town claiming its ownership. Victor gets a grant to their war funds and a vehicle of their choosing restocked.

JAF & ABT: Operation AirToGround: Groups of Stingers are located throughout the trees, totalling 10 hostiles - Each team will be given 3 runs, whoever kills all 10 ground hostiles wins, however, if they both win it would then lead to 15 Hostiles until one force loses. Both teams using the same helicopter.

10th & 17th: Demolition Derby: Armed with nothing but a trusty side-arm both forces must run to one of three select vehicles, securing it for their team. They are given the option, risk it all and drive the vehicle home and secure it for their side while being hunted by the militia with RPG's -- Seems simple no? What if they wanted a fight, then they are both given the opportunity to drive to Outpost un-threatened by the forces of the town to decide once and for all, who's the better tank regiment.

  • Wow
Reactions: Remmy


CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Decently active ingame
+ Lot's of experience when it comes to running events smoothly
+ Ideas are creative and good
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Reactions: MysticAce


Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-great idea’s
-past experience with running events

only downside is that he’s not so good than he says he is with flying WAC ?, best of luck!!!!!!

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Reactions: MysticAce


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020
Will actually be a good part of the team and not retarded
not a nonce


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2020

+Good event ideas
+Has large amounts of knowledge on garry's mod items and commands
+Prior event running experience
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Reactions: MysticAce
Apr 3, 2021

-Great ideas, that would be perfect for this server

-Good background experience

-Known by many including myself


Hi Mystic, I'm going to be giving you a +support, for your ideas and my interactions with you which have been overwhelmingly positive, I believe you would make a good game master for this server, and your ideas would help boost RP.

Best of luck

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Reactions: MysticAce


MRP Patriot
Jun 9, 2021
- Neutral
- Almost all of the interactions I've had with you have been negative (in-character and out of character)
- Unsure on activity and maturity.

- Good background experience
- Good ideas in your application

For the reason stated above, I'm going with a neutral, however, I hope my opinion of you can change, and wishing you the best of luck in your application.
- Neutral

Hello Mystic, You are very well known in the community and have a excellent background experience but from the interactions I had with you, I can say that you don’t like to agree with people’s opinion(s) and like to go to the rank higher to try to get the opinion you wanted. A example of this is when a SMOD doesn’t restock your heli, you go to the senior and if he doesn’t restock it, you do the same.

Nontheless Good Luck
  • Haha
Reactions: Remmy and fiski69
Dec 20, 2020
- Neutral

Hello Mystic, You are very well known in the community and have a excellent background experience but from the interactions I had with you, I can say that you don’t like to agree with people’s opinion(s) and like to go to the rank higher to try to get the opinion you wanted. A example of this is when a SMOD doesn’t restock your heli, you go to the senior and if he doesn’t restock it, you do the same.

Nontheless Good Luck
Sorry, when did this happen?
// Edit: Better yet, come on ts3 and we can talk about this. I don't remember when this happened.

Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021
- don’t see why people are complaining about him going to higher ups to get his opinion voiced as he is not really applying for Mod but GM instead so he won’t be taking sits really/ can’t really warn or ban anyone.
- Big gigachad
-Was nice when he was trying to fly in Jaf
- would be a great addition to the GM team
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Reactions: MysticAce
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